Producer Grow


Well-Known Member
Go get some Spa chemical PH down and try that. Do you know what the PPM levels of your tap water is? it may have dissolved calcium/magnesium/ etc etc in it and that may be acting as a buffer to the PH.


Well-Known Member
My ppm in 56l of tap water only is 140, my ph is 7.7

My resovoir looked really bad once I got near the bottom......a mixture of dark brown and a light brown slime like everything settled to the bottom.

All airstones are working fine when I lifted off the top I had a ton of bubbles.

I am thinking about getting a ph nanny and yes I am going to switch from crystals to fluid........


Well-Known Member
Okay I am giving very serious thought to ordering an extra air pump such as keep alive as it seems at least to me that everything just settles at the bottom and does not move. My theory is to keep the water moving but I am not sure what size of pump to get anyone have any feedback? Or better yet does anyone know or use a similar product that does not sound like a transport truck parking in my bedroom?

Also I am skipping on the ph nanny to much money for me right now and it really is something I should be able to get a handle on. Thank you No Drama again I am going to pick up the solution tomorrow.

Since I do not have any ph down liquid I cleaned out the tub and added just enough water to cover the airstones so the plants still get oxygen.


Well-Known Member
I have a very small layer (1/16")of sediment/gunk after 10 weeks of the plants being in there. I clean and refill the res about every 10 days.


Well-Known Member
kk thanks no drama it must be the ph I was using I took your advice and only got the Phosphoric acid. Fingers crossed lol.


Well-Known Member
I bit the bullet and ordered a second pump that has 4 outlets, I also got 4 12" airstones, non kinking tubing and the tee connectors here are the specs.

It cost me $85.00 for everything delivered to my door by 4pm tomorrow.

[SIZE=-1]Print This Page[/SIZE]

A high quality twin valve air pump at a value price.
This dual outlet pump is designed for use in tanks or reservoirs up to 60 gallons and larger in volume, producing up to 2666 cc/m per side.
A built-in variable control rheostat allows the air pressure produced to be easily raised or lowered.
Excellent for running air stones, diffusers, ornaments, corner filters, etc. Quiet operation and extremely powerful. Technical Specs:
+ Four outlets
+ 12 watts
+ 3/16" Inside Diameter; use with 1/4" OD tubing
+ Operates on 110V - 60 Hz
+ Output: 9 Lit/Min (2.3 Gal/Min)
+ Pressure: 1.75 PSI
+ Weight: 2.6 Lbs.
+ Dimensions: 7.75" x 5.7" x 4.2"


Well-Known Member
Okay res is full now and I must say the ph stuff is sooooooo much easier to use then the crystals :). PH 5.6 PPM 665


Well-Known Member
Okay got a pump hooked it up and good to go I added four airstones (I have the option of adding 6 more). I will take some pics later but I am very very pleased. The new pump has about twice the power so twice the pretty bubbles. I am hoping I am right in the assumption more bubbles equals more oxygen which in turn gets my roots going more.


Active Member
my guess is there is something in your tap water that your plant doesn't like, some salt or something I don't know but I had the same problem.

I started growing in an apartment and because I was paranoid about my water and electricity consumption I used CFL's and bought RO (reverse osmosis) water from the grocery store, and I didn't really have any problems, I had bought a digital tds/ppm pen and had all the ph up and down and testers but never needed any of it after the first few weeks cuz everything just worked pretty good.

Then I bought and moved into my own place on an acerage. I had the well water anaylised and it was good, and thought I could save some money by just using tap. At first everything seemed fine. Germinated just fine, poked outta my rockwool cubes fine and lasted about a week or two and had a few leaves out. Then, slowly, one by one they all started looking like that whilting one you got and all started dieing. I lost about 6-8 plants.

I tried everything, got all anal about my ph's, ppm's, airpumps etc. Finally I went back to using the RO water from the store and bam, up and running again, no problems.

where I live its pretty cheap, $10 for a 5gal bottle, $2 to refill and I go through about 5-6 bottles a week. Soon I'm going to buy and install my own RO distilation system but until then I'm more then happy to buy the bottles as long as they keep my ladies looking hot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dark thats about the only thing I have not addressed.

It has to be the's either that or I am going crazy.


Well-Known Member
I just placed an order not r/o though to expensive I hope it will do.

[SIZE=-1]Print This Page[/SIZE]

USEFUL TIP: 2-Stage filters are ideal for hydroponic applications, while RO systems are better suited to aquariums.

This 2-stage water filtration unit removes up to 99% of chlorine and 90% of sediment, rust, etc. Harmful chloramines can NOT be bubbled out - ONLY FILTERED OUT.
Keep your beneficial bacteria, fungi anf micro-organisms alive and healthy.
This tool is essential for bio-organic horticulture, compost teas, and hydroponics. It is the economical solution for city/municipal water users.
@ 1 GPM (1 Gallon per Minute). Easily produces 60 gallons per hour of clear water filtered down to 5 microns.
This system includes everything you need to start right out of the box:
+ 2-Stage 10 inch Filter Unit
+ Set of Sediment and Carbon filters
+ Wall Mountable Metal Bracket
+ Garden Hose Connector
+ 4 ft. Feed Line
+ 6 ft. Outlet Line
+ 1 /4 in Shut-off
+ Filter Wrench
+ Instructions Size: 11 in x 14 in, Weight: 6.4 Ibs. Usually ships in 24 hours.

Price $140.00
15% OFF $120.00
You Save $20.00


Well-Known Member
Okay so the plants that are strong enough to survive the water I am giving them love the extra bubbles from the 4 additional airstones. I am hoping tomorrow when I get the filtration system it ends all my problems. Because my res. is 56l it was not worth it for me to buy that much r/o every week.

Any input on the pump?


Well-Known Member
I purchased a water filter as the only thing I had not addressed was the tap water I was using. With the tap water I was getting a 7.7 ph with the filter it has come down to 6.1. My ppm is now 150 with the filtered water, I am not sure what it was when I was using tap water.

I purchased a pump and put in a few more 12" airstones as you can see from the pic I have a lot more water movement. A couple of plants have responded very well to the extra airstones.

One of the plants is doing okay but the rest are pretty beat up.......I just added the nutes tonight along with the filtered water. This feed is a few days late but I did not want to resort to tap water again.

Since I cannot seem to get rooting out of the rockwool I had to go with another week of veg to see what would happen, I did not use a ton of nutes but I did add some root juice to the mix, currently I am at 600ppm and 5.8ph. The temp is 76F with Humidity of 44%.

I can't think of anything else I can do other then the usual check the ph daily and water 5 minutes a day when I get home.

I am really hoping they revive a lot of time and money has gone into this....fingers crossed!




Well-Known Member
Okay so I am happy today...usually 2 days after I add my nutes most of the plants are dying and I have more bad news to report. Today however I found some roots out of the rockwool of two plants (I know they are small sue me I am happy) they must have been waiting for the filtered water. No new damage to the plants so this to me is a victory especially coupled with the roots I found today. That said most of my plants look like crap but they still breath thats all that matters to me at this point revive is all I am shooting for!

Now if you look at my pics you will see one of the mesh pots that is brown on the bottom. Should I at the next nute change rinse it and the bottom of the rockwool out with ph balanced filtered water or should I leave it alone? The reason I ask is I have several other mesh pots that look the same brown and brown on the rockwool as well.

I sincerely appreciate input, lemme put it to you like this I have over 9k invested in my unit if I don't "produce" from the "producer" I am in some serious financial trouble so if you see anything I am not doing right or if you have any feedback I would appreciate your comments.

The only other thing I am doing different other then the airstones and the filtered water is misting the plants with Colossal budblast every night when the lights go out.


