Problem Identification

What Is This Plant Problem?

  • Underwater

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Overwater

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Not Enough Light

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lack Or Excess Of Nutrients

    Votes: 22 68.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Well, you're definately getting banned for that one, you can't use this site for trading anything much less seeds.

I really hope they ban your IP address. :finger: then they'll be no more terrible advice coming from your stupid face.

Look at my previous post, if you want to lean something, ES is not the person you want to listen to.


New Member
Whose trading?... I'll give it to him if he wants. ;-)

I got proxy bitches.... can't ban me for but 5 minutes. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Well BMW you have been told multiple times what to do by several of us. You listened to ES and still haven't given it what we have told you. Stop growing marijuana because you're just going to keep killing plants unless you learn to listen to other people. Your plant is dead. I'm done with this thread... Bye.


New Member
Plants need oxygen at the roots to take care of both. They only uptake in the presence of oxygen and if you're overwatering the plants can't feed itself or cool itself.


New Member
Uh...... or they can get too much of something and that can cause availability deficiencies with other nutrients.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Is anyone into investigating bmw's account? He seriously sounds like 13 year old whose buddy gave him a seed at school and he's got it in a closet in his room with those little lights on it in a Dixie cup trying to hide it from his mom. Then to top it off he waters and feeds the fuck out of it. Then comes here with his fake info'd account asking for help and takes E S's advice out of everyone else's that has told him not to follow it. You're either very young, or very silly.


Active Member
im not young...and im not silly...
not silly to be replying about things that have nothing to do about the original topics that the basics of this site demands...
i've just never done this or anything like this, (growing a plant)...and, particulary, a plant that i love so's my only seed, yes...i really want to see her grow,'s something special to me...i know you dont care or understand, but the person who gave me that seed has already died of cancer...i've kept the seed for about a year and a half...i didnt even remember i had it...and now i've found it and said what the hell! let's try it...
simple as that...
but with people like you...
fu ck helping others right?
thanks a lot buddy

another thing,
i dont even know if ES advices were right or wrong... im still trying to find out...if they were wrong, fu ck it, im not mad...i'll try other things people said...
but i rather listen to people opinions than listen to silence...or pseudo-critics


Well-Known Member
This cocksucker doesn't represent rollitup.

Most of the people here give decent advice, you just have to choose what's good, usually when someone gets called out on some facts, their info is bad, and they can't be trusted to give good advice.

There is a lot of factual info on this site and a lot of people willing to help, but it's up to YOU to decide what's bullshit.

And you just recieved a heaping spoonful from ES, EZ, unbannable, whatever his next name is... Typical loser, with a character and personality like his, no wonder he has no friends :roll:


Well-Known Member

You were given some really bad advice by ES. I too started some seeds in soil that had nutes in it. The result was not as bad as in your case but there were problems at first.

I just rode it out and the plant eventually outgrew the problem as it's ability to absorb and use the nutrients in the soil increased.

New seedlings don't need to be fed for up to two weeks or more.

My best advice to any new grower is to look this section over very carefully.


There are many good sources for information on this forum.

One way to tell if the info that you receive is correct is if you receive multiple people telling you the same thing.

If only one person tells you the exact opposite of everything everyone else tells you.................................

Keep reading working and you will be TOKIN :leaf: soon.


Active Member almost given up...
after i gave her the nuts i flushed it 2 times...
but no way...
she's gone...
i bet no one of you, ever saved a plant like mine...
look how she's now:
i've cut off the first dying leafs
im really disapointed...



Well-Known Member
as long as its standing you have a chance m8
all i can say is flush as this is not my area more into hydro sorry
btw good luck


Well-Known Member
you just need to leave it alone
just remember to much love can be a bad thing
i would not even look at it for 2 days just make sure it has water


New Member
That's cuz you're still overwatering. Give it some time to dry out before you reapply. Don't even think about watering/feeding again until you see those leaves pointing up.
Yeah.... but... I said 25% label strength. It could be well over a week before they need it again.
And you flushed it twice after the nutes!? I don't care if you do it this way or their way..... Just do the opposite of what you have been doing and the plant will pull through. Good luck!

I'm done with this thread.