

Can any one help me I got 6 trainwreck cuttings, 1 barneys b c 1 deep sweet grapefruit under 600w hps 120x120x200 tent 5 inch filter and 8 inch oscilating fan 4 6l air pots 4 standard square pots in canna pro soil using just biobizz grow ATM in veg! Some of te cutting looking slow and deformed, some real healthy, BC was a very short big bush from topping early and really green but it's now turning really light green in lines, and some brown spots on leaves not all



Well-Known Member
Over feeding my fr
do u have ppm meter?!
If u water them more with that soil its
real burn your plany
flush them for 2 days then start with middle
fresh water for flush no nuts


Ppm meter? Lol I'm manually feeding, anyone got a recommended dosage Please as I have a guide from bio bizz showing 1ml grow per litre all the way through to flush, and one that says when using canna pro 3-5ml per litre only 2 weeks into flower then stop and carry on with bloom and top max


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am helping a friend right now with biobizz products. Your missing a micro nuts solution- thats IF your just using your biobizz grow and bloom and 1ML rate per L each and than 2ML Grow /L and 1ML bloom/L... And u go up from there. Im not sure about your soil since i'm a sunshine mix #4 guy. Either way, if your using just what u have right now from bi bizz grow and bloom, than is def a issue of missin the Macro/micro frets. On the otherhand, if U have been feed feed feed feed and no plain water, than u have bigger issue. Than u are seeing signs of missing frets and over fertilization of other elements.. But remember, im just trying to help, spoting yea info on what I think and tryinf to get u to think about some angles to be looking at.
Neved could be right with over fret, but since I know the issues with the bio bizz 2 part, your most likely missin the key ingredients bud!


What you recommend I add to cure that I'm only in veg ATM I have flushed them through and fed them some plain water will leave for few days then just water again then 1 day go back to 1ml per litre grow! I also use a little superthrive


Well-Known Member
Yea I agree, if the temp is high and your plant will consume just water as its is its demand for osmotic pressure in contentious play! U may be leaving unusable residuals in your soil causing an issue. This would be true IF your temps are to high. Temp is self can cause the plant to curl too, I get what your saying Grantgt. But I am thinking temp as a more local issue under the bulb. Your plants will curl and have pinched veins directly under bulb. Your more going to see just wilting on the remainder of the plants not under direct light. Hum i would be carful with superthriv, it was band in Canada. I would more buy an additive as vitamax or b52.


Well-Known Member
A high tempeture, well that depends if Co2 but I dont thnk in your case.. How about 86F is nasty in a grow room. In the worst of the worst I get about 80F in my room. But in my terms its 28 degrees. but generally I hit about 24-26C in my grow room for most of the seasons. U should aim for the same! Plants can handle lots of temps as long as the RH is not to low or high! THye go hand in hand so its a big question for what U asked! If its not between 70-80, start looking on how to improve your grow room!


I have a thermometer at soil level and get to about 26-27C???? That shouldn't be an issue unless the light is to close to the actual plant, but alot of it is happening at the bottom of the plant not so much top and new growth just older fan leaves tbh


Well-Known Member
deficency puple stems are bad if there turning that color i would recommend flushing then start with a light solution feed and go from there!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, stems being purple can mean several things and can be characteristics of your plant. I know the look you are talking about, such as the hard steam and purple veins. This can mean over or under N dose and the hard steam is a sign of carbload storage. Also maturity obv since u have carbload storage. Well if your 26-27 degrees there than i would comfortable guess your 30degrees under the shade. I am talking about the area of the shade were u get most lumen.
U should be getting good growth on the new leaves as a positive sign were as the older growth could be consumed by the plant. Not the opposite.!
U dont have much choice in the mater but give it a good drink of water with only additives. Up the light off the plant. Than go get yourself a good quality Micro/macro frets such as GH Micro bottle. Theres not much u can do in the matter.
Also, are u running well water, municipal or soften water??


I sometimes boil the water then leave to cool over night or just get straight from tap and leave to stand for a good few hours once or twice I have put water straight in from the tap


Well-Known Member
why do u boil your water? I get why u may, but is there a reason why u do?? Pulling from a septic well that u dont use for drinking wateR??? Belive it or not, plants doo need little little bits of chlorine :) I get yea tho, haha, just being a smart ass. Focus getting the heat of the plant. giving a good soaking and start up with a good quality of micro frets and it will all be good.


Watering yesterday from the bottom into trays I noticed tiny little White mites not sure if they can jump, loads of legs runs fast I see them when I move my pots out of the trays they on the water then only where is moist can't see any in my soil as I feed from the bottom and top is layered with perlite. HELP ME PLEASE EMERGENCY!!!


Well-Known Member
holy bud I have never seen that before and i mean I have seeeeen some shit. I have seeeen some real fucking junk growers, worst grow houses ever. Lots of lights tho :) anways, never seen that, when u talk about legs running and fucking little white things i get confused. I could just go on the net and give u a link but u know what to look for on the net to compair bugs.
Anways the way u talking sounds like infestation of something! Why are u suggesting mites? They dont like it were its damp or cold.. They DO lay eggs as surface dwellers on soil but thats because they hate very quick and than infest your plants as a food source. But your saying in the bottom of your trays! Wish I could be more help!


Active Member
Your pics to me look defficient in N slighty and/or a possible ph issue could be locking out nutes from being injested. Mostly due to the little spots on the leaves. As for your mites i've used neem oil with about 1/4 tsp of baking soda added. The neem has its own miticidal qualities and the sodium bicarbonate in baking soda kills mites as well.


Well-Known Member
late stage potassium deficiency perhaps. that causes yellowing of the leaves, from the tips inwards and rust spots, another option would be manganese deficiency, but thats less likely during veg-state, and the leaves look more yellow towards the middle, and rust spots are less in number and more scattered.

Good luck

EDIT: id agree a nitrogen deficiency too, cuz they are soooo light in color, but that doesnt explain the rust spots. usually the 1 cause for all the symptoms is right, but not always, The mites i dont think are causing the spots, or you would have noticed them BEFORE the spots. not 7 days after. also one pic shows scattered spots (looks like bugs chomping) but one pic shows huge splotches of brown (i dont think thats 1 bug going to town on the same leaf)

check your pH, and add a mix of nutes, N heavy, but dont leave the other stuff. And do something about those mites/flies/bugs before they do cause harm