Problems in Growing White Widows - about 12 Days since Germination Process Began


I agree with DH. 8 weeks if all goes well. Keep postin pics.
Will post pics tomorrow.
But why should it take so long?? I mean, as I understand it, after germinating, it takes about 3 weeks, to reach cloning stage (then 2 months for flowering time, and then like 3 weeks).

Maybe it would just be faster to start germinating more seeds, as they would be ready to clone in 3 week's time then...

Smucker G

Active Member
Will post pics tomorrow.
But why should it take so long?? I mean, as I understand it, after germinating, it takes about 3 weeks, to reach cloning stage (then 2 months for flowering time, and then like 3 weeks).

Maybe it would just be faster to start germinating more seeds, as they would be ready to clone in 3 week's time then...
If your looking for 20 clones your going to need a nice size bush.

How are they doing?


Hello again! sorry for not posting few day, very busy time at work was coming back too late and tired.

Today I finally decided it was about time to water them :) I added about 100ml of balanced, EC2 PH 5.7 water to the outer Rockwool of all 3 (100ml each - is that good enough to not overwater it?).

Pictures are attached, but I have a surprise! look at the First 2 pictures! I am not sure what to make of it? is it good? is it bad? what to do with that?



Congrats on saving the little one. I thought it was doomer.
I would pull the weed in pic 1 and 2.
Thanks! Well its not out of the woods yet, it still has white spots on the stems...

Are you sure this is stray weeds, and not part of the plant? how do you know that? and even more interesting, from where did weeds arrive in a sterile, hydrophonic environment? :O

Smucker G

Active Member
Thanks! Well its not out of the woods yet, it still has white spots on the stems...

Are you sure this is stray weeds, and not part of the plant? how do you know that? and even more interesting, from where did weeds arrive in a sterile, hydrophonic environment? :O
Its too small to be mj. Probably came in with the wind. If you need to know for sure transplant it and see what grows.


Its time to update :)

What is it now? about somewhere 3rd to 4th week?

They look awesome, friendly, smiling with an ever growing, broad smie daily! :mrgreen:

From one of them, I removed the encompassing straw, and for over 24 hours, it seems to be relatively straight, even with a Fan blowing air in its direction.

The suggestion to help the third by manually opening its shell, seem to have helped immensly, but too soon to tell I think.

The big 2 already have roots growing outside the rockwool, and hopefully the clay pellets are enough to give them growth room - I made a little mistake, by leaving too small layer at the buttom - I think somewhere between 1-1.5 inch only.

So far, I was checking with a finger pressure, the humidity of the rockwool, to judge when is it time to add water.

When its feels dry and light, I would add about 200ml balanced water to each which would be enough for a couple days.

Today I added only about 75ml of water each, I think.

So, when is the next stage, where I use the water tank, and activate the circular watering system? or do I keep watering them from freshly prepared nutrient solution once a few days? I prepare it in a 1 litre container, so balancing PH is a pita :evil: too hard and sensitive, not once I had to throw it all away as it reached even 3.x.

They are around 2 inch from the lamp, I think.

Could it be time to get a stronger lamp? I fear this 120watt fluorscent may no longer be enough for them... what do you reckon guys? (you can see the lamp's shape in one of the pictures).


Finally, I want to thank everyone here (and on IRC channel), who helped and guided me so far!! We are not done yet :)

EDIT: PS: In the last picture, you can see the lowest leaf turns yellow, and looks like it is going to die.
Why is that? is it normal?


Guys, I have run into problems! :-|

They have been growing very fast, very steady, however I see constant death of lowest leafs - why is that? First they turn yellow, then die out as you can see in the pictures..

Also, I have added a Mylar sheeting, but I think it also increased the temprature at the sensor above, as you can see in the pictures.

I have a Fan rotating, blowing the air on it as long as the light is on, but the temprature is on top limit - 30 degrees celcius!
I keep rising the lamp, but that is not helping much...

I am also beginning to think, the problems are due to 1) too little light and 2) too much heat.

What do you think? do I need another lamp? how to deal with the heat the fluorscent generates? (and that is supposed to be not so warm.. lol)

I have switched on the system, first 3 times a day for 15 mins, then seeing they consume a lot of water, turned it on today for 24/7 watering.

Another concern of mine - is the EC levels, as water deplets, it rises... since yesterday, it was 2.7 which is above the allowed 2.5, so I added 1.5L water, rebalanced PH (which I do anyway daily to twice a day), and today at least half of that 1.5litre was gone, PH was up to 2.6, so I added another 1.5litre, but ph is down to only 2.4... the water is still kind of fresh - its only there for 3 days, I think.



Active Member
Yep...those first cotyledon (sp?) leaves always die eventually. Honestly...I'm amazed any of them made it. They look great!


Thank you! you cant imagine how relieved I am :)

However, perhaps you missed my questions regarding the relatively high temprature on the top of the canopy, the lack of light to the lower leafs and the rising EC - what to do about it?