Problem with Breathing in Grow Room ? Need Advise.

Do you have a history of allergies? Asthma? bronchitis? shortness of breath? hyperventilation? It can be anything really....
Hope it's nothing....

GET A GAS MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you been doin this for years , i guess it rules out my allergy theory, but not allergies in general. whats different in your room from all your other grows?

Well I've been using roots organic for the first time this last 6-7 months but through all that time it hasn't kicked in till recently. I do have some old pots in the room with bone dry soil that i suspect is a very probable source of fine dust particle being put in the air. It seems when I open my tents the fans running in there make things worse fast cause the symptoms kick in soon after opening too
Do you have a history of allergies? Asthma? bronchitis? shortness of breath? hyperventilation? It can be anything really....
Hope it's nothing....

GET A GAS MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!
believe it or not even with an expensive respirator (gas mask) after about 20 min I still get the shortness of breath and weezing its the most boggling thing I've dealt with in an indoor setup Also no history of breathing probs like ones u mentioned
if you been doin this for years , i guess it rules out my allergy theory, but not allergies in general. whats different in your room from all your other grows?

Not necessarily. Allergies can come and go at random, or they can sometimes develop slowly over time.

Can u get those at any grocery store type thing - never bought them, sorry if thats sounds ill witted
Humidity for sure mate put another extractor in the room itself and vent out a window
Right I think I'm like breeding a super mold in there. It was really dank and musky down there to begin with now I think its gone like 3 times worse with all the water around in the soil ...etc sucks I'm thinking of just relocating the whole deal.
Right I think I'm like breeding a super mold in there. It was really dank and musky down there to begin with now I think its gone like 3 times worse with all the water around in the soil ...etc sucks I'm thinking of just relocating the whole deal.

well first i would do a thorough cleaning in the room. get rid of the old pots. (i got old pots of dirt everywhere too)
if you cant work in there long enough to get a good cleaning then just remove girls...(hopefully small enough) and spray everything down with bleach an that will at least kill molds, bacterias and viruses just to rule that out.

check for rotted drywall an shit where there may be mold behind. do you have any water leaks in the room that you know of ?

now all thats left is the plants an the medium. your good dirt is probably very active with microbes , fungus , ect.. but it shouldnt be enough to bother you ? maybe you could cover the dirt with a layer of "mulch" and if the spores in the dirt are bothering you then maybe that will keep them in the pot an not airborne. (i use leaves , roots an other plant matter for a mulch to help keep the dirt biologically active at the top of the helps to keep the moisture level even throughout the pot.)

this is a very interesting situmantation you got goin here.

keep us posted.......

well first i would do a thorough cleaning in the room. get rid of the old pots. (i got old pots of dirt everywhere too)
if you cant work in there long enough to get a good cleaning then just remove girls...(hopefully small enough) and spray everything down with bleach an that will at least kill molds, bacterias and viruses just to rule that out.

check for rotted drywall an shit where there may be mold behind. do you have any water leaks in the room that you know of ?

now all thats left is the plants an the medium. your good dirt is probably very active with microbes , fungus , ect.. but it shouldnt be enough to bother you ? maybe you could cover the dirt with a layer of "mulch" and if the spores in the dirt are bothering you then maybe that will keep them in the pot an not airborne. (i use leaves , roots an other plant matter for a mulch to help keep the dirt biologically active at the top of the helps to keep the moisture level even throughout the pot.)

this is a very interesting situmantation you got goin here.

keep us posted.......

Hey thank you so much for your input on this ...So I ended using a cargo van and moved everyone over to another spot and its a whole new world, no problems at all. They're out of the tents for now but its ok. I'm going to do what you said and just gut the room of junk pretty much and clean it and the tents etc with bleach and hope for the best. I also have a professional coming in to assess the situation and get a hold of whats really happening so they can eventually come back and go into the tents. Anyway thanks again for caring to give me all those good ideas man- highly appreciated and will be getting out of this rut soon enough.