progressing rust,not spots


Active Member
I'm having this issue of rusting.i live in a coastal climate using well water..i tested the water and had a PH of 8.2(using pool test strips)i started using water from those dispenser machines at grocery stores 2days ago that water test was spot im stickin with that water. but do you think the water is the issue?...never adjusted it with ph up or down because when i checked with my meter it always showed the soil.i now have to meters that give me diff. readings inground but read the same in ro water.1 is a digital meter(ferry-morse) the other is a needle(holdall) from home depot..also i water every other day sometimes every day beacuse of the 110D.heat and the soil i have it drains pretty quick.should i feed them more since i water frequently? i feed them once a wk9811 004 (800x533).jpg9811 003 (533x800).jpg9811 001 (800x533).jpg9811 002 (800x533).jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn to me. I would cut down on the amount you're giving them. Maybe go half strength twice a week or something


Active Member
If it was nute burn wouldn't it only affect the edges? I follow the instructions from G.H. nute schedule.i would think me watering every other day would be washing nutes away? i only feed once a week


Well-Known Member
I have had that type of burning before. You can be using recommended doses and still burn. :(

Here is one of my plants last season that I burned. :(


I usually using half of what they (whatever nute company you are using) recommend.


Active Member
ok ty guys i will cut back on my nutes and see how it goes. like i said i had the exact same prob last yr growing out doors.But indoors growing in buckets with SunShine#4 for my medium I didnt experience any of these issues.Can you explain why?is it because its inground out doors?


Well-Known Member
Well I know for a fact that my burn came from me feeding a full dose before an extremely hot day. 4 plants liked it and that 1 did not. I still ended up harvesting and smoking her so you should be fine. Indoors we control everything in the plants environment. Outdoors we combat pests, heat, wind, rippers...... So many things could happen. I could see a heavy feed followed by a crazy hot day causing some issues.