PROBLEM with outdoors grow!


Well-Known Member
So here I show a picture of two of my plants that are a outdoors grow. What i have realized is now that they have reach over a foot tall there are many holes in some of the large leafs. I know this is a bug problem..maybe the fact i have my plants next to a creek thats all swampy and stuff. Is there any type or spray or a way to solve them from being eaten at ? And what are the consequences if bugs continue to eat at my plants?... THANK YOU!

(Sorry pics are sideways no matter which way i take it...if anyone actually reads my posts ha)



Well-Known Member
Mix it with water as directed on the bottle.

Go to the dollar store (lowe's has them but they're like ten bucks) and get one of these sprayers:

Adjust it to a pretty wide spray, and coat the whole plant. Especially the undersides of the leaves.

Re-apply after heavy precipitation.


Does anyone know which section of Walmart you can find Mothballs?

I know this is off topic, but didn't want to start a new thread for this question.



Well-Known Member
Aright thanx for the help. Does anyone know the method of cracking the top stem and bend it so a bud starts to grow out of it. Friend does that but i don't fully understand tall should i do it at ?


Well-Known Member
Aright thanx for the help. Does anyone know the method of cracking the top stem and bend it so a bud starts to grow out of it. Friend does that but i don't fully understand tall should i do it at ?
Sounds like super cropping, it evens out the canopy so all the growing ends become tops, buds dont grow out of the bend as far as I know. Also you dont actually crack it, you bend it so its weakened and stays where you bend it and dont pop back up. Im going to do it with my outdoor girls this year when I get up to see em again. You can do it at a couple feet for best results.