Problems cloning Dutch Passion's EUFORIA!


Ive heard so many good things about this strain. I never heard cloning would be an issue! Well, it is! EzCloner/Temp 70 deg/Plenty of oxygen- T-5 Fluro's---- Anything should clone!!! Eufornia won't and IM TOTALLY BUMMED ABOUT IT! DOES anyone have any tips or experience with this strain.- Gracious.


Well-Known Member
Sure...... don't buy D.P. goods, they suck. They ought to call it "Hermie Station".

How long has it been since you cut them? I'm guessing it's not the strain but your selection of "clone material". Do you (1) stop N applications and mist at least a week before taking clones to harden off the stems of the mother plant? and 2) use a clone dip to help promote roots?


Ill keep that in mind. I won't do it again. I do typically stop N-Nutes but over the years have seen it matter less and less....... I ALWAYS GETS ROOTS...Lots of them! NO MATTER WHAT STRAIN IM WORKING WITH! Except this Euforia MF'r.- I don't typically mess with Clone dips- they tend to cause more problems than they are worth in an Aero.-imo. I just go tap water, plenty of oxygen and tempered water. It works with everything else in THE WORLD..... Not here though. Ill try dialing back the 'N' and basically flush out the vegging Mum, take my cuttings then and see what happens.....


Well-Known Member
Sure...... don't buy D.P. goods, they suck. They ought to call it "Hermie Station".

How long has it been since you cut them? I'm guessing it's not the strain but your selection of "clone material". Do you (1) stop N applications and mist at least a week before taking clones to harden off the stems of the mother plant? and 2) use a clone dip to help promote roots?
I see someone grew out their blueberry fems lol.

I didn't have a lot of luck with my Think Different harvest either. Weird, obviously selected branching trait. I say obviously selected because the plants that exhibited them offered more weight and weird structure that was undesirable to outsiders looking in, but maybe a plus to the person trying to sell huge mediocre buds that contain tonnes of stem.


Well-Known Member
Ill keep that in mind. I won't do it again. I do typically stop N-Nutes but over the years have seen it matter less and less....... I ALWAYS GETS ROOTS...Lots of them! NO MATTER WHAT STRAIN IM WORKING WITH! Except this Euforia MF'r.- I don't typically mess with Clone dips- they tend to cause more problems than they are worth in an Aero.-imo. I just go tap water, plenty of oxygen and tempered water. It works with everything else in THE WORLD..... Not here though. Ill try dialing back the 'N' and basically flush out the vegging Mum, take my cuttings then and see what happens.....
How long have you waited? I know for my Herijuana cut it took almost 3 weeks to root.


Well-Known Member
Not tried DP but unless its one of the GMOs it should be easy to clone.

Double the amout of nodes (longer branches) and give them a reg sprey.


Euphoria went in the same time my WR went in. The WR rooted fine but the Euphoria looks to be a lemon :( All the way around! THe plant grows and looks very healthy. Plenty of vitality- Typically that translates to the cuttings- not happening. 3-4 weeks if you haven't gotten roots, its not good. Sometimes they do come on late but in general this behavior is not going to suit me- Im going to try one more time and if results are similar----Scrap time. Live and learn. My problem is i buy too much bullshit hype on these strains! They are not all anywhere close to what they say they are........ I get what sells but i hate being the idiot on the other end trying to make a plant do what it cannot- Rant over. One more round of cuttings- Here goes.


Well-Known Member
hey just give it time.. ive had clone's go up to a month before they took roots. they were yellow as lemons but as soon as they got a lil root system i put them straight into a airoponic system and they turn right back to a beautiful green. start with a light nute mainly nitrogen. patience my friend , check the stems if there mushy your screwed..