prop 215/homemade areo grow


Active Member
Hey Guys,

20+ years growing experience here all indoors, no outdoor experience and most of the time in soil, about 8 years ago switched to a homemade drip system that I built out of the irrigation stuff and other parts from Home Depot. First run I loved the speed of growth and ease of watering and everything and all went pretty well on the first one. I think I got a little cocky and didn't put as much attention into the second run and from there it took me quite of bit of time to get things dialed in to where I was consistently happy with my results. One thing I never got used to was the algae build up on top of the rockwool blocks even if you kept them covered but I just learned to live with it.

After doing some research trying to figure out a better method of growing I came across Heaths' flooded tube vertical. While my system is actually nothing like that, he was the closest person I could find to the style of growing plants the way I do so I thought areo is going to be my way to grow. The unit from the store is awesome but seems to have the plant spacing so close together that you wouldn't be able to let the plants get very big, which I have found to give a better yield consistency. So I built my own that had a similar spacing to what I am used to using in my old drip system.

I thought hydro was fast but areo is like crazy fast so I felt supper inspired (plus nudged by Heath) to share my outcomes in my new setup that I have built. Things in this run have settled down so hope you enjoy as much as I am. peace :joint:


Active Member
First I am going to start of with the pics of the room being built, cause I decided new system meant everything is new, there are just so many advances in products available to grow now when you go out and look. Especially when you haven't paid any attention for the past 15 years or more :-| sorry the pics aren't better but all I have is my phone camera for this run, I will get a better one for the future :cry:



Active Member
Here are some pics of my light rez and the light assemblies. I am set up for four but have only two at the moment, next run all 4!!



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Ok now to the whole reason for posting the thread, the homemade table, all parts from Home Depot or Greencoast :hump:



Active Member
That is about all for the room, now onto the run, I have mostly Hindu Skunk on the table but there are a few Banana Kush interspersed through. These are pics from cuttings, the last pic is day one of a 12 day veg...



Active Member
Here is a pic from day 30 with the second screen layer in. Things are coming along nicely, am at day 33 now will keep updating with pics as things come along. peace :joint:



Active Member
Ahh you went to Green Coast on Meats eh? That shop is huge, been there quite a few times. Set up looks great, when can I come visit and look? JP


Active Member
Blueberryyum I didn't even notice that anybody had posted I was so busy put up my pics, thanks for stopping by I hope you enjoy the grow show!

JeepBeep So I would guess you been there as well, yes I like that shop. The one in LB is big now too if you haven't been there in a while. Thank you much on complements I will keep updating pics as things come along. peace


Active Member
Here is an update from before lights off today, it is the 34th day of 12/12 and leaves are starting to change colors nicely and all looks good. This is my first areo run and am not sure what final outcome will be, but from how it looks to be progressing along, it seems to be areo is the same as having Co2. This room has no Co2 at this time.

One grip I have I am showing in the first pic of the "shade" in the middle of the canopy, it is from the rims on the LL light housings but I am still amazed at the size of the buds growing in there. Enjoy the pics, peace :joint:



Active Member
morrisgreenberg Thanks for stopping by, yes I was a bit amazed at how it got swallowed myself I wasn't expecting it to go that far above, but it has seemed to work out. It is basically budding from the first screen up all other buds and branches trimmed off. My most recent pics are taken from the side, it seems I can't get good shots with my camera anymore as there is absolutely no detail. Next update will be day 42 12/12, tomorrow. peace:joint:



Active Member
Here we are at day 42 of 12/12 down to EC 1.0-1.2. They are taking up nutrients nicely and leaves are continuing to yellow out. Looking for a nice Autumn finish.
