Project LED DWC Grow


Active Member
Hey all. I've looked around and seen very few people growing with just LEDs and the ones that do grow using the UFO kind that cost a hefty $200+ and use 90w of power for single panel.

I have a single bag seed that was given to me and I thought I'd give DWC a shit and try out LED. I know none or not many of you agree with this choice but some one has to try it out.

I will be updating with pics ASAP. This isn't gonna be an all out setup I just wanna test what LEDs can do to a point. Not gonna try to massive yields and such just wanna give it a wing. As soon as you see pics posted you may start posting.

Happy farming.


Active Member
Ok here's a pic of a small area I threw together since its a testing project so don't say its not set up right and what not. If things go well I might pick up a couple more and buy some beans.

----- Project LED, DWC Setup -----

----- LED Lights -----
View attachment 1009269
Wattage - 3.5
Lumes - 280
Life - 10,000 hours
No Rediated Heat
Mercury Free
Lumes per watt - 80
Colour Temp - 6062K
Cost per month on a 24/0 for 30 days - $0.15

View attachment 1009268
Wattage - 3.5
Lumes - 201
Life - 15,000 hours
No Rediated Heat
Mercury Free
Lumes per watt - 57
Colour Temp - 5692K
Cost per month on a 24/0 for 30 days - $0.15


Will definitely follow this one. I'm curios as to how well those bulbs work. At the price and wattage looks like it would be better than the pre-built panels cause you could place them on top and all around. Are those supposed to be a spectrum for growing or just generic lights to replace household bulbs?