Do you think big corporations should mass produce cannabis and let mom and pop growers suffer?

  • necessary evil

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  • mom and pop growers won't suffer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hey Everyone!

I'm new to this site but after listening to recent politics in Arizona, I feel like I had to write about Prop 205 and some of the weird things going on in Arizona. Would love to hear thoughts!

Proposition 205 is supposed to let recreational cannabis be approved for people 21 years and up in Arizona. Although I believe there's many flaws in the proposition (15% tax, really? The only way politicians would want to approve it is if it could line their bottoms), I think any step towards progress may be a good one. I am just hoping it doesn't slow or tarnish the cannabis industry that will be created here.

I recognize big companies will want to come in and kick out small town farmers to mass produce product and reap the earnings off of those and not even care. I wish there could be more ethics in the business. One thing I am worried about is the wrong people supporting Prop 205 or people who don't support it.

So, currently, in a tiny, little LDS community in Arizona called Snowflake, this slimy family called the Symington's wants to open up one of the largest greenhouses in the country. My first concern is that this is a community who is not ready for this. I mean, they would need time to adjust to Prop 205 before letting the whole greenhouse come in, right? I think it should be put in phoenix or something. Anyways, this family owns Copperstate Farms who wants to open the greenhouse. The fishy thing is, the father of the owner (Owner's name is Fife Symington IV), Fife Symington Sr., was a republican, ex-governor who voted on a bill that would permanently stall medical marijuana from being passed in 1997. This guy was booted out of office for criminal activities and even has ties to the cartel. Look up his name in the Phoenix New Times, crazy. Not to mention, Copperstate Farms nor the Symington's have donated 1 cent to the Prop 205 movement! Are these the kind of people who should be partaking in business having to do with cannabis if they don't even support the movement? I say, let the small town growers produce quality and let the big corporations, who do not care about the cannabis community, gtfo.

Would love to hear people's thoughts on the situation. Just learned about these Symington's and it really made my stomach turn.
Unfortunately, if 205 passes i will no longer be able to grow in AZ. That said, F*CK 205!

We all want legalization, but 205 is a joke. Its a big business takeover. Theyre monopolizing (oligarchy) the industry so that only they can grow and sell. And whn i say they i mean the big business corporate rich douches who have fought to keep it illegal all this time.

Yes im a little bitter over this. All i do is argue w people all day abt how 205 is shit for these reasons...
- it creates a monopoly for the rich on marijuana AND accessories!
-it creates a Marijuana Task Force to enforce their monopoly.
-tax money goes to the task force first, then excess money goes to schools.
-with monopolies comes inflated pricing and less consumer choice and quality of goods.
-there are no protections for users so u will still get dui's and can fired from your job for metabolites.
-fake grow rights! Towns are allowed to opt out of letting people grow 6 plants. Towns can do this without a vote. (In CO 2/3rds of towns have opted out)
-it reorganizes the medical program into a retail program, forcing sick patients to compete in the marketplace w rec users.

Theres more but im tired of typing. Tired of this argument. Bcuz as soon as i explain these reasons to one person, someone else comes outta the woodwork sayin "whoooo AZ will have legalization yaaaay!!" Hows it legal if u can still get duis and fired from your job?

It scares the sh!t outta me how big business has its crosshairs on the mj industry. Theyre gonna take it from us, sure as shit. And only AFTER 205 kicks in will people realize we shoulda voted NO.
Whoa Sam. I totally agree. These people are bad with money too! Fife III was $25 million in debt when he was FIRED from being governor. He was only pardoned on Clinton's (Bill) last day of presidency because Symington saved his life. If this ex-governor was a crook, I don't think his son, Fife IV, has fallen far from the tree. They're probably both bad with money and will ruin the cannabis industry in Arizona.