problems finishing colonization

So here the temp has been dropping putting my home at 65. My jar has been colonizing for 6 weeks atleast. It started strong in Tue summer and now its slowed down to almost nothing. It's almost fully white except for the bottom of the jar and one little spot. So I made a contraption. I have a water heater sitting in a 5 gallon tub filled with water. Than I placed a smaller tub inside with a temp strip and inside that tub is my jar. I set it to 82 and left it. But I'm worried! What do you think?
Yea that black spot appeared in that drew that took long to colonize but it looks like verm pushed out to the edge. How long should I let it breathe for? Is that black spot bad?
How possitive r u cause I looked at it and that area seems to be filling in more since I last checked it and looking at that black spot it looks shiny and small just like a piece of verm. The bottom is filling more white as well. If it is contaminated will it spread? As for the vendor, I'd like to keep that anonomous. It's a trusted website tho. And yeah syringe innoculate did it myself


Active Member
yes sir! What do u think bro? U seem to know what's up. I may hqve to restart but my settup is pretty sweet I think. High hydration and perfect temp
He is saying that is your problem. The PF Tek while great for beginners to learn the life cycle of cubes, is just that, a beginner tek. I would recommend you try something more advanced, such as bulk growing. Much more rewarding and higher success rate if done correctly. I've had PF jars stall on me and I ended up taking them out of the jar, cutting off the uncolonized part, and tried fruiting them. You may try that if you wish. It didn't work for me, however. The only way I got the PF-tek to work for me was when I did rez-effect with the jars. 1:1 with verm in a 6 qt dub tub.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yes sir! What do u think bro? U seem to know what's up. I may hqve to restart but my settup is pretty sweet I think. High hydration and perfect temp
PF tek is one of the causes of your slow growth. Mycelium grows at a fairly constant rate when in high co2, at temps of about 85 degrees. If you figure that the hyphae grows at a 1/16th of an inch a day in perfect environments then your jar will take a long time to colonize - if you are given the opportunity to rearrange your innoculation points, that 1/16 inch will grow on repeatedly new substrate, colonizing your entire substrate in a very short time. If you have to wait for the hyphae to traverse all the way across your substrate it will take some considerable amount of time.

a single innoculation point at the center of a petrie dish will take about a month to reach the sides.


Well-Known Member
He is saying that is your problem. The PF Tek while great for beginners to learn the life cycle of cubes, is just that, a beginner tek. I would recommend you try something more advanced, such as bulk growing. Much more rewarding and higher success rate if done correctly. I've had PF jars stall on me and I ended up taking them out of the jar, cutting off the uncolonized part, and tried fruiting them. You may try that if you wish. It didn't work for me, however. The only way I got the PF-tek to work for me was when I did rez-effect with the jars. 1:1 with verm in a 6 qt dub tub.

Good luck.

Slicing non-colonized material out of a predominantly colonized mass will work if your blade is steril you cut ALL of the uncolonized area out and you treat the wound with a basic paste made from baking soda or salt.
Well here's what I've done. I took it out.. got my first feel of it. Seemed very dry. So I removed the top layer of verm, than washed it in cold water. I inspected that spot and think it was just verm and undercolonization. Regaurdless I chopped it out using a knife cleansed in rubbing alchohol than burnt to a crisp. After that I layered a tupaware with wet verm about an inch deep. Chrushed the mtv into little chunks with my hands, than layered the top with more verm. I covered it in tin foil and placed in my chamber. I also just inoculated 2 jars of corn grain. The jars are only 4 OS. I want to case these. Should I case it in sterelized verm brf? Or just verm? Also if the first questioned cup was contaminated what will the fruits look like?