Problem with curing


I hung them up first thing when i cut em down, then i had to leave, but i was gone longer than i thought i would be, im still gone, but the thing is they have been hanging for soon 2 weeks now, is that to much? what can i do to fix it.
will it be bad? will it get too dry or something?

il be back tomorror.


they will be dry. but its not the end of the world, definitley savable i wouldnt worry TO much, best of luck


Active Member
At worst you have lost a little flavor.

Though 2 weeks hanging in a slow-dry environment is fine, and will improve flavor.

SO... depending on how dry your drying area is they could be perfect or a little over dry.

Either way its not a big issue!

Just seal them in some glass jars and see if they sweat, if they do you can still cure them for improved flavor!

enjoy your buds ;D


Well-Known Member
all depends dude, sometimes it takes 2 weeks to dry, sometimes 2 weeks will make them really crispy.


Active Member
If you watered them in the days before you chopped then that will have lengthened the drying period. If you left the fan leaves on while drying that will also lengthen it. I've dried 10 days and the buds required some burping as usual when put in jars, but 14 days is quite long (imo). If you discover they're too dry you can attempt to reintroduce moisture while in the jars; people have suggested a lemon/orange peel, a few drops of rain water or whatever. If i was in your situation I'd do a little experiment with separate jars: try adding different stuff to increase moisture levels and see what turns out best for future reference, then report back here ;)