probem, extreme yellowing near harvest


Well-Known Member
so the buds are near harvest, dont know the exact date but i have about 10% amber trichomes on these plants.

i dont know why the bud leaves are yellowing.
ph i 6-7 measured with litmius paper of run through and got 6
used a meeter you stick in the soil and get 7

i have been flushing for 2 weeks now. and i adjusted the ph down (using viniger) a little a week ago to bring it down from just above 7. did this cause this

also i just measured the run through and got 200ppm.

this looks like overfert and under fert at the same time.

my question is now that the frosty bud leaves are starting to turn yellow, should i just harvest eventhough i am only at 10% amber trichs?

i feel that if i dont the buds will start turning yellow
the calixes have swelled, but the buds are not dense. but that could be from some thrip damage i had 3 weeks ago (used spinosad).



Well-Known Member
N? this late in the season? maybe i flushed too soon?

stems have been bleaching and turning brown and woody

anyway, they seem to be getting worse each day, so i chopped the main colas tonight, the bottoms have less yellowing.

time to trim


Active Member
Don't worry about it. They're almost ready. After I make my final fush all my leaves start turning yellow and purple from deficiencies. That's the idea.


Well-Known Member
yea, i just harvested the tops

these had thrip dammage, so the roots are probably f%@ked. i doubt i will get any more weight out of these. i left one plant in pots that looked better, and the one in the ground it still doing fine not showing this problem at all


Active Member
It's normal for the leaves to turn light green/yellow towards the end of harvest, the plant siphons off the N from the leaves to fatten up the buds.