

Can any one help me I got 6 trainwreck cuttings, 1 barneys b c 1 deep sweet grapefruit under 600w hps 120x120x200 tent 5 inch filter and 8 inch oscilating fan 4 6l air pots 4 standard square pots in canna pro soil using just biobizz grow ATM in veg! Some of te cutting looking slow and deformed, some real healthy, BC was a very short big bush from topping early and really green but it's now turning really light green in lines, and some brown spots on leaves not all


Well-Known Member
Make sure they have a LOT of water. Sounds like the beginning of root problems which in this case stems from having no roots.


cant understand the barneys blue cheese plant tho its very yellow got brown spots it was looking really healthy with vibrant green leaves its not root probs as its seed and root bound very quickly,,,mind you i did prune alot off it to stop it being such a short bush will upload some pics now

*update* all tips of new leaf shoots are yellow