Problem autflower week 5


Well-Known Member

I chose the chaos over the tiger because the tiger has 2% N and the chaos has much less

after you add that much calmag it puts your N up enough that you don't need more, the tiger would have added more N which isn't needed

does that make sense to you?

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
Yea I was making sure I didn't forgot to mention it the Gorilla Glue is holding on to me I am going to water them soon they are getting dry.

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
no problem

when you decide to switch to something else (some other brand of nutes)
give me a shout and I will help you sort it out
So I got the Advanced Nutrients line which is a 3 part system as well as a few additives.
The Micro is 2-0-0 2.4% calcium and magnesium is 0.1%
The Grow is 1-0-4 0 calcium and 0 magnesium.
The Bloom is 1-3-4 with no calcium and no magnesium.
Voodo Juice is a root bacteria supplement it is only water and soil organisms. Weeks 1-2 through grow and then again weeks 1-2 in Bloom.
B-52 is 2-1-4 0 calcium and 0 Magnesium. Through all of the grow phase and weeks 3-6 of bloom.
Overdrive is 1-5-4 0 calcium and 1% Magnesium. Says last 2 weeks of bloom.
Big Bud is 0-1-3 0 calcium and 0 magnesium. Says week 2-4 of bloom phase.


Well-Known Member
I have the advanced nutes already saved in my spred sheet so that makes it easier

I went thru and made sure the numbers you gave me match what I have and they do so where good

give me a few minutes to look them over and re-familiarize myself with your grow and I will give you my 2cents


Well-Known Member
full strength veg nutes

per gallon
5mls grow
10mls micro
5mls bloom
5mls b52
1ml calmag (may not need depending on source water)
1 gram (1/4tsp) Epsom salt

full strength bloom nutes

per gallon
0mls grow
10mls micro
5mls bloom
2.5 mls big bid
2.5mls b52
5mls overdrive
0.5 grams Epsom salt (1/8 tsp)


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of products here and the advanced line has some of the worst directions available, but the nutes are good
theres likely other ways to formulate using this many products so don't be surprised if you see others mixing it differently

these formulas mixed are likely somewhere between EC 1.0 and EC 1.2

many people feed much much higher EC than this and your being in soil your needs might be higher (but I don't think so)

if you repot in early veg from potting soil to a good hot mix you could likely not use nutes for 3 weeks after repotting
and only feed water until signs of def appear then begin the full strength nutes assuming your plant is over 12" tall by then

I would start with water nute solution every other watering
if you see sign of def consider using solution every watering

make sure you water so theres plenty of run off each time you use solution

the EC in these formulas is low enough its unlikely you would over feed and the ratios are balanced so if you see an imbalance youll like be def and not nute toxic, and that's the way you want it

its easy to give more...its hard to take it back once given

since you are in soil you might hear from some soil growers on there watering practices.... I don't grow in soil

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
So that is full strength as in I should half or quarter it for them being autoflowers or should I use the full strength you have listed?


Well-Known Member
if at some point you want to raise your EC
mix it the same but with slightly less water

to lower your EC slightly more water

but don't raise your EC until your plants and watering practices ask you to


Well-Known Member
So that is full strength as in I should half or quarter it for them being autoflowers or should I use the full strength you have listed?
full strength to me is what I would recommend max for a good size plant

so yes give your plants the full strength bloom now


Well-Known Member
next grow you can play around with when to switch over from veg to bloom nutes

looking at your flower production im thinking its about time to switch

so maybe feed the veg formula for the first 5 weeks
im not sure I don't grow autos so im not sure how it works on timing

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
Perfect that is awesome the flowers are starting to grow a lot faster lately. Thanks again and hopefully I can get some good plants to put a picture up the Grand Daddy is getting nice and dark flowers :-P

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
So I am just double checking but on the bottle it lists big bud and overdrive in separate stages of flowering big bud early and overdrive late is it ok to be using both? Also quick picture of the GDP nugs can't resist they make me so happy :)IMG_0242.JPG IMG_0246.PNG IMG_0248.PNG


Well-Known Member
advanced nutrient

full strength bloom formula (EC 1.2 roughly depending on source water)
per gallon
grow 3mls
micro 9mls
bloom 6mls
b52 3mls
over drive 3mls (max)
Epsom salt 1/4 tsp

the over drive; you could easily start at 1ml in the first 2 weeks... then week 3 & 4 add 2mls....then week 5 to finish run 3mls
or you can just does 3 mls from start to finish if you want to keep it simple

with advance nutrients (being on the low end of the P scale) I would recommend ph adjustment with phosphoric acid

advance nutes
veg formula full strength (EC roughly 1.2 depending on source water)
per gallon

grow 5mls
micro 10mls
bloom 5mls
b52 5mls
Epsom salt 1/4 tsp per gallon

maybe calmag at not more than 1ml per gallon depending on your source water

again phosphoric acid is the best option for ph adjustment


Well-Known Member
heres another option
and might be a better one

with so many different products theres likely several ways it could be mixed to achieve a good result

there might even be some products that could be completely omitted by mixing it another way

mixing it this way eliminates the big bud all together, so you really don't need to buy it... but if you have it and want to use it then mix it the other way
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Well-Known Member
but to answer your question directly

no there no reason you cant use them both or possibly neither depending on how you arrange the different bottles

all they are is fertilizers mixed in different ratios

one brand isn't much different from another except in the quality or purity of the salts used to create them and in the ratios theyre made based on the % amounts listed


Well-Known Member
the reason the have you using over drive early and big bud late

well theres a couple reason

the overdrive has a small amount of nitrogen and the big bud has none so they've got it so your feeding less N in later flower.. which is fine but it complicates mixing and is most times unnecessary

the real reason is so they can sell more bottles

the more bottles they can separate the nute in the more they can charge you for there full product line
and lie to you about how this product makes your buds bigger when its all just hype to make money

its just like wellsfargo trying to get you to open more accounts even thou you don't have a lot of money.... the more account you open the more money they make in stock revenue because it cooks the books to look like growth when its really just dilution

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
Wow thank you seriously I honestly thought they were more specific in that way of when to use but it makes sense the more bottles they sell the more money. I'll probably play around with those next run but for this one the girls seems to be responding well to the last feed. So much to learn in such a short window with autos haha started out thinking all the research I did was enough :p really means a lot to me!

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
So I still am starting see some red spots again could I possible add in a little Bloom Khaos from NFTG 0-10-5 because to me it looks like a Phosphorus def but not sure. I checked run off all around 6.4 and 6.5.

the reason the have you using over drive early and big bud late

well theres a couple reason

the overdrive has a small amount of nitrogen and the big bud has none so they've got it so your feeding less N in later flower.. which is fine but it complicates mixing and is most times unnecessary

the real reason is so they can sell more bottles

the more bottles they can separate the nute in the more they can charge you for there full product line
and lie to you about how this product makes your buds bigger when its all just hype to make money

its just like wellsfargo trying to get you to open more accounts even thou you don't have a lot of money.... the more account you open the more money they make in stock revenue because it cooks the books to look like growth when its really just dilution