problem cloning!!!


Active Member
This is the first 18 hours into the root growing phase and this looks like death! I've taken the right steps to make sure these clones have a good chance of survival but it does not look good. Ive pre-soaked the medium, i have the right soil temp. and air temp., the medium is moist not soggy, the humidity is at 100%, i Need help fast! all comments are welcome. check out these pics... am i freaking out or is this normal?



Active Member
i cut off the mother, immediately after i placed in water, gathered all my clones then took off extra branches, then made a 45 degree cut under water then dipped into rooting gel, after that i placed into medium and then misted thoroughly and misted inside dome and placed over the ladies, of course then monitored temp and made sure inside dome was always wet. i then put the light over them about 1 foot... slowly but surely this is what happened, it actually took them about 6-8 hours to get this way. any advice to fix this batch or any adavice for the next would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the light but one thing might be your light is too far away. A foot for a florecents is too far if that is what your using. I also don't like my stems that long. Not sure that would do it though. Otherwise it sounds like you did everything right except maybe over watering them or the dome. I personally don't fuss over them too much once I get them in the jiffy pucks. I do place the cloning tray on a heat mat and just open it once a day for some fresh air and a light misting for the first week.