Problem with forum search


Active Member
I seem to be having issues with the forum search feature. The issue is that it doesn't work for me. I try many search terms and the ALL come up with no results found. I know that a week ago it worked but it hasn't for me for the last few days. I've tried from different computers and different web browsers (IE and Firefox).

I've looked and can't find any announcements saying it's not working.

Is it just me or is there a problem?


Well-Known Member
It worked the last time I was on here many moons ago. Without it it's useless. I hope they get it fixed. There is a ton on useful information on here.


Active Member
Just use Google.

Type in (search term)

So, to find info on DWC and root rot, I did this: DWC "root rot"

... will find any posts in any forum with DWC and "root rot"

Hope this helps. It's very useful for finding info.


Well-Known Member
rollitup might aswell just link his search engine to google..

so that it searches google *user typed word* u get on google.. voila..


its never botherd me i must say... allways found the threads i needed per google.


Active Member
Well it was working within the last month. I used it extensively. You can search for both threads and individual posts with it. Not something you can do with the Google option.

Looks like the Google site search option is the only way now until the site admins fix the search.


Well-Known Member
Search function is 95% working, we just need to take the board down for another 6 hrs to get the rest of the 2 million posts indexed