Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A


Active Member
Well we disagree on war and peace :) This thread is not really about war and peace, so we probably shouldn't hijack the thread for it. I will write my opinion and then move on to what is relevant to this thread.

My personal experience is the opposite of yours. I spent half a lifetime making peace, walking away, accommodating etc. The result was that I was treated like dirt. Like you I changed. I don't take shit from anyone. I don't go looking for fights, and I try to settle things peacefuly, but if it's going to be a fight, I am up for it. There is no part of me that wants to turn the other cheek.

I don't agree that all war is wrong. I think violence is an integral part human nature and is constructive as well as destructive. At the very least one should defend oneself. The history of nations shows that the rabbits get eaten.

So much for that. If you want to toss it back and forth we can start another thread or PM or not. It's all good.

As for this thread, I don't think it's fair to lay the blame at the Prof's door. He didn't initiate hostilities. He made a serious effort to ignore provocations but they wouldn't go away. Sure, there may have been better ways to handle it, but I don't think it's reasonable to demand it of the Prof. His behavior is the norm in our society (in most societies). It is considered quite acceptable to stand up for yourself when attacked in one way or another, in fact it's expected of you and that's what the Prof did.

IMO there is a more serious problem underlying this: This thread is an abject failure on the part of RIU.

This is a forum where people learn to grow marijuana. It was given the chance to have an expert grower field user's question and they tried to run him out of the room!!! This is like spitting in the face of someone who hands you a $100 bill.

The attack dogs who set on him are one thing, assholes are a fact of life but why didn't RIU protect him??

RIU's policy states explicitly that personal attacks and harrassment are not allowed. Why didn't they enforce it?

In general there is too much of this shit on RIU. Far more than on other forums that I frequent. About half the threads are poisoned with these bitch fights or sometimes simply lynchings and over what? A guy says he's done this or that in his grow and all of a sudden he's being torn apart by dogs. Societies need a police force otherwise people behave badly.

Posting in RIU is like walking down meanstreets. I'm always watching my back and never really relaxed. I fully expect to be on the recieving end of one these vitriolic attacks sooner or later.

I've several times wondered WTF I stay here. I have met some really fine people and learned a great deal, true, but I really don't enjoy having to wade through blood, guts and screaming just to find out how to improve my yield some.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry life and rollitup have been so hard for you. Posting on rollitup is nothing like mean streets for me so dont know why its so different for you plus if it was that bad in my 3000posts id certainly know about it.

War is wrong and disagree all you like to the point where your armies conquer me and leave me downtrodden, im sure in the long run that will make you feel good like your describing!

And unfortunatly the people affected the most are often the ones who miss the point, if more of us were nice and backed down to trolls and haters then we would set an even bigger example than them of what Rollitup is would we not!

Otherwise what do you want to do about it, harsh rules and bigbrother style rollitup, i think not just keep setting that example and hope that one day there are enough of us to set the standard around here, hell it worked for the black so rock on, all we need now is some great leader like martin luther king (total pacifist might i point out) to lead the way but those are few and far in the present society we and our forefathers have created.

Basically there is no discussion to be had dude, you go your way and i'll go mine, sorry you feel so oppressed by the people here, maybe you wana take some time out in the real world for a change or even go on holiday, i had a blast in Amsterdam recently, chilled as fuck the Danish are just like i wana be. Peace and good luck


Active Member
Life is hard for everyone. Being human is difficult. Perhaps we can agree on that? :) I didn't post to whine about my life, I did it, like you to explain where I was coming from. And please, I mean this nicely, I don't need advice on how to run my personal life. That's not what this discussion is about. I am talking about RIU, not my personal problems.

I am surprised you don't see the same level of vitriol and nastiness in RIU that I do. Well I don't have numbers to support my opinion. I was trying to make a point about the general impression a new user might get while browsing through the threads. I find that stuff repellant. Personaly, RIU has been good to me. But yeah, it's can be a tough scene. The problem with meanstreets is that only the tough guys will hang out there, and the streets get meaner. Now I can handle myself on the street but why should I have to? Why should you have to be tough guy to walk down the street?

Yes, I am for more enforcement. There is a certain level of civility that can be maintained while still giving everyone enough room to disagree and voice their opinions. I see this at work in some other forums and it can work very well. It never works perfectly. No enforcement does, but overall it's a big improvement.

But here's an idea. How about having *some* moderated threads. RIU could invite experts to talk and take questions and those threads would be tightly moderated. Right now we are just shooting ourselves in the foot. I don't understand why the Prof keeps coming back after the way he has been treated.


Well-Known Member
Leave it dude, i have.

This thread is just another example of how to let things go and live your life peacefully in the Rollitup community, check my sig and then go smoke a bowl and make your mind up which side of the fence your on.....


Well-Known Member
back on topic i would like to know how best to set up a mother room professor.
1 what area would you recomend per plant n type of lighting?
2 is the same amount of air movement needed for mothers as flowering plants?
3 how often do you start new moms n why?
4 ive seen really tall moms n ive seen short bushy moms, in your experience is there a diference in the quality of clones from either.
5 what area from the mom do you prefer to cut from n what length do you look for when cutting your clones?

ive about a million questions to ask but will limit each q post to 5 so ill be looking for your response so i can gleen from other areas as well.
thanks PM


Active Member
Prof. I would love to prove you right. You said some 50 pages ago that if someone would buy what you told them, and did with it what you told them they could se the results. I'm just wondering what kinda $ to start?

I will have to first do a couple low rent grows to fund raise for the kind of set up you are using. So what do you say? You in?

Oh yes and I have nothing to hide either. I'm legal so my name is Rich Schneider. Honored to meet you.


Active Member
The professor is legit...idk why people are knocking him...I don't care about anything but the final results of the product...judging on this criteria alone, the professor is LEGIT. Why else would you read this thread?
don't get me wrong, i'm not disputing your numbers at all. i'm very impressed. it's just that your way is very intense and always on the small details, i'm very laid back (lazy) and usually ignore the small but important things, which is why i'm only averaging 1 OZ per plant (although i'm getting an average of 16 OZ per grow with a 600 watt).

what i was saying is that i'm not interested in a 45 day indica crop, i prefer something with more sativa in it and less intense attention to the ladies. because i got interested and started reading your threads, over the last day i have lowered my flower lights by close to 9", and tied down several plants that are a foot or more taller than the rest, to make a more uniform canopy. in addition, although i already altered how much water i use on the plants in order to allow the pots to dry out quicker, you stating that this was the best thing was very encouraging. between being more aware of how long it takes a pot to dry out, and using smart pots the next time, i'm excited to see an increase in my yeilds. i knew all these things but over the years i've gotten complacent, sloppy and lazy with my grows. your posts have inspired me to expend a bit more time and energy. not a lot but some! :)

i'm in AZ and we have a 12 plant limit. i need to stop being so lazy and start producing more than 1 oz per plant. i tried hydro (bubbling buckets) and lost a whole crop the day i flipped those beauties into flower (i overfed them and they looked like someone took a blow torch to them) so i'm purely a soil guy although i think i'm going to try some coco coir one of these days. old, comfortable habits are hard to break!

keep up the good work!
Popped in for shit's and grins. I will offer one thing, Fatboy, I wonder how much time you spend with your grow each day? I may make things sound intense but I think it's the exact opposite. On a 60 plant grow I spend 15 minutes a day max. The beauty of this style growing is the fact that it is a system. All spelled out and doesn't change. It reguires attention but just to the critical points. An ounce per plant is just not worth the effort in my oppinion. Would a dash more effort be worth a substantial increase in yield? The system is also outstanding for sativa's, my personal favorites, it just take longer and yield are smaller. That doesn't change the fact that comparitively it is still a vastly bigger producer of bud. Even at twice the time it will allow you 4 crops per year. Once you are setup there isn't much to do except adjusting lights, feeding, and some pruning until harvest. If you're spending 2 hours a week in your grow you should condeder thinking outside the box just to compare. Better doesn't meen harder, just more efficient. Has been very nice over in gen mj growing. Getting stuff done instead of batteling. Peace


I happen to be one of the very few that arrived late and read the entire thread. Firstly, IT IS F___ING UNACCEPTABLE TO HIJACK A THREAD! I hold the 'haters' responsible. YEAH! I F___ING HEARD YOUR LAME ARGUMENTS, You suck at life, leave. (Again, this thread is pretty dead I realize). Do the moderators have to seriously open a closed thread for this guy and accept only viable q's? THE ANSWER IS YES! It's sad that this forum was reduced to this, you guys f___ed it up for the rest of us who care. I hope you realise how stupid you really are, stop smoking weed, in the very least for the entire duration of your webtime any given day.

Thank you to Prof. for dealing with these idiots in a highly regardable fashion. I don't want to start a flame war again, so I'll limit their stupidity to their means of attacking you and not their grow expertise...or cock size.:-|

Since your street cred is being disputed, I'd thought I'd start a question about your personal life, I'll eventually learn more from you so I'm not worried about my grow at the moment. I think you deserve respect enough that I won't call you a liar and having been a vet with an outstanding record, a drummer, mmj activist and of course a penalty dodger as high as the highest offices in the land can consider, have also been called a liar (what you thought I was talking about you? I won't ask until you know about me) for my acheivements. What's so hard to believe?? I'm not an expert sniper, but I can do amazing things with my job sets. It's not about what "CAN'T" be done, it's about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to get there. I know where you are coming from, exactly actually.

Question: Why is it you chose this lifestyle for yourself at this point in your life? I want to know your life philosophy(ies). Meaning: why not go balls to the wall and market yourself, why not make more money? I know how you make your money and that's enough for me, but in other words, 'why should I (me) believe you?' (I believe you BTW). I'm not overly interested in your life story to want to be your best friend (although, you'd be a kickass friend to have, not because you are a walking mint, but because I hang around only awesome people, the best, if your character is tarnished in anyway, I want nothing to do with you. I'm sure there are a lot of people like this here too, don't convince us (me), just tell us. I'm not blasting you, and respect your 40 years of experience, the knowledge you have to impart and the drive to get us where we are all going in life, BUT WHERE ARE WE GOING?

Ps. thanks for the only things I got out of this entire thread which were BRIX METERS and 36hrs dark before flowering. I also had to review my operation and made a couple discoveries because of the Q/A's. And regardless of the character bashing and the wonderful defense you posed, don't feel entirely as if this read was an entire waste of time. 60 pages and 600 posts, UGH! BEDtime!

PPs. I wish I had gall like you. What did you say your balls were made out of? DEA - bunch o' punk BITCHES (trying to be kool, maybe they'll come after me now!)
I happen to be one of the very few that arrived late and read the entire thread. Firstly, IT IS F___ING UNACCEPTABLE TO HIJACK A THREAD! I hold the 'haters' responsible. YEAH! I F___ING HEARD YOUR LAME ARGUMENTS, You suck at life, leave. (Again, this thread is pretty dead I realize). Do the moderators have to seriously open a closed thread for this guy and accept only viable q's? THE ANSWER IS YES! It's sad that this forum was reduced to this, you guys f___ed it up for the rest of us who care. I hope you realise how stupid you really are, stop smoking weed, in the very least for the entire duration of your webtime any given day.

Thank you to Prof. for dealing with these idiots in a highly regardable fashion. I don't want to start a flame war again, so I'll limit their stupidity to their means of attacking you and not their grow expertise...or cock size.:-|

Since your street cred is being disputed, I'd thought I'd start a question about your personal life, I'll eventually learn more from you so I'm not worried about my grow at the moment. I think you deserve respect enough that I won't call you a liar and having been a vet with an outstanding record, a drummer, mmj activist and of course a penalty dodger as high as the highest offices in the land can consider, have also been called a liar (what you thought I was talking about you? I won't ask until you know about me) for my acheivements. What's so hard to believe?? I'm not an expert sniper, but I can do amazing things with my job sets. It's not about what "CAN'T" be done, it's about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to get there. I know where you are coming from, exactly actually.

Question: Why is it you chose this lifestyle for yourself at this point in your life? I want to know your life philosophy(ies). Meaning: why not go balls to the wall and market yourself, why not make more money? I know how you make your money and that's enough for me, but in other words, 'why should I (me) believe you?' (I believe you BTW). I'm not overly interested in your life story to want to be your best friend (although, you'd be a kickass friend to have, not because you are a walking mint, but because I hang around only awesome people, the best, if your character is tarnished in anyway, I want nothing to do with you. I'm sure there are a lot of people like this here too, don't convince us (me), just tell us. I'm not blasting you, and respect your 40 years of experience, the knowledge you have to impart and the drive to get us where we are all going in life, BUT WHERE ARE WE GOING?

Ps. thanks for the only things I got out of this entire thread which were BRIX METERS and 36hrs dark before flowering. I also had to review my operation and made a couple discoveries because of the Q/A's. And regardless of the character bashing and the wonderful defense you posed, don't feel entirely as if this read was an entire waste of time. 60 pages and 600 posts, UGH! BEDtime!

PPs. I wish I had gall like you. What did you say your balls were made out of? DEA - bunch o' punk BITCHES (trying to be kool, maybe they'll come after me now!)
Best fucking thread I've seen. Why? an asteric. When the stupidity ends I want my kids and grandkids to see my name in the good side. Had fame, didn't do shit for me. Don't need the money and have had all the toys, meaningless in my world. Time is the only thing with currency as far as I'm concerned. I also have some big family shoes to fill when it comes to helping. I don't share the most interesting part of my life because there are few with the capasity to handle with the respect it deserves. I have projects in consideration but greed has generally made me postpone or rethink. I have a lot of thoughts about what this community needs and how to achieve them but am not sure I can tolerate the corperate side of it. DEA agent pushed my little girls beenie babies off a shelf onto the floor, it's why I fought them. Pissed me off. Thanks for the imput, couldn't agree more. They put me down but then use the coat tails because nobody gives a fuck what they have to offer. FB excluded. "When the power of love exceeds the love of power we will know peace" J Hendrix


Well-Known Member
Average three inches. taking the number of clones I do requires smaller clippings. Over in Gen MJgrowing now
I aim to flower at 7 inches, three seems a bit small, what is the preflower time or time it takes to show sexual maturity when turning to 12/12 or basically putting them into flower. I appreciate they came of a plant vegged for axtended periods so turning to flower would be quicker than just a normal young plant i.e. the cutting had already reached sexual maturity before cutting.

Basically whats the preflower time or time to flower from 12/12?? Peace


Possibly a silly question since you grow indoors but Ill ask anyway, I've currently planted my first plant ak47/lowryder auto outdoors (yes yes auto) anyway, I'm just curious to ask, How soon can I start nuets on my plant, I want to make her big and strong but don't want to do it too early and risk killing her, I'm only week 1 ATM and she has just sprouted through the soil, I was hopeing week 3 but I guess you would know best :D
I aim to flower at 7 inches, three seems a bit small, what is the preflower time or time it takes to show sexual maturity when turning to 12/12 or basically putting them into flower. I appreciate they came of a plant vegged for axtended periods so turning to flower would be quicker than just a normal young plant i.e. the cutting had already reached sexual maturity before cutting.

Basically whats the preflower time or time to flower from 12/12?? Peace
Why I wonder do you think that seems small? Do you think the size of the clone is related to it's viability? The bigger the clone the better? It will depend on several things as far as showing. Strain, maturity of the clones, and how you put into flower. If you just switch to 12/12 it will take a bit longer. I put into 36 hours of dark and they show the first week.
44 day bud.jpg
Day 48 from 3 inch clone
Possibly a silly question since you grow indoors but Ill ask anyway, I've currently planted my first plant ak47/lowryder auto outdoors (yes yes auto) anyway, I'm just curious to ask, How soon can I start nuets on my plant, I want to make her big and strong but don't want to do it too early and risk killing her, I'm only week 1 ATM and she has just sprouted through the soil, I was hopeing week 3 but I guess you would know best :D
Where do you live? US? Just planted? In the ground or in pot? what type of soil and conditions? Lot of issues here I'm afraid. First auto? why in god's name do people in the northern countries grow auto's? Nowhere near as potent and don't make sense at the location. If it were going to veg for a while I would FIM it first off. Once a week for food is fine. Just sprouted? Starting from seed? So you have a 50/50 she's male. Even fem seeds are only 80% or so female. I would step back, come see me over in GeneralMJGrowing and ask some basic questions about starting a crop. Probably best to regroup and get things together and planned for a spring crop from clones. Do that and I'll walk you through an outdoor grow that I promise you will be very happy with. Cool Beans? Come visit and give me a location and your basic info. We'll start early inside, clone and sex so you have known girls to start outside. I'll blow your mind how big a plant you can grow.


Well-Known Member
Why I wonder do you think that seems small? Do you think the size of the clone is related to it's viability? The bigger the clone the better? It will depend on several things as far as showing. Strain, maturity of the clones, and how you put into flower. If you just switch to 12/12 it will take a bit longer. I put into 36 hours of dark and they show the first week.
View attachment 1825022
Day 48 from 3 inch clone
Yer i clone small for space issues, seems to be a bit harder to get a small clone to root (dont know why but it just dose). I too see the validity of an extended dark period before flowering and before harvest but i run my dark period between 48 and 72 hours not 36.

I see where your coming from with a small clone flowering, if i trim all my budsites except the top ones the top buds grow tall and thick where as if i didnt the top buds dont gain much height. Got a lot of this from Al-B-Fucts hydro threads where he prunes of the bottom third. If i prune it seems to force more bud growth even though i lost a lot of bottom leaves in the process. Is hard to get the hang of doing cutting of growth but results seem pretty good and before long your keen to strip this growth of no worries.

This makes me think a small clone can still grow a big cola, sometimes my veg room is more of a clone room but i like to grow from seed as it looks nicer and more uniformed. Cloning of a small mother plant might maximise my veg area though, still undecided. Could have a small mother plant and clone one cutting a week. Peace


Where do you live? US? Just planted? In the ground or in pot? what type of soil and conditions? Lot of issues here I'm afraid. First auto? why in god's name do people in the northern countries grow auto's? Nowhere near as potent and don't make sense at the location. If it were going to veg for a while I would FIM it first off. Once a week for food is fine. Just sprouted? Starting from seed? So you have a 50/50 she's male. Even fem seeds are only 80% or so female. I would step back, come see me over in GeneralMJGrowing and ask some basic questions about starting a crop. Probably best to regroup and get things together and planned for a spring crop from clones. Do that and I'll walk you through an outdoor grow that I promise you will be very happy with. Cool Beans? Come visit and give me a location and your basic info. We'll start early inside, clone and sex so you have known girls to start outside. I'll blow your mind how big a plant you can grow.
Thank you very much, Ill do just that!
Yer i clone small for space issues, seems to be a bit harder to get a small clone to root (dont know why but it just dose). I too see the validity of an extended dark period before flowering and before harvest but i run my dark period between 48 and 72 hours not 36.

I see where your coming from with a small clone flowering, if i trim all my budsites except the top ones the top buds grow tall and thick where as if i didnt the top buds dont gain much height. Got a lot of this from Al-B-Fucts hydro threads where he prunes of the bottom third. If i prune it seems to force more bud growth even though i lost a lot of bottom leaves in the process. Is hard to get the hang of doing cutting of growth but results seem pretty good and before long your keen to strip this growth of no worries.

This makes me think a small clone can still grow a big cola, sometimes my veg room is more of a clone room but i like to grow from seed as it looks nicer and more uniformed. Cloning of a small mother plant might maximise my veg area though, still undecided. Could have a small mother plant and clone one cutting a week. Peace
I always clone from the bottom, the bottom growth is the oldest and therfore the most mature. I have seen no difference in success rates based on size. I generally get 97-99% success when cloning. More to do with technique and environment then it does with size
Yer i clone small for space issues, seems to be a bit harder to get a small clone to root (dont know why but it just dose). I too see the validity of an extended dark period before flowering and before harvest but i run my dark period between 48 and 72 hours not 36.

I see where your coming from with a small clone flowering, if i trim all my budsites except the top ones the top buds grow tall and thick where as if i didnt the top buds dont gain much height. Got a lot of this from Al-B-Fucts hydro threads where he prunes of the bottom third. If i prune it seems to force more bud growth even though i lost a lot of bottom leaves in the process. Is hard to get the hang of doing cutting of growth but results seem pretty good and before long your keen to strip this growth of no worries.

This makes me think a small clone can still grow a big cola, sometimes my veg room is more of a clone room but i like to grow from seed as it looks nicer and more uniformed. Cloning of a small mother plant might maximise my veg area though, still undecided. Could have a small mother plant and clone one cutting a week. Peace
So now that we're all nice and friendly why don't you come hangout in GenMJgrow and be part of the post there, real positive and lots of good stuff going on