lol. the 'drama' you speak of is what Ive been reading for the past god knows how many pages. No drama from me as I actually want to learn from the man, as many others dont. So go tell the 200+ people to take the drama out, that way instead of 50+ pages of bullshit like we have here we could have 25 pages of great, detailed information on growing MJ from an expert.
relax and light one
I thought fdd and some of the other big dogs were a little hard on PM at first and it might of made him clam up a little at first, but this is exactly where this thread belongs--- newbie central.I threw a couple test questions out there and got very generic answers.fdd could have closed this down or deleted a bunch of shit but we would still have 30+ pages of useless shit.If you want real answers go read Al B fuct for hydro and Uncle Ben for dirt, or FDD for outdoor. the only thing missing from this thread is a good ole fashion ass whipping from Uncle ben, someone give him a pm and point him over here.

This guy might have some great info but he sure is beatin around the bush with lameduck answers.If fdd closed every pissing match or lameduck post in newbie central there would be ALOT less posts in it fo sho.As for all the newbies with under 100 posts that ran there mouths on this thread, do some more reading here and for gods sake use the search button before you start shit with the mods or any poster with 1000+ posts. All the info you need to grow dank sticky buds has been here waiting for you,you just gotta pull your heads out of your asses and go find it.As for PM if you are as good as you think you are, bragging gets you nowhere around here. Good info and lots of pics is all we want, most of us know that hydro if done right is faster than dirt, co2 is good for plants, clones are quicker than seed, ect..ect.this is basic shit that DOES belong in this section.Please tell me you have more to offer than that,otherwise your just wasting our time and yours.Gonzo, i'm not calling you out but your post was a good starting point for my little rant.peace. p.s.i am in no way trying to be an ass kisser to you fdd,you can be an asshole sometimes, but i guess thats what we need around here. Someone to read between the lines and weed out the bullshitters.fdd knew this was bullshit back on page 2 or 3.