Problem with smell - Panhead DIY carbon filter


Active Member
I saw Panheads thread on how to make the activated carbon filter... which is awesome.... What is the best way to hook it up if you do not already have an exhaust system? Is there a way to buy a bathroom fan, hook it up to some exhaust pipe and stick the filter in somewhere? Have it constantly circulating the same air in the room to hopefully completely alleviate the smell? Create your own filter system? Any help would be REALLY appreciated. Thanks :joint:


Well-Known Member
You can have it constantly recirculating the air.

You have to have an intake at least?

I'd advise you to make an out take and an intake if you don't already have them.


Active Member
Ive been searching the site and that is the one thing I cant find is how to make a intake/Outake. Do you by any chance have a link to a DIY intake/outake?

here is the link to panheads carbon activated filter.

I dont have an intake/outake yet, I want to build some type of in/outake with a small maybe bathroom fan that just simply sucks in so I can place the filter somewhere in the line and have it exhaust into the same room, maybe 2 or 3 feet long total not hooked up to anything else. Any help is appreciated. Thanks again.


Active Member
My room is 4 sq feet, I'm going to be using two simple 12V computer fans @ a few bucks each (but the intake running slower than the outtake fan so it makes a slight vacuum, that way the smell is less likely to escape through cracks and openings)

then on the outtake is a cheap carb filter (using carbon sheets designed for cooker hoods @ a few bucks each) and i'm gonna have a few gel odour-blocking sachets lying around too.