Problem with carbon filter / extractor fan


Active Member
Tried to set my carbon filter extractor fan up in my tent with the ducting going out through a vent, turned the fan on and it started making the tent puff up, had to turn it off before it did any damage, anyone got any idea what I might be doing wrong? cheers guys.
Uh, the only explanation possible is that you have the fan mounted backwards... simple physics... the tent can't puff outwards unless something is exerting pressure inward... unless you have another intake fan you failed to mention and it is outpacing your exhaust, I'd say you've most definitely got your extractor backwards...?
You may want a fan speed adjuster, they are about $15-20. As it sounds like your inline fan is a bit strong for your tent size. You can use it as is, but it's more strain on the inline fan and you're much more likely too screw up the bearings or motor with too much excess back pressure. Plus you can get the fans to run fairly silent.
lol simple science as stated is your carbon filter pushing air out or sucking it in stick a rizla to it if it sticks it sucking if it blows of its blowing out and you have it attached wrong way....what are you using for intake if its a fan bigger than your extractor then you have positive pressure which is bad turn that fan down or get a smaller one