Problem with brown rotted areas on buds - any ideas?

My Blue Dream is just starting week 8 of flowering. I started to notice a couple of yellowing leaves on one of the colas. Upon closer inspection, l noticed an area near the base of the leaf that was brown. I pulled out the brown material, which was wet and soggy. I Checked for signs of fungus (mycellium, spores) under a scope and did not see any. No pests either, as far as I can tell.

I'm thinking maybe the fact that the humidity levels got up pretty high a few trimes in the last couple of weeks when I wasn't able to open up the tent during the day like I usually do may have caused excessive moisture and heat between the very dense buds. Maybe the extra moisture caused a bit of rot?

I originally noticed it on one cola and immediately removed the affected part. That seemed to take care of it. It did not spread any futher on the cola. However, I did notice the same symptoms in very small localized areas on 4 other colas. I decided this morning to harvest those colas early, because I do not want to take any chances on losing the whole plant at this stage of the game.

I'd appreciate any expert advice or opinions. Right now the rest of the plant seems fine, and the colas I harvested look fantastic except for the smaill necrotic areas (maybe 1-2% of total area). Thanks!



Well-Known Member
looks like mold imo

I had some mold issues on my outdoor plants ,

I treated it with green cure and it stopped the mold in it tracks ,

i did half to pick the mold off though but the green cure stopped it and kept it from spreading

Here are some organic homemade solutions that you can try out also


When to Use: Apply to affected plants at the first sign of symptoms to prevent spread of disease to unaffected areas and new growth. Repeat treatments will likely be required if the fungus was left untreated too long.

Lime Sulfur or Wettable Sulfur

When to Use:
As directed as trees leaf and bud in the spring.

Dormant oil and Lime Sulfur mix:

When to use
Use a horticultural oil in late winter or early spring before any growth starts. Apply as directed and spray until the mixture runs off.

Baking Soda Spray

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and one quart of water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Adding 1/2 teaspoon of oil, such as Sunspray Dormant Oil, or even Canola oil may increase the effectiveness against black spot and other fungal diseases. Apply liberally.

Milk - yes MILK

Milk is effective against powdery mildews!

Recipe: 10-20% skim milk to water ratio. Milk seems to boost the plants immune system to fight off fungi. Apply liberally.


Active Member
That mold has be caused by high humidity. Proper ventilation will prevent this happening in future.

In fact its not fungal based so lets not call it mold, its actually just budrot
thanks for the info. I will keep a close eye on it to see if any more areas appear on the plant. I am also making sure the ventilation is good. If more brown areas appear I will definitely consider one of the treatments mr.ganja suggested.


Active Member
thanks for the info. I will keep a close eye on it to see if any more areas appear on the plant. I am also making sure the ventilation is good. If more brown areas appear I will definitely consider one of the treatments mr.ganja suggested.
I had the same problem in the past went my ventilation was out in a tent. It was so humid the walls were wet to touch. I got budrot exactly the same as your pics. I chopped my whole plant early since I had more plants but if I was you I would just cut the rot out with scissors.
Thanks. I did exactly that. I think the humidity level got a little more intense when I put a second plant in the tent. I noticed a bit of moisture on the walls in the mornings when I open it. That, in combination with leaving it closed up a few times made it too steamy inside. I need to keep a close eye on it. This is my first indoor grow and I'm realizing that every little change has to be carefully monitored.