professional growers please help me

stonned bastard

Active Member
Hi People,

I am a outdoor harvester, and i am into new indoor technologies and systems thus i ve been studying this issue from 2 months period from this lovely forum pages, it took many hours and quite understood now, thanx for all people share their know how by this forum. For a complete system for beginning i found those are needed as listed above ;

600w digital growlight £125.00
1,2m x 1,2m x 2m xl homebox £129.99
vortice 150 mm 500 m3/h £ 70 each x2 £140
Atami Wilma 10 pot 1150mm x 580mm x 440mm £109

All prices are in UK pounds Subtotal : 503.97Shipping : 90.00 TOTAL : 593.97
i found them in , the nutrients, meters, filters, ductings etc. not included to this price they will be extra.

Would please advice if a whole setup like these will work and if system is ok or do i need more things to go.
Waiting to hear you soon. Thanx:joint:
sounds like a pretty nice setup you got going for yourself there. you might want to look into a small fan blowing on your plants along with your intake and exhaust and a digi temp/humidy reader. also a carbon scrubber if needed. some people will simply veg with the hps but if your looking for more compact plants either look into a small veg chamber or a lamp with conversion bulbs (mh/hps changeable) or even a hps system that is blue light enhanced. of course some good indoor seeds would be nice. other than that your pretty much ready to go. im running a 600w hps sun system non digital right now. i didnt buy everything top notch but i still spent over 1000 bucks. but it does make me happy and it makes for happy plants. currently im vegging under my cfls at the moment, i have two chambers and it works pretty good. ive vegged under the hps but unfortunately the plants were too streched, i like em more compact. if my digital cam wasnt screwed up i'd post a couple pics. im sure you'll be happy with the system that you described. im basically at the same setup and im loving mine. peace.
icemassa thanx for the shares , what i understood is i need smaller fans like 125mm and flow is about 360 m3/h two of these will fit to my system. For the veg and flowering i will be using Sylvania Grolux - Blue & Red spectrums. For the first time i am planning to order %100 femanized quality seed , and maybe later on i must prepare a cloning unit but for the beginning ordering femanized seeds seems to be good option. I will have those digi temp/humidy reader as well as carbon scrubber or a carbon filters. Also system needs more things like chiller and Co2 kits i am planning to have them in second or third party.
way to go man, it looks like you have everything ready to go. let us know how it works out for ya. peace.
Hi everyone,

I am also a newbie and interested in indoor cultivation, and currently using a sipmle soil-based system. I want to give a chance to hydro system but since I am brand new to this technology I have some questions. I have found out that "Atami Wilma 10 pot soil grow complete kit" and "HomeBox XL (up to 20 plants)" launched at this website quite fit my needs. I see that the homebox package also includes 600W light and the necessary vantilators, fans etc. Do you agree with me or should I also look for extras?

please follow the links below:

Atami Wilma 10 pot soil grow complete kit 000002 - Budgreen for the hydro kit

HomeBox XL (up to 20 plants) 000005 - Budgreen for the homebox xl

any reply will be appreciated. thanks in advance.
i was looking a little deeper into the homebox and you guys might want to get a second opinion. ive heard many posts on the grow tents that were not good for cultivation of jane. i use a all wooden woredrobe box myself. im not sure if those are the same grow tents that im thinking of or not. im sure there is someone on this forum with experience with these certain tents. i almost bought one my self and then i heard about certain tents actually killing jane. the homebox might not be one but its always better safe than sorry. it might be worth checking into. peace.
thanks for the reply massa. i heard that too but it is true for the bloombox thing as i remember. did you have the chance to check the links above? this stuff looks cute imho.
yeah everything looks great, i was just worried about the grow tents giving you guys any kinda trouble. peace.