promix or coco?


ive come to the conclusion that my choice for medium is either promix or coco i am hand watering with organicare line of botanicare and i have 1 600watt(actully 2 but will run one at time). if any body has or had a similar situation i would like to here about it as to help me make my desicion i like that promix is cheaper but i also hear good things about coco so any ideas or siggestions will be much appreciated


i would like to stay away from any medium that will atract bugs so i dont want to use soil. how is the bug factor for promix and or coco i had a bad case of fungas nats once when i took some clones from a dispensery i then tranplanted it the soil mix nto a mesh basket a into a deep water culture set up and a week later i had larve floating in my water it sucked dont want to do it again so should i be worried about this happening with promix or coco i think the nats feed on algee so if i keep the pots coverd i should be good and i know there are more than just fungus nats out the and i dont want to fuck with any of them if any body can shed light on the subject much appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
I am going to be switching from ocean forest to either Pro Mix HP or Sunshine mix #4. The ocean forest has worked great, I just want a little more control over my nutrients.

You will have the same problems with gnats with promix or any other medium you are using if care is not taken. It was not the "soil" that caused the gnats. It was not letting your soil dry out correctly, allowing bugs into your grow room, not putting your new cuttings into an isolated area for a bit so you can make sure they don't have bugs, etc. You can get fungus gnats in rockwool if you keep it super wet.

It's not going to be about keeping your pots covered. The larvae of the gnats feed on roots and whatnot, not the algae. Algae is a whole other issue in itself. Let your media dry out between waterings, don't let bugs into your room, and make sure you isolate any new clones going into your room from another person.


Well-Known Member
I started working with Promix on this grow and love it. I grow in the basement, so bugs are a concern-- I had them on my last grow (edit- my last grow was soil), but not this one.

I have not grown with Coco, and there are two reasons:
- I don't have to go to the hydro shop for Promix (I don't like to go there unless necessary)
- I have read that Coco varies in quality from producer to producer, and I didn't want to spend time researching this more than necessary


I am going to be switching from ocean forest to either Pro Mix HP or Sunshine mix #4. The ocean forest has worked great, I just want a little more control over my nutrients.

You will have the same problems with gnats with promix or any other medium you are using if care is not taken. It was not the "soil" that caused the gnats. It was not letting your soil dry out correctly, allowing bugs into your grow room, not putting your new cuttings into an isolated area for a bit so you can make sure they don't have bugs, etc. You can get fungus gnats in rockwool if you keep it super wet.

It's not going to be about keeping your pots covered. The larvae of the gnats feed on roots and whatnot, not the algae. Algae is a whole other issue in itself. Let your media dry out between waterings, don't let bugs into your room, and make sure you isolate any new clones going into your room from another person.
so what bugs are the ones that feed on algee i may have been mistaken about the fungus nats it could have been somthen else completly i am pretty cautious and clean in my grow rooms but somtimes you get a bad roll of the dice when getting clones from the didpensary ive only had the larve problem once out of several dispensary trips but good lookin on the advice i like the promix cause its cheap and the nuet control if you got further advive or links on the promix id be glad to here it

trichlone fiend

New Member
...if you overwater, or keep your medium too moist you will get fungus gnats. I've had gnats with FFOF, Promix, and sunshine #4.


...if you overwater, or keep your medium too moist you will get fungus gnats. I've had gnats with FFOF, Promix, and sunshine #4.
what are the ones that feed on algee. you know who else is a bitch is spider mites i hear if you dip your clones in asotrol when you first get then it will do the trick low temps are always good i was gonna bug bomb my room before i get any clones in there do you have any other tricks of the trade besides prevention causse im all about prevention but those little fuckers are tricky
So lets say you have a grow cabinet within a room that has a window open for air circulation. Could the gnats get in the room through the window?
what are the ones that feed on algee. you know who else is a bitch is spider mites i hear if you dip your clones in asotrol when you first get then it will do the trick low temps are always good i was gonna bug bomb my room before i get any clones in there do you have any other tricks of the trade besides prevention causse im all about prevention but those little fuckers are tricky
temps in the 60's at lights out and you'll never have a bug problem.....gauranteeed