Proper use of bone and blood meal?


Well-Known Member
You will find that you get much better responces when you explain the whole story behind your question, instead of just blurting out the question. Come on, this isn't an ad in the classified section of the newspaper - you're not being charged by the word.

Now, to answer your question; that depends, mostly, on two things:
1. Just what kind of "Soil-mix" are you trying to make?
2. What other ingredients are you using, and how much?


Well-Known Member
Blood meal is a source of nitrogen and iron and can be used with your food. Bone meal is calcium phosphate and is better to use as a soil/potting mix amendment like lime rather than top feeding with it.

Easy on the bone meal.


Sector 5 Moderator
I've mixed it in from the beginning but I think you can burn your seedlings like that if you use too much. I think it's best use is for top dressing after they get a little bigger, especially if you see the leaves turning yellow on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
I add 1 tablespoon of blood meal and 2 tablespoons of bone meal to my 3 gallon pots before I transplant the seedling. I start my seedlings in solo cups with soil mixed with perlite.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Bone meal can take many months to be broken down by microbes in the soil profile to be in a useable form for plants. Since cannabis is classified as a annual, it is unlikely that it will be available in any appreciable amount for your plant(s). Synthetics generally offer a more readily available source of nutrients in such a relatively short amount of time. It can however, be helpful as an amendment to soils in the long-term. Particularly when used in recycled soils over several seasons. The same can be said of other amendments such as dolomitic lime.


Well-Known Member
Not a question you were asking, but.....

Do not use blood meal or bone meal in an outdoor planting, as in a rural planting, where it is not fenced. Dogs, cats, fox, skunks, coyotes etc, all sorts of critters can be attracted and will dig in and mark their spot.

Not to say it will definitely happen but you are attracting attention from the mammals in your neighborhood.