Proof of voter fraud found

ummmm, Houston?..we have a problem.

Colorado governor supports property tax cut measure on November ballot opposed by other Democrats
Gov. Jared Pols didn’t elaborate on his position, which is raising eyebrows among Democrats

Gov. Jared Polis will vote for Proposition 120, the ballot measure that gives other Democrats pause because it would slash property tax assessment rates for multifamily residential properties and lodging properties.

Polis, who stated his position Monday when asked by The Colorado Sun, didn’t elaborate on why he is voting for the proposition, which is on the Nov. 2 ballot and backed by conservatives.

A spokesman later distanced the governor from the stance.

jesus they're nasty here..

You asked how he plans to fill out his ballot and the governor told you how he is doing so as a Colorado voter,” Conor Cahill, a spokesman for the governor, said in a written statement. “The governor has not officially endorsed these ballot measures or campaigned for or against them, he was simply answering the question asked.”

he wants to raise taxes on mmj ANOTHER 5% too..isn't there a lottery system for school funding? how about liquor or cigarette tax for the hillbillies?

it's being erroneously touted as 'Governor endorsed' on TV which it is not..i believe political public figures should stay away from this kind of information to the public- it can prove deadly..he has a race in 2022. so questionable about answering this.
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I got to go guys. try and come up with a question and a link to where i can see all the laws from the government you defend with all of your hearts.
I can’t tell how much better my RIU experience is since I blocked big foot

You know...I don't really have a problem with his anti-gov't/tax/etc. desires. It's the complete lack of acknowledging the fact that he chooses to live in it and not really do much to change it. There are some places in Alaska where you can live with no income tax, sales tax, or even property tax, and there's virtually nobody around to tell you what to do. It's about as free as you could possibly be and some of these places aren't even that far out, like the Denali area. He wants his utopia to come to him, instead of having to go to it, and he doesn't want to say it aloud because then we'll all laugh at him for being spineless weaksauce.
you go to sleep dreaming about race don't you. just can't get it off your mind
I probably do some times. Maybe if white supremacist terrorists would stop attacking US democracy and if maybe white people would stop killing Black people in stand your ground states claiming "they were afraid" and if maybe cops would stop beating black people because the black man "made them afraid" and if maybe old white people would stop voting for a clearly fascist old white man who called all Mexicans rapists and drug dealers in order to garner votes from white racists and maybe if white people could perhaps shoot a little more cash to underfunded schools in poor neighborhoods and perhaps if the leaders that Republican voters chose would prefer multicultural democracy over anti-democratic fascism and maybe if Republicans would run on ideas instead of voter suppression. Maybe then there would be less tension in this country and I could get a good nights sleep.
Speaking of racists, there are about 3% fewer right wing terrorists than patriots planning to vote in Virginia on Nov 2
