Progress Help....What Now?


I am trying to see if my baby is healthy. I had prior problems with nut burn and havn't used anything for 3 weeks. I water every 3-4 days and was going to start flowering. Right now they are 16 light 8 dark but i was going to start 12/12. I had a lot of yellow spots and dead leaf tips as well as bottom fan leaves falling off. :confused: I cut off the bad spots and bad leaves which I hope was the right thing to do. My ph is almost 8 and i cannot seem to get it down. I have two flood lights and the temp is 80-85 F. Looking for some advice and what I need to buy at the store on my next trip. Thanks :-)



Well-Known Member
You really need some PH Down - product is available in many stores - walmart supposedly has it.
PH of 8 is not going to result in a good grow.


Well-Known Member
oh lol didnt read the ph part, flush her with some 7.0 ph'd water, and let her chill, or just start giving her 6.9 ph. ph really should be like 6.8 tho. use baking soda to raise it, and vinegar to lower it ;) should do fine. or go buy some ph up & down


Well-Known Member
what should i buy to get the ph down??? Should I buy different lights? I have been using two 90w flood lights. Here are a couple more pics.
pH down is the name of a product. Use it to lower the pH of your water.


Well-Known Member
PH Down is the name of the product. Not sure what stores you have access to, but this product is better than vinegar. Some people seem to have good luck with vinegar, but I'd prefer the Ph Down if I had to choose.


Well-Known Member
its an alternative-the vinegar- but ya get ph down and up, local hydro shops have em. and also get some better lights, cfls, (energy savers) and use those. ur plant is tall and lanky. might just wanna top her and start over with the left over. or cut the top off and clone it and have two plants. but you are gonna have problems trying to flower that thing, looks like its 3ft tall. people dont understand that when a mj plant flowers, it grows 3 TIMES the size of it that it was in veg.


Its 2 feet tall but I have already started 12/12....I wouldn't even begine to know how to clone. Do you really think its a lost cause?? I have cut it the top already. What do i do now?


Well-Known Member
not a lost cause - if you can get your ph under control, you should see improvement
many have recovered from worse on this forum


ph is down to 6.5 - 7. She looks good. I used viniger since I couldnt find anywhere with ph down and i mixed it with water. It seems to have worked. Now I was going to fertilize but I think I should wait a week before that. Thanks. Should I keep cutting her dawn or no?


Well-Known Member
do you mean topping? - think you mentioned you topped once
maybe, how tall is your limit? - and your plant is about 2 foot?


I trimmed the top off like 3 weeks ago and it started to fill out all around. I have tones of new baby leaves and she is definately showing improvement. I guess shes more like 2 1/2 feet tall but i thought that was normal. I also see a lot of pistals. Ill post more pics and see what you think. I just dont know really where to go from here.


Well-Known Member
pistils, you're in flower? - if so no more topping - think about feeding a bit - start a little on the low side to make sure you aren't giving her too much


I have been on 12/12 for about 2+weeks but I sometimes forget to turn the light off so it can be 10/14.....I have been a lot better lately but I wasn't expecting the little one to sprout up.....I thought it was a lost cause and then out of nowhere ..."hello" :) I bought a 15-30-15 m.g. fertilizer but i havent used it yet. I have not used anything for 3 weeks due to previous not burn issues but I think she may be ready for a little.



Yeah I thought so ....Ill go out later today to get some....any suggestions.....I only have two ligh outlets that can be moved around.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought so ....Ill go out later today to get some....any suggestions.....I only have two ligh outlets that can be moved around.
2700k cfls, get the 42 watters if possible. The put them just a couple of inches away from your plant. Go easy to start with the nutes.