problem with my plant please help me


Active Member
IMG_0439.jpghello can i know why two of my leafs are like this brown and yellow its even crispy
please help me

i don't use nutrient or any kind of vitamins
i use only water
any help will be appreciated
thank you


Well-Known Member
Not much info to go on. Things like: age of plant, type of soil, lighting, etc...

But - since you're not adding nutes that could certainly be the issue. Why don't you start with some 1/4 strengh fertilizer and see if you can get a positive change?

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i would say its mag def by the way its starting on the sides and your getting rusty spots. phosphorus looks alot alike but P def makes the leafs dry and shrivel up. this is just a guess with the lack of info you have provided.


Active Member
Its wors then yesterday Please help me i don't have any ph tester or any garden store The garden store is really farr away and don't have any kind Of trasport to go to the garden is there any autor solution that could Help this)??????


Active Member
View attachment 2414792hello can i know why two of my leafs are like this brown and yellow its even crispy
please help me

i don't use nutrient or any kind of vitamins
i use only water
any help will be appreciated
thank you
What soil have you used? Have you used additives? What is your watering frequency? Have you been monitoring the pH of the water going in? It resembles a potasium deficiency, but you can never say definitely, as some do.


Active Member
i would say its mag def by the way its starting on the sides and your getting rusty spots. phosphorus looks alot alike but P def makes the leafs dry and shrivel up. this is just a guess with the lack of info you have provided.
Phosphorus deficiency usually manifests itself on the leaves as a blue-green colour on young plants and a purple colour on flowering plants with extreme cases leading to necrosis. Magnesium deficiency, possibly, as this manifests itself as inter-veinal chlorosis (yellowing) followed by rust spots & necrosis, not to be confused with a nitrogen deficiency (starts as inter-veinal chlorosis, entire leaf yellows & wilts). These rust spots are what differentiates magnesium def. from nitrogen def.


Active Member
The ph level is 7.8 i water my plant every time that i see that the soil is dry my soil is mg moister control
Never let your soil dry out between watering, this causes more harm than people realise. pH level is a bit on the high side, aim for around 6.5. Water often and thoroughly and only feed if/when the plant needs it.


Active Member
I dont really have any kind of garden store around here But can i know is it going to repaire by it self or its going to get worstThen finaly will die em i gowing to have any bugs because i have two plant i This one that is really has rusty spots and yellowing to and the auter plant its heathy its really green But she doesn't have any kind of oder its 1 and half weeks old


Active Member
I dont really have any kind of garden store around here But can i know is it going to repaire by it self or its going to get worstThen finaly will die em i gowing to have any bugs because i have two plant i This one that is really has rusty spots and yellowing to and the auter plant its heathy its really green But she doesn't have any kind of oder its 1 and half weeks old
The problem may lie in your soil choice; from what I can gather M.G. moisture control is a bad choice. Its just way too nutrient rich; which could explain why at first, I thought it looked like a problem to do with over-feeding causing a salt build up & tell-tale crispiness of the leaves, but as you said you hadn't fed them yet it was puzzling. I'd say its over-dosed on one or more nutrients because of the rich soil, and suffered further problems by insufficient watering which has exacerbated these problems. Try flushing your pot(s) with a pH'd water, then start to water regularly so you always keep the soil hydrated. But on another note if you haven't got adequate drainage you'll be suffering because of this soils high moisture-retention, especially if you go mad with the watering can. And for gods sake DON'T feed it with anything that has an NPK ratio as high as 20-20-20, or you are going to have big problems, no more feeds, wait to see if it improves, then down the line if it looks like it could do with a feed, give it a quarter strength mix of something with a LOT lower NPK level than that.


Active Member
And touching on your comment about odour; unless you know the strain you can't really say If it smells less pungent than it should, and anyway, its not going to have much (if any!) of an aroma anyway at 1 & half weeks(!). Iv'e grown plants from unknown origins before that in full flower had next to no aroma, but they were strong as hell. The smell does not get you stoned. Also worth noting is that the aroma can also increase with an effective curing process.


Active Member
This is how one local store advertises miracle grow moisture control: "Unique Aquacoir retains water in the soil, preventing evaporation, and stores and releases water when plants need it. Requires 50% less than ordinary multipurpose compost. Enriched with Miracle-Gro plant food, feeds for 6 months. Grows plants up to twice as big."


Active Member
ok thank you very much for your best help
finally the plant ended up being a male i trow it away now i have only 1 plant
thank you again man
happy 420

keep the smoke highbongsmilie:eyesmoke: