Proper PH for watering


Active Member
I've seen a lot of different ideas of what the proper ph levels for watering plants. Any feedback on the ideal ph levels for water used for plants in 4 gallon pots with a soil-less mixture (Black Gold)? Right now I'm shooting for 6.0-6.5. Thoughts?:joint:


New Member
your doing it right but as the guy above me said you can even do it anywhere between 5 and 8 and you will be fine, it is when it is totally out of control you will have problems...


Active Member
im still a newb here doin outdoor and so far so good but in the use of my nutes (sensi grow a+b for march and april and grow big since) i never did any ph balancing. everything looks bitchin but im worried about nutrient lock (not that i know anything extensive about it) during flowering. idk just lookin for good advice 2 of my 24 plants have started flowering and i wanna be safe with this