Proposed jacked up changes to the RI program


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I. RI Attorney General Files Bill That Would, If Enacted, Change MMj Program
There are two identical bills, 5823 in the House and 558 in the Senate that were filed on behalf of RI Attorney General Kilmartin. They would, if enacted, reduce plant limits by 50 percent, double the amount of permissible dried usable cannabis, require a cultivation certificate for patients and caregivers who grow cannabis, require local inspections and more. Hearings on the bills have not yet been scheduled. Summary is below:
PLANT LIMITS: HB 5823 would reduce the number of permissible plants by half as follows: Patients may now have 12 mature plants and 12 seedlings. The AG proposes changing limit to 6 mature plants and 6 seedlings.
Caregivers with one patient may now have 12 mature and 12 seedlings. The AG proposes changing this limit to 6 mature and 6 seedlings. Caregivers with 2-5 patients may now have 24 mature and 12 seedlings. The AG proposes changing limit to 12 mature and 6 seedlings
POSSESSION LIMITS: HB 5823 would double the amounts of dried usable medicine as follows: One patient may now possess 2.5 oz. of dried usable medicine. AG proposes increasing that limit to 5 oz.
Caregivers with one patient may now possess 2.5 oz. of dried usable. AG proposes increasing that limit to 5 oz. Caregivers with 2-5 patients may now possess 5 oz. of dried usable. AG proposes increasing that amount to 10 oz.
CULTIVATION LICENSE WOULD BE REQUIRED: Patients and caregivers can currently grow MMj plants as long as they are in possession of their MMj licenses. The AG proposes that all patients and caregivers who grow be required to have a cultivation license. Cultivation licenses would:
· Require annual fee and application fee would be determined by Health Department (DoH). DoH would retain funds for costs of administering MMj program
· Cultivation certificate to be revoked if there is any violation of the MMj statute
· Only one certificate will be issued per residence unless proof that more than one patient or caregiver resides at that location (“proof” is not defined or specified)
· May grow in only ONE location
· Grow location must be in applicant’s residence or property owned by applicant Growing without a certificate could result in arrest and prosecution
· Cultivation certificate to be revoked if there is any violation of the MMj statute
· Requirement for cultivation certificates would take effect immediately if bill were
· Application for cultivation license would require:
· Description of grow location - Growing permissible only at residence or other property owned by applicant patient or caregiver
· Written plan ensuring grow not visible to street or to the public
· Proof of security devises (does not specify any standards or requirements)
· Proof that grow location complies with local and state
zoning codes. (This means inspections by local building inspectors)
Caregivers would be required to have national background check (cost of 35 dollars) in place of current BCI requirement (cost of 5 dollars). Any felony drug conviction will be a disqualification. The DoH would have the discretion to permit someone who is an immediate family member of a patient to be that patient’s caregiver. It is not clear whether they would be eligible for “cultivation certificate”.
Caregivers would not be able to use the affirmative defense. This means that anyone who possesses or grows MMj for a patient prior to receiving their caregiver license could be prosecuted and would not have the opportunity to have the case dismissed because they were possessing or growing within limits for patient who later received license and appointed them to be their caregiver.
24 HOUR VERIFICATION SERVICE: Would require DoH to maintain a twenty-four (24) hour automated verification system for law enforcement personnel to verify the validity of a cardholder by confirming a random registry number, name or address.
Currently, the DoH can only verify cards (licenses) during regular business hours. Caregivers and patients have been detained, in a few cases, overnight waiting for verification. Patients and caregivers who have misplaced their licenses have been detained until they produce actual license. The AG’s bill would allow law enforcement to confirm, in addition to the MMj number (which they can do now), cardholders names and addresses.
LANDLORDS COULD PROHIBIT GROWING: Landlords could say “no” and refuse to rent to patient or caregiver who wants to grow and/or could refuse to continue leasing to patient or caregiver who is growing.
RIPAC ADAMANTLY OPPOSES THESE BILLS except for the provision that creates a 24 hour verification service and the provision that would increase the possession limits for dried usable medicine. The Slater Center and Greenleaf Compassion Center will join us in our opposition. We will let you know when the hearings are scheduled.
To read the actual text of the bill: or This info was provided to me by RIPAC. Thanks to Joanne as always for the heads' up. I certainly hope the changes don't pass and subsequently go into effect.
These are all steps to limit cultivation by the average grower and force them to purchase a product instead...imo
such crap, how can a patient or caregiver expect to setup a room with equipment and have security on it, then have it accessed my local pd or anyone then want, whenever they want. plus an annual fee... whats next they also wanna tax what they feel is a proper amount off each plant to be paid anually also?

should never pass.
It's horrible. Besides paying the permits ect , with all the people you'll be waiting illegally till they come or pull down your garden. Inspections take time to schedule ect why a asshole.
Yo highflyr, not doubting u at all. But I'm curious why u think the bill will not pass?

And ill be than willing to protestit
From what I understand, it's another smokescreen bill like the one where they wanted to remove c/g's......used to distract or barter against, another proposed bill.

Also, I understand it,....the Dispensaries and RIPAC will be leading the fight against it.

Old times again Flyr,.....round em up
Fight the powers that be

This is a tax bill. The state has no more money to finance its usual shenanigans and the Pro-Tax groups are out there looking for an easy target to siphon off some cash to throw down the black hole.

If you don't like it, call these people who sponsored it:

Rep. Lisa Tomasso (401) 965-2719
Rep. Gregory Costantino (401) 426-0284
Rep. Raymond Johnston (401) 288-7248
Rep. Robert Phillips (401) 762-2010

Better yet, RUN AGAINST THEM in 2014! Last election there were several districts where no one bothered to run against the incumbent. What kind of choice is that?! The people of Rhode Island deserve better!
Decriminilization takes place and like a miracle 2 new bills appear to go before the house. HEALTH wil continue to try to make rules and change regs without public input so everyone must speak up. THere is still a case pending regarding the changing of regs for PA's/NP's to sign certificates another reg that they changed without public input and affecting MMJ patients. It is an election year---do not support the reappointment of any of these reps or anyone who oppresses an alternative treatment for pain.
Yo highflyr, not doubting u at all. But I'm curious why u think the bill will not pass?

And ill be than willing to protestit

Well FIRST some key points. it has no support in the HOUSE or Senate,

Citys can't take on the load of inspections,so the mayors are against it too...BUT this bill will help push the LANDLORD bill.Myself and LBH have some pretty good connections within the program and have alot of inside info from well known sources.WHen and IF the time comes we will rally the troops AGAIN and STAND UP for your rights and ours.Another great friend of ours and great source MADMIKE may chime in sometime soon also.
ahhh, gotta love politics... had no idea one bill for mmj could influence so many other bills. shits retarded... spoke to afew others about it an some say they beleive the dispensaries play big role in this. making other forced to go to dispensary and then when dispensary has no cardholders to get meds from they tell state to up the plant count for them, allowing them to control market completely. that is pure speculation though. just something someone bought up an sounded very confident in explaining it.
I heard the same Hghflyr.

I don't know if that's true Ricky but I'd like to think that they are more worried about opening than eliminating their main source of Meds. They have also been warned that if they go over the federal limit they will be raided and prosecuted. So I don't know whether it's true or not but it kind of sounds like a conspiracy theory with little factual basis. Conspiracy theories usually sound good otherwise people wouldn't believe them. Not to mention if it ever got out to the community that they were lobbying against caregivers they would lose trust and in this community trust is everything.
ahhh, gotta love politics... had no idea one bill for mmj could influence so many other bills. shits retarded... spoke to afew others about it an some say they beleive the dispensaries play big role in this. making other forced to go to dispensary and then when dispensary has no cardholders to get meds from they tell state to up the plant count for them, allowing them to control market completely. that is pure speculation though. just something someone bought up an sounded very confident in explaining it.

The centers are against this bill also.Mainly because growers will supply a large amount of the meds to them.IF they cant grow decent numbers they will have less access them selves.
The centers will be front row me psychic in a few years but ......

EVEN IF the centers plan was to wipe out the c/g's and then not meet supply and have new legislation done to address it, maybe set up commercial grows,.....EVEN IF that were their plan, I think they know that it would take way too long and the time to capitalize on this if you're a dispensary, NOW. It will be fully legal within 5-10 yrs and they will be out of the game because budweiser, phillip morris, Marlboro and the likes will have every liquor store stocked with packs of grade A bud. By the time a plan like that came to fruition,...ESPECIALLY in this ass dragging state, it would be too late. They need us and now is the time, it's just a matter now if enough people will do business at their prices. Not very good feedback on that. I know a good 100-125 growers in RI alone,....know most of them well, .....and I know 4 that plan to help. Admittedly, I haven't spoken with all of them, just saying

I had a discussion last night with a gentleman who helps 501c3's (non profits) get set up. 90 something percent of non profits who use a retail format, use the keystone principle. 100% mark up. That's normal in the general retail market also. I think growers are going to have a problem if their meds are on the shelf at 100% (or 100+) mark up because lets face it,...thats plain greedy in general, let alone for a non profit. I'm hoping this wont be the case in RI, so far the Slater Center is saying this will be a compassionate endeavor so if the prices are way down to the grower, they'll need to be waaaaay down for the patients to keep the growers because many are taking the loss in the name of doing the right thing. If you feel like you got screwed while trying to do the right thing, you leave. Human nature.

I hope we can all find a middle road to make this model something to be proud of for a change.
The centers will be front row me psychic in a few years but ......

EVEN IF the centers plan was to wipe out the c/g's and then not meet supply and have new legislation done to address it, maybe set up commercial grows,.....EVEN IF that were their plan, I think they know that it would take way too long and the time to capitalize on this if you're a dispensary, NOW. It will be fully legal within 5-10 yrs and they will be out of the game because budweiser, phillip morris, Marlboro and the likes will have every liquor store stocked with packs of grade A bud. By the time a plan like that came to fruition,...ESPECIALLY in this ass dragging state, it would be too late. They need us and now is the time, it's just a matter now if enough people will do business at their prices. Not very good feedback on that. I know a good 100-125 growers in RI alone,....know most of them well, .....and I know 4 that plan to help.

I had a discussion last night with a gentleman who helps 501c3's (non profits) get set up. 90 something percent of non profits who use a retail format, use the keystone principle. 100% mark up. That's normal in the general retail market also. I think growers are going to have a problem if their meds are on the shelf at 100% (or 100+) mark up because lets face it,...thats plain greedy in general, let alone for a non profit. I'm hoping this wont be the case in RI, so far the Slater Center is saying this will be a compassionate endeavor so if the prices are way down to the grower, they'll need to be waaaaay down for the patients to keep the growers because many are taking the loss in the name of doing the right thing. If you feel like you got screwed while trying to do the right thing, you leave. Human nature.

I hope we can all find a middle road to make this model something to be proud of for a change.

Yes sir..They gotta adjust the numbers all around.
Yeah I felt same way... let's face it. 99 plants wont cover a whole state. They need cardholder tthat's why I didn't go further talking about it. Don't wanna spread rumor and I'd like to give excess to dispensary if possible... heard a lot of complaints at 150 oz paid by dispensary but i wouldnt mind it.
Well if you wanna get involved
[h=5]The first hearing *will be on the Senate Bill, Senate
Bill 558. It will take place *next Thursday, April 11 before the Senate
Committee on Judiciary at 4:30PM.*[/h]
Yeah I felt same way... let's face it. 99 plants wont cover a whole state. They need cardholder tthat's why I didn't go further talking about it. Don't wanna spread rumor and I'd like to give excess to dispensary if possible... heard a lot of complaints at 150 oz paid by dispensary but i wouldnt mind it.

I would sell them every gram I grow for $2400/lb. I think thats fair and compassionate on both ends.