problem with germs

Hello Guys ,

Two months ago i planted an auto pounder seed (outdoor) and now i think i may have a problem with germs.

There are some tiny black pests in the back of the leaf as well.

Will it stop or delay my flowering time ?

Should i use an organic pesticide ? (brassica junicia 7,5% , garlic extract 1% , karanja oil 65%)

I really DO prefer using something organic , if anything at all.

Please advice

thank you all in advance.



Well-Known Member
kinda looks like thrips.. had an issue with them but nothing to cause me to spray it yet..


Well-Known Member
yeah from that photo I am saying thrips... I had them on my main bubba and the headband.. once I moved the grow to a new house 6 houses away most of the issue seemed to go away.. I was stupid and had a bad aphid run a while back since I let my pumpkins grow wild... their leaves were like magnets once they were decomposing..

I have yet to see the issue that I need sprays for my grow.. I have smoked some stuff (*and smoked it today infact ) that was too heavily sprayed with neem or some fish oil or something.. taste like hell... but have been smoking it for awhile and no will see folks saying dont use Miracle grow cuz they can taste it.. yet could give a ratts ass and spray insecticides and the sign a web...

the longer you grow and the more you read and see the mistakes people make the better you will be..


Active Member
That's how I'm learning watching all my friends fail and getting like a half ounce off a 5 foot plant lol or having they're hole crop die cuz their an idot and over fed them lol