problematic first grow, new grow room.advice??


Well-Known Member
Plenty of people grow healthy plants with 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6. Some believe they need a rest period, while others dont. I use 20/4 myself.


Active Member
thanks :) would it mess with the plants to change it when they have been on 24 since the first week of planting? there not goona freak out and try to flower or any thing right? haha just making sure


Active Member
okay so i just heard a weird theory and im wondering if any one thinks it would work. if you took ur plant out of soil and cleaned the roots off and dipped it in rootone like ur cloneing and replant it would the roots grow more roots off them and make the plant grow faster?


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine to change the light cycle down to 20/4 if you want. Some members slowly increase the dark period for their plants as they get closer to flowering.

No idea about the rooting gel. Id be afraid to fuck things up trying to wash the soil away. Its your call. You dont have much to lose with these little plants though :)


Active Member
wow.... not trying to be a burden on this thread but those plants look really sad for their age..... what strain are you growing?


Active Member
there lemon haze, and yea im pretty much expecting them to b male or hermi with how unhealthy n stressedout they look, i figure if theyre hermi ill just have more seeds to plant, and the rootone thing, im not goona try that i just heard that from a friend and wus wondering wut everyone thought lol


Active Member
yea exspeacially when im using cfls and no nutes, im only putting out about $2.00 dollars a day in electricicity
maybe not even that much lol


Active Member
not to be a dick, but why do you have them in such big bins? from the looks of it, even if you had the plant vegging for a year you wouldnt need those.. + the lights need to be closer, there stretching.


Well-Known Member
Sounds and looks to me like nutrient deficiency....Which may being cause by bad pH levels. What is your run off pH???


Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is that if you're pH is screwed up, then nutes are being locked out. I've had this problem in the past. My leaves looked exactly the same. I fixed my pH, made sure I had the correct nutrient solution, and my girls have been fine since. Big, green, huge, and beautiful. :-) I'd start my diagnosis with RUNOFF pH levels. Since you're in soil, I'd suggest shooting for 6.0.


Active Member
yea i know the bins are way to big, im just kinda ona budget and i had them already and saved a trip to the store ya kno, now there in smaller bins. and im not sure what my PH is, im waiting till payday so i can go get a ph tester


Active Member
tactownryder: your ph is the cornerstone to having a successful grow. even if you can't invest in a digital ph meter, at least get some test strips or a dropper solution, and don't forget to pick up some phup and phdown.


Active Member
yea, i started reading around and im deffinatly heading to the store later today to pick one up. any body know an extimate price one ph kits?


Well-Known Member
yea, i started reading around and im deffinatly heading to the store later today to pick one up. any body know an extimate price one ph kits?
a kit with ph up & dn runs around $15 just a test kit a say wal mart $5. kits i havent seen at walmart but they do have the tests.


Active Member
i wus thinking of maybe checking out a aquarium store or a hot tub store. figured they both need ph kits right? lol wud the phup and phdown b at a gardening store? or more like a hydro store?


Well-Known Member
You'll definitely get it at a hydro store. If you buy general hydroponics PH up and Down Kit you also get a ph liquid test kit. I think mine was around $18.