Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
This is a condensed extract from the thread Purple Energy Beam vs. the Red Dragon .

I thought that the subjects of Feminised Seeds and their production, and the facts and fables about Hermies could do with some serious debate.

:leaf: A journey into the production of Feminized Red Dragon seeds using Colloidal Silver. :leaf:

10 November 2010

I started making the Colloidal Silver which was to be applied to one clone just before lights out.

Firstly, the victims ... err ... volunteers:

These two photos show 3 clones, one top-down shot and one side-on shot.
In both photos the middle clone is the one to be treated with Colloidal Silver, the two outside clones were placed under the Kessil H150 Magenta light 5 days ago on a 12/12 timer.

All three clones were the same size 5 days ago, now there is a definite difference as the 12/12 plants have a greater spread and have stretched as flowering approaches.

By the time the CS clone has produced pollen, the two seed bearers should have a reasonable number of pistils waiting to receive the pollen.

Just a quick lesson on how to make Colloidal Silver.

Find an old mobile phone charger, they have an output of around 5v DC which is perfect.
Snip off the plug that fits into the phone.
Strip the wires.
Attach 2 small alligator clips - the crimp-on style need no soldering and cost a few cents from and electronics shop (Radioshack/Dick Smiths {for us Aussies} ).
Attach small pieces of silver to the clips. (99.999% pure - jewellers wire, pure silver coins or ingots)
Pour Demineralised Water (cleaning products section of supermarket) into a glass - I used about 200ml.
Tape clips to inside of glass so that the silver (and NOT the clips) are immersed in the water.
Turn on charger and leave in darkness for 24 hours (silver reacts with light).

Next photo is my Colloidal Silver generator ... followed by ... well, I'm sure you can work it out ...

silver.jpg silver water.jpg demin.jpg

... Watch this Space.

... The story continues.

26 November 2010

:leaf: THE WAITING IS OVER :leaf:

The three sisters were photographed today as it is a milestone.

For the last couple of days I have been more and more convinced that the clone being treated with Colloidal Silver was showing maleness, or at least a very restricted and confused femaleness.
Today I am willing to state that it is definitely producing male flowers.

These 2 photos are the 3 clones 16 days apart. They are in 4 inch pots so you can see how small they are and how little stretching has happened.
The 2 full females are very frosty and smell amazingly fruity ... supposed to be like guava, but who the fuck knows what a guava smells like.

The 2 full girls are gagging for the pollen, but they will have to wait as I expect it to be a week or 2 before the pollen is ready ... I gave them a 7 day head start under 12/12 and I now realise that this wasn't needed, but I will get more seeds - so all is good.​

Just a bit of baby bud porn before we look at the shemale's tiny balls ... something about that sentence doesn't quite sound right.​

Here are the 2 gals that are gagging for pollen ...​

... and now for the pollen donor, (s)he is the same age as the other two plants but has has 7 days less 12/12 light and has been treated with colloidal Silver daily since 10th November 2010.
I made (and used) about 200ml of colloidal silver running the CS generator for 24 hours.

I made a second 200ml of Colloidal Silver and I will continue to apply the CS until the 200ml is finished - that should make sure that (s)he continues to grow some balls.

The waiting seemed like forever but it wan't long really, just a bit longer and I can pollinate the seedbearers.
Looking at the number of pistils I think I am going to be happy with the number of seeds these babies will produce.

From what I read, you are supposed to give one large dose of colloidal silver to cause male flowering. Supposedly the application is enough to make the branch look dead for a couple of days. I personally have other ways of "stress hermaphrodisation²" but I would definitely like to see your results. Commercial breeders swear by the use of CS. If it works for you I will definitely give it a try.

(²My original use of the word ranks #1 on google.)
it works. done it many time..not this way but it does. i use a bigger charger and run less time. and i start the sprays just before flower time.

curious what the ppm readings came to with less volts and longer time.. not all works if not high enough. the safe for human sonsumption stuff isnt enough ppm.
ive never tried any of this kinda stuff before , and ive only ever read very small amounts on the subject, so please excuse me if i seem to be asking idiot level questionsbut here goes; are the three clones taken from the same plant and was it a female plant from feminized seeds, what is the transfer method to put the CS onto the plant, is it sprayed on or brushed on or what? and just how do you know how stable the genetics will or is it just taking a risk ?
ive never tried any of this kinda stuff before , and ive only ever read very small amounts on the subject, so please excuse me if i seem to be asking idiot level questionsbut here goes; are the three clones taken from the same plant and was it a female plant from feminized seeds, what is the transfer method to put the CS onto the plant, is it sprayed on or brushed on or what? and just how do you know how stable the genetics will or is it just taking a risk ?

Nah, all good questions ... thanks for comming aboard for the ride.

All three clones were taken from the same mother plant on 13th October.

The mother was grown from a Barney's Farm Red Dragon Feminised seed.

The colloidal silver is applied with a "spray bottle" totally drenching the plant/stem/nodes/leaves, the plants are so small it takes seconds to drench them.

Genetics of most breeder seeds are pretty stable, otherwise they would not be able to sell the seeds. No reason to think that self pollinating the plants (the same way that breeders do) would uncover any genetic instability.

.... and thanks for the questions, I tend to assume stuff.
"Just a bit of baby bud porn before we look at the shemale's tiny balls ... something about that sentence doesn't quite sound right."
that is fuking hilarious
my bro sed they make femi seeds by tampering with the roots in some way but he was prolly high as fuk, any truth in this?
cheers for the prompt and concise answer G.O.D... im subscribed....mite be sumthing i fancy trying myself in the new year..... i think it would be kind of exciting and satisfying t( not to mention money saving,i am scottish after all.....) to grow your own seeds. what weight size are your silver plates and what do you pay for them and what exactly would u ask for in the jewellers? i just googled the price of silver and its around £17($27) the oz btw.
Would using regular pre-made colloidal silver work just as well? Stuff like this: HERE :idea:

One of my bro's has to take this stuff orally on a regular basis because he got Giardiasis from being a dumb ass and drinking stream water that wasn't treated lol. :clap:
O sweet so it seemed to work G.O.D?

Ill wait for 100% confirmation (although from your results it seems to work well already) and get me some silver to make the generator.

On a suggestion/idea:
Why not use a train control? You know those little grey 12Volt ones you can adjust the voltage on? That way you could experiemnt with different voltages and see whats the ideal voltage to get the most CS in the smallest time but at the highest [conc].

Then again, why fix whats not broke right? lol.

Still, be interesting to try this out now. Thanks for the well documented run down, as its good to see you put in all the info about the amounts used, times used, etc. IF you got a EC meter you think you could give your CS a lil test to see what its at?
cheers for the prompt and concise answer G.O.D... im subscribed....mite be sumthing i fancy trying myself in the new year..... i think it would be kind of exciting and satisfying t( not to mention money saving,i am scottish after all.....) to grow your own seeds. what weight size are your silver plates and what do you pay for them and what exactly would u ask for in the jewellers? i just googled the price of silver and its around £17($27) the oz btw.

The silver that I use are tiny ingots - I think they were 1 gram each, cost next to nothing on eBay.

This is the type of ingot I use >>>> eBay LINK <<<<

Try asking for some Jewellers wire - you would probably need to go to a jewellers shop that actually does repairs.
Would using regular pre-made colloidal silver work just as well? Stuff like this: HERE :idea:

One of my bro's has to take this stuff orally on a regular basis because he got Giardiasis from being a dumb ass and drinking stream water that wasn't treated lol. :clap:

I have read that the commercial colloidal silver (for human consumption) isn't strong enough to affect the plants.

Anyway, for the cost of a small bottle from a Health Food shop you can make a huge volume and be able to make it fresh every time you need it.
O sweet so it seemed to work G.O.D?

Ill wait for 100% confirmation (although from your results it seems to work well already) and get me some silver to make the generator.

On a suggestion/idea:
Why not use a train control? You know those little grey 12Volt ones you can adjust the voltage on? That way you could experiemnt with different voltages and see whats the ideal voltage to get the most CS in the smallest time but at the highest [conc].

Then again, why fix whats not broke right? lol.

Still, be interesting to try this out now. Thanks for the well documented run down, as its good to see you put in all the info about the amounts used, times used, etc. IF you got a EC meter you think you could give your CS a lil test to see what its at?

If I had a model train control I would have probably given it a go, but I didn't - but I have more than one useless old phone charger and they work fine.
The voltage of the phone charger is less than what others have used to make the CS, but I wasn't going to spend money on a more powerful power supply until I proved that it was needed.

If I needed gallons of CS, then my set-up may not be that great - but when I make a glassful at a time my system works perfectly.
Im Lizzard nice to meet you.
I swear by breading stressed hermis only to have stoned newbs tell the offspring will come out 100% xxy, goofwads(your here to learn...)
This is all great information welcome to RIU.
The topic of Feminized seeds normally causes a difference of opinion as well as a few mis-truths by those who dislike Feminized seeds.

Statements saying that Feminized seeds are from hermies and will grow hermies are basically wrong and would hardly reflect good business practice from long established breeders in a very cut-throat seed market.

Cannabis plants have a strong compulsion towards survival of the species, and, should the plant encounter conditions that it is "genetically programmed" to recognise as threatening, it may produce flowers of the opposite sex.

Some plants have a high tolerance to stress/threats and others have a much lower tolerance, the ones with the lower stress tolerance are "more likely to go hermie" than those with a high tolerance.

A plant that hermies easily with very little stress will prodce seeds that will grow into plants with the same low stress tolerance. These seeds are not recommended to be grown.

If you have a plant that has survived being mistreated and only produced a couple of male flowers late in flowering, then those seeds are worth keeping. They will grow into female plants that can take a fair amount of stress, and if you don't stress them they will most likely never grow a ball.

Some plants simply won't respond to stress by producing male flowers. These are the plants that you would like to collect pollen from as the pollen should pass on the stress resistant gene.
Self pollination would be best as both "parents" are the same and the stress resistant gene is not diluted.
How to get the pollen?
Plants grown beyond fully ripe flowering often produce male flowers in a "last ditch" attempt at species survival. Pollen taken from such a plant wouldn't tend to produce hermies as the pollen donor didn't succumb to stress but lived to old age.

Growing plants well past their prime to harvest pollen is time (and resource) consuming and not easily controlled.

A more efficient, easily controlled, way is to induce male flowers without subjecting the plant to any stress.

This is where Colloidal Silver is useful.

Using Colloidal Silver on a plant has nothing to do with stressing the plant.
What happens (in terms that I can just about understand) is that the silver molecules bind themselves to copper molecules in the bud sites of the plant.
Copper is used for ethelyne production by the plant which is used for bud production in female plants.
By binding up the copper molecules and making them unavailable, the Colloidal Silver suppresses the ethelyne production and effectively tricks the plant into thinking it is male.
Again, it has nothing to do with stress, and if the plant didn't have a genetic inclination towards being a hermie, then the seeds will not have the hermie trait either.

To use Colloidal Silver you simply spray the selected plant (or bud or branch of a plant) with colloidal silver before putting it under 12/12 lighting. Repeat the application until male flowers appear.

The fact that you can treat a single bud or branch on a plant and ONLY that area will produce male flowers allows you to harvest pollen and keep flowering the parent plant as a female.
Simply remove the affected branch as the male flowers are reaching maturity and stick it in a flower vase while the pollen sacs ripen, that way you control which flowers get pollinated.

I prefer to use clones for treating with CS as they are small and easily quarantined when needed.
ive pasted 2 links below that may interest sum people, the titles are self explanitory. when i first started growing last year i had a few hermie problems and of course being a newbie i panicked. eventually i was pointed in the right direction and told to check these links, they are crammed with info on the subject of hermies, seed production etc. i used the product mentioned 'dutch masters reverse' and while i dont fully understand why it works i can definetly assure you it does work.
Are you using a ppm or EC meter to determine the strength of the colloidal silver?

And also, since you seem the DIY experimental type that is sharing with the community - if you have an extra ~$20 to throw in, I'd love to see an experiment using "Reverse It" (DutchMaster) on any hermaphroditism now that you are in a position to try using it experimentally.