Problems with new growth and leaves dropping


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me, everything's been going fine, had a power cut Monday and blew my bulb been running on a 400watt hps, I've had to stick a 250watt CFL in just till my new bulb arrives tomorrow, got 6 plants and 2 have started to droop like this, and growth has sort of stopped on all of them the last day Id say when we had the power cut I completely forgot about the plants for a good 4 - 5 hours they're on 24hrs a day normally, not been over/underwatering could this just be a drop in light and heat by any chance ? As the temps have gone from being perfect to abit on the cold side IMG_2258.JPG IMG_2259.JPG
Fans leaves have deffo gone droopy but I've just had 2 new bulbs fuck having to wait 3 - 4 days for a new bulb again haha, was told it would be a drop in light and heat apparently, just got everything back to normal for them now so I'll wait and see how they do

Not been giving too much N at all but I'll give her a day or two see how she goes, the other five are a lot better this morning and hopefully it was just lack of light :)