problems and questions please PLEASE HELP!


Hey, i need help, here are pictures of my plants. :leaf:
They are starting to yellow around the tips of them and are not coming back to green... what can i do? I'm using between 2-3 gallon pots with Miracle-grow Garden Soil For flowers and vegetables, a 150W HPS with a 20/4 light cycle, with two cycling fans on them. They were planted on the 6th of Feb, so they are around 23-25 Days old, they show their sex, but have not yet started to flower. I'm growing 3 Royal Dwarfs, 1 Bio-diesel Mass, and 1 White Widow. I have Fed them Miracle-Grow All purpose plant food. i fed them a little more then the box actually said to give them because it had low doses of necessary nutrients, so i figured it would double the nutrients. I red online it said to flush them so, today 3/2/13 i flushed them all out, but still concerned on what i should do.. any help would be amazing? :sad: :wall: i just don't want them to die help me please:/IMAG0945.jpgIMAG0956 (1).jpg


Active Member
Don't feed them anymore and maintain watering schedule, they are nute burnt. They will pull out of it with time, that soil should hold enough nutes to last awhile.


Well-Known Member
Why feeding them so young? Why adding to recommended dose so young?
You're starting to get burned.
Do NOT flush, just give water when she wants it for a week or two.


thanks but there already showing sex so i figured i should give them nutes but i wont feed anymore thanks for advice good forum btw


Well-Known Member
Also, yellowing wont disappear, just look for new growth to be green with no burnt tips then you know you're good again
Relax, your plants are good. They can recover from this with no problem. Just remember to check the forums before doing something like feeding them more then the box suggest. Most mistakes have already happened and have victims that are happy to share their lessons, easier learning this way then by losing your crop.


Well-Known Member
hps should be about 1-1.5 feet away. Any farther and you will get some stretch. Any closer you risk some burn or bleaching of the leaves. I've only used a 600w, but I would assume it's the same with your 150


Well-Known Member
lol. Sounds like when your plants get the blues (small problems) due to rookie mistakes. Think it happens to everyone


Well-Known Member
Hey, i need help, here are pictures of my plants. :leaf:
They are starting to yellow around the tips of them and are not coming back to green... what can i do? I'm using between 2-3 gallon pots with Miracle-grow Garden Soil For flowers and vegetables, a 150W HPS with a 20/4 light cycle, with two cycling fans on them. They were planted on the 6th of Feb, so they are around 23-25 Days old, they show their sex, but have not yet started to flower. I'm growing 3 Royal Dwarfs, 1 Bio-diesel Mass, and 1 White Widow. I have Fed them Miracle-Grow All purpose plant food. i fed them a little more then the box actually said to give them because it had low doses of necessary nutrients, so i figured it would double the nutrients. I red online it said to flush them so, today 3/2/13 i flushed them all out, but still concerned on what i should do.. any help would be amazing? :sad: :wall: i just don't want them to die help me please:/View attachment 2549257View attachment 2549259
Yes, they're overnuted. Just water for a while and new growth will be good, but the places that have yellowed won't change back.

But you also say they're showing sex...really? At that age, on that light cycle and looking at the node structure, I'd say they're too young to really be showing sex. Can you show us a photo of the calyxes?