Problems with RIU

I was keeping it real, it's true about the phone being a tool of enslavement, it is the new overseer on this plantation and also about the risks of dermal fluoride absorption

I can def. agree about the phone. People have become way too addicted to it. You wanna reach me I still got an answering machine that takes tapes. haha. leave a message ill call ya back. About the dermal fluoride absorption i guess everybody have their own fears.
I can def. agree about the phone. People have become way too addicted to it. You wanna reach me I still got an answering machine thats tapes. haha. leave a message ill call ya back. About the dermal fluoride absorption i guess everybody have their own fears.

I like your style but they are still watching and listening to you.
I'm not really that afraid of fluoride I just chose not to expose myself to it it is poison after all
What I am afraid of is breathing and getting morgellins disease, did you know they are putting silicon based life forms and bacteria and viruses into the air along with metals, breathing scares me, fluoride I can manage to limit
wow this is kinda crazy how come everything that i notice and write about gets fixed a few minutes later.
I'm rofl. You may want to post in the support area for real info. Oh and watch out if ya hear helicopters. That's how they come for ya.
I'm rofl. You may want to post in the support area for real info. Oh and watch out if ya hear helicopters. That's how they come for ya.

at first i started to get mad but after beardos cell phone post i started to laugh too and when i go back and read this whole thing yea its pretty funny.
I think you need to write FDD a letter to ask about this situation, you should be able to find his address in one of the threads on here, there is one called write the guy a letter but I can't find it maybe someone can post a link, anyways he was the mod on this site so i'm sure he could explain what is the problem, just get the address and write him your problem and wait for a response and let us know what was happening
lol this was fun maybe no real answers, but def. amusing. East coast time and i got to work in the morn. so guess we can kill this thread unless you have a real answer and ill read it in the morning or just fix my profile please RIU!
maybe no real answers, but def. amusing. i got to work in the morn.

This is exactly what they want you to think, they have you right where they want you you are playing into their hand and doing as their program dictates
I made a post not too long ago with a similar complaint as this one. I'm having a problem viewing my activity stream, my recent post, and started threads. Its almost like their missing? what's the deal with that? got me feeling sketch bout this website. I was asured (in the other post i was reffering to) that it would be taken care of by somebody from RIU. But it has only gotten worse. Got me feeling like ya'll givin my info away if ya dig me? So what's really going on?

please use our "support" section we are having problems with those area and they are ticky to fix be patient please
When your posts and threads disappear it's because they have been subpoenaed. You can no longer access them to edit them. "Everything you say can and WILL be used against you in a court of law". Start looking for an attorney. It's easier BEFORE they take you in. We have lost a few people and they all report back that missing threads and posts is how it happened. While Beardo might be a little paranoid about the flouride, he is spot on about 5.0 watching you. Be careful what you say on your phone and in your email. They've probably turned your mom against you too. They're probably watching you everywhere, including your shower. They also use thermal imaging to watch you inside, so just know they are watching you spank it, even if you think you're safe in the bathroom or closet. Sorry.

In other news, my posts and started threads stopped in January. I cannot see anything after that. I beat it like it owes me money and shoot it all over the walls, ceiling, furniture, etc, so if they come in at night with night vision they will be disoriented with all of the white everywhere. In those precious seconds, I will make my escape.