problems that may result from mixing tap water with distilled or RO water ?

ok i was just wondering about this so thought i would ask and tap water has the ph of 7.4 and has 280 ppm' i thought this was considered to be hard water with to much minerals in it to use i mix half a gallon of tap and the other half with distilled,it stabilizes the ph to 7.2 and cuts the ppm's down from 280 to one would think they would still be getting plenty of calcium and mag from the half tap water being knowing this i was shocked to find out i had a cal-mag deff mid-way thru flowering,is it possable that when i mixed the tap water with the distilled water i somehow cut out to much cal-mag...


Well-Known Member
Without a full break down of your water it is impossible to say what is in it. So don't think anyone can give you the real answer. And cal-mag def is what everyone says. Ether that or N. But most of that is from noobs that don't realy know. Sometimes it's realy to high of K or P. Looks real similar if later in flower when N isn't being used. And there are some plants that need higher levels of cal. Or potassium. I know I didn't help much but don't think it's cal-mag def off your at 180ppm. It might be something eles.


Well-Known Member
Kind of off topic, but I use to lug jugs of RO water from the grocery store everyweek, untill I read a post by Al B Fuct saying city water is fine to use in hydro, yep he was right (as usual) mine flucuates from 280ppm - 370 ppm ands I use it with the same results as RO, without the hassle that goes with it. I don't let it stand to release the clorine or any of that voodoo, just add nutes, set ph and feed. *City water*, not well water thats different.

Just my two cents



Well-Known Member
Kind of off topic, but I use to lug jugs of RO water from the grocery store everyweek, untill I read a post by Al B Fuct saying city water is fine to use in hydro, yep he was right (as usual) mine flucuates from 280ppm - 370 ppm ands I use it with the same results as RO, without the hassle that goes with it. I don't let it stand to release the clorine or any of that voodoo, just add nutes, set ph and feed. *City water*, not well water thats different.

Just my two cents


Or, do the 1/2 & 1/2. You'll be fine.



Well-Known Member
I use tap water for my hydro and haven't noticed any detrimental affects. My shit is dank like a mofo :)
I used to lug 5 gallon bottles of water up my stairs all the time. That shit gets old.
so if i'am reading these replies right... then 280 ppm's and 7.2 to 7.4 is fine...and i would like to clairify a few i know for a fact that i had a cal-mag deff along with a nitrogen deff,not a ph lock out... so this is why i asked if i created the deff by mixing tap water with distilled.but since alot of people are saying my tap is fine then i just need to get a breakdown of my water... to see if i have enough calcium and mag in the water. thanks for the input guys...


Active Member
so if i'am reading these replies right... then 280 ppm's and 7.2 to 7.4 is fine...and i would like to clairify a few i know for a fact that i had a cal-mag deff along with a nitrogen deff,not a ph lock out... so this is why i asked if i created the deff by mixing tap water with distilled.but since alot of people are saying my tap is fine then i just need to get a breakdown of my water... to see if i have enough calcium and mag in the water. thanks for the input guys...
you read right. dont forget to adjust your ph's and ppm's though

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
My well water is 275-300ppm and the pH is between 7.5 and 7.8 depending on the season and it works just fine for growing...
But its good to know what your tap water contains. You can get a home test kit at Home Depot, Lowes ect...that will test:
Hydrogen Sulfide
Iron bacteria
for around 15 bucks. Worth the money for the info gained. Also if your tap water is municipal then you should be able to get a breakdown of your waters contents from your local water board/supplier......