Active Member
Sorry, lad... but once you're arrested and in court, the burden of proof shifts to you.
are you not familiar with the united states constitution?
Sorry, lad... but once you're arrested and in court, the burden of proof shifts to you.
OK, fine... from the top of this very page even...I never said that Prop 19 was going to do anything for those ALREADY in prison. Man, you opponents sure infer a lot. Quit putting words in my mouth and into the mouths of others as an argument.
Once again, Prop 19 doesn't reduce the laws and restrictions under current California law, it increases restrictions. But then, you'd have had to do some research to know that. Since you can't even read a response to one of your own posts correctly, I'll assume that these activities are beyond your capabilities.And lets not forget the suffering of those behind bars due to laws against this plant, those that have been there for years...and those that will continue to be put in prisons if we don't take the first step forward. The world is watching and counting on us to Vote Yes on Prop 19 in hopes that it gets the ball rolling for the rest of the world. I think the growers should be thinking ahead and figuring out ways that they can join the industry instead of putting so much effort into opposing it.
There is so much erroneous information and baseless supposition in this paragraph that I'm not even going to bother with replying. Especially since I've already made this argument and it apparently flew in one ear and out the other... assuming it was able to penetrate something so thick to begin with.Oh, and with the pricing for mmj being at where its at at collectives, black market know someone is making some ching. It does not cost that much. The growers don't pay taxes on the herb they've sold. So the bulk of their income becomes TAX FREE. Sure they pay a sales tax like every other individual when purchasing equipment and business supplies...but then so do homeless people. Where are the taxes on the actual sale of the herb?
Very. Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with the fact that once a warrant has been issued for a search or arrest, then the police and DA have collected enough evidence to make your arrest worthwhile. They've already built a case against you and collected evidence. You will have to argue and dispute each allegation against you and disprove their evidence. They've already built up their proof of your guilt, now you have to prove them wrong. Thus, the burden of proof is upon you once you're in court.are you not familiar with the united states constitution?
And if it has gone that far you have more going on than a personal grow operation... If you want to go bigger, prop 19 makes it legitVery. Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with the fact that once a warrant has been issued for a search or arrest, then the police and DA have collected enough evidence to make your arrest worthwhile. They've already built a case against you and collected evidence. You will have to argue and dispute each allegation against you and disprove their evidence. They've already built up their proof of your guilt, now you have to prove them wrong. Thus, the burden of proof is upon you once you're in court.
This is a particularly cute delusion and oft-repeated by proponents of the bill. As a medical grower, I don't lose any money. In fact, this will probably present me with opportunities to make a fair amount of money. Quite frankly, I don't have to prove that I am or am not any sort of person. In fact, I think you need to take a good look at who you are. If you really feel a need to dehumanize and slander the growers who've kept this industry alive throughout Prohibition and brought California law to where it is today. Possession of an ounce or less does not get you put in jail in California. For possession of larger amounts and cultivation of any number of plants, there are precedents that allow for diversion instead of jail time for first and second time non-violent offenders. I'm sorry that you're region sucks when it comes to cannabis legislation, but maybe you should work on your own problems.It's quite amazing how the entire point of this Prop is flying over the people who oppose it's collective head. It's about freedom, about not being persecuted for smoking weed. Sorry, that growers have to lose money, but the fact that you CAN go to jail for possessing marijuana in so many places in america, not just california, is a true injustice. One that needs to be fixed. That is the point. This is an attempt to right a wrong that has been going on for nearly a century now. Everyone in the rest of the world is watching cali on this issue. I'm sorry but it is bigger than you. If this gets voted down it will be another notch on the bedpost of the DEA and all the other organizations that continue to persecute pot smokers across the country and the world. The fact of the matter is weed needs to be legal. Everything that is legal is TAXED and REGULATED. Growers losing out on their black market profits and spreading the word to vote no is just so selfish that it's hard for me to understand. I'll post this link to an article written by Marc Emery that has been posted many times in this forum and others. Be my guest to dispute his article and to show that you are not one of the 3 types of people he's talking about in it.
Today's Lesson in Latin: Maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit"once you are in court, the burden is upon you to disprove intent to sell"
The burden of proof is on the prosecution... Always has been, always will be...
This is a particularly cute delusion and oft-repeated by proponents of the bill. As a medical grower, I don't lose any money. In fact, this will probably present me with opportunities to make a fair amount of money. Quite frankly, I don't have to prove that I am or am not any sort of person. In fact, I think you need to take a good look at who you are. If you really feel a need to dehumanize and slander the growers who've kept this industry alive throughout Prohibition and brought California law to where it is today. Possession of an ounce or less does not get you put in jail in California. For possession of larger amounts and cultivation of any number of plants, there are precedents that allow for diversion instead of jail time for first and second time non-violent offenders. I'm sorry that you're region sucks when it comes to cannabis legislation, but maybe you should work on your own problems.
Ah yes... Mr. self-proclaimed "Prince of Pot". The man was stupid enough to directly challenge the federal government from a country with ridiculous extradition history and now sits in prison for his efforts. Gee, I can't imagine why someone who makes money off cannabis seeds would be in favor of a proposition which opens commercial sales of cannabis. Good try, but he's about as trustworthy as Dick Lee.
amen. with all the taxes and fees there are now (that the state/gov is getting their hands on) they are making out just lets legalize it so they can take even they know what to do with it anyway.I don't care for the idea of legal marijuana, nor do I care for it being medicinally legal. Makes it seem like an oxicodone, perks, or lorazepams. To me anyways.
Its a multi billion dollar industry as it is and for those who have a head on their shoulders, they know how to keep their nose clean.
The goverment is already getting their cut anyways, why let them take more?
you're right you wouldnt pay any fines for having less than an oz if you were 21 or older...those 18-20 would face a $1000 fine and/or 6 months in jail.How is that inconsistent? My statement was that we should not have to pay for the in if busted by cops and they were to find less than an ounce on a person, that would even be a fine. That is the part I was referring to.
What freedoms are you talking about pot already? It is still illegal in California unless you're a medical patient. So all those that are not medical patients can still be arrested and prosecuted under the current state law.
Finally, why should the "existing network of localized and regionalized industries" be able to get away with tax evasion when it comes to the income they generate selling their marijuana? Isn't that what is happening right now?
me too. in the beginning of all the prop 19 discussions i felt like i was the only one i knew in real life and one of a handful online that were against some of the more intelligent people of california are catching on to the trick...this is just smoke and mirrors...they are "legalizing" it but they are trying to control it excessively...limiting how much you can grow, buy, and sell (however you can grow buy and sell as many tomatoes as you want) actually it doesn't allow you to sell any marijuana and it further controls you buy dictating where your marijuana may come from...either you 5x5 garden or the big business marijuana company...more and more people are realizeing that this is b/s in cali, im starting to see hydro stores and alott of people with vote no signs. The collective i go to every few days is pushing vote no hard. There are to many famillys in nor cal that depend on mmj to survive with our horrible economy. I wouldnt be supprised if it gets voted against, i mean every grower i know i pushing the vote no.
very true but the reaction i've gotten from that arguement is they don't care what happens to the people that have helped make this industry in california what it is...they have told me they need to "get real jobs" however i think the QUALITY of the marijuana of someone who RELIES ON IT FOR INCOME is better than those growing 10+ lbs at a time just for the quick buck...those living off of it really put care into their grows...more so than say a drug cartel who will let males flower with the females because they are too lazy to pull resticts every house to a 5x5 grow area not per script or person, one 5x5 area per house. I dont know if you live in cali or not but our economy and employment is crap, mmj is the only income most of those familys have, people here take pride in theyre growing and dont want to have to compete with companys like marlboro who will just ruin marijuana, call it unfair or whatever you want but with our employment rate you take away mmj income and most people are fkd.....this bill will probaly not pass
and what about this credibilty stuff, i wanna see some of your gaeden photos you have so much knowledge you must know alott about mmj.
then the DA/DEA needs to go after those abusing the system...not just legalize it for everyone so they don't have to do their jobs to the fullest extent...Im sorry if I seem ignorant here but I have to weigh in
The current system in place in Cali allows "patients" to be in possession. Prop 19 allows any adult to be in posession and grow ( a little). So the small farmers are worried because they are going to loose $
Im am in now way a fan of big business. I dislike big business in every way I can describe but the end is still the end. there are people who are abusing the Medical system. This is a factor in preventing those Patients in other states from gaining the legal ability to purchase or cultivate medicine.
So financially speaking, the small growers are going to suffer. From a Civil Liberty standpoint, the PEOPLE would be free to have their plants
Just reads ( note I say reads ) a little hypocritical to me...
I would say taxing it is just a more REALISTIC approach if this is to PASS anytime soon. I think if you were to take that element out of the Proposition then it would lose a large number of votes. Good strategy for those who would prefer to see it fail.amen. with all the taxes and fees there are now (that the state/gov is getting their hands on) they are making out just lets legalize it so they can take even they know what to do with it anyway.
What is the current punishment for 18-20 year olds caught with less than an oz?you're right you wouldnt pay any fines for having less than an oz if you were 21 or older...those 18-20 would face a $1000 fine and/or 6 months in jail.
Who said the DEA and DA are lazy and that is why we are legalizing it?so you're saying you'd rather just leglize it because the DEA and the DA are too lazy to go after the ones breaking the rules?
You're right...we shouldn't change rules because the state/gov and police agencies can't do their jobs correctly. We should change the rules if that is the will of the people.we shouldn't change rules because the state/gov and police agencies can't do their jobs correctly? they should go after those breaking the rules instead of saying, "we're too lazy to enforce this...lets just vote yes"
So, you have a raging hard-on for someone who likes to profit off of medical and recreational users alike, got busted for trafficking contraband materials into the United States opening himself up for Federal prosecution from a country known to be weak in it's dealings with the United States when it comes to things like criminal prosecution and extradition. I don't have to disclaim your little hero... his actions speak for him. In any case, your hero-worship of Marky-boy doesn't really make him any more amiable or competent. Nor does it make his article any more valid or worth responding to. He's one man amongst millions of prisoners being held for the same or lesser charges, some of those are friends and family. So, you'll have to excuse me for not really giving a rat's ass about Moron Emery who's been making millions off of everyone and now wants us to feel sorry for him.You didn't actually disclaim any of his arguments in that article with that response. You tried to disclaim him, but as far as I (and many people are) am concerned he is more of a martyr than anything else. He paid taxes to the Canadian govt on all of his profits, which he then donated straight to the legalization effort. In fact Canada has broken it's own laws by taking his taxes because they "benefited from illegal activity" which they refused to charge him for. Again, be my guest to dispute anything from his article.
What's dehumanizing is a mmj patient with no medical insurance, because they don't have access or can't afford it, paying $60 for a decent 8th when we all in here know that it did not cost that much to produce. All while growers are turning a nice profit. That's dehumanizing.If you really feel a need to dehumanize and slander the growers who've kept this industry alive throughout Prohibition and brought California law to where it is today.
I see... you can't find a provider that won't rip you off. So that must mean that all growers/providers are out to rip people off and take advantage of patients. No wonder you like this Prop 19 drivel. Grossly inaccurate generalizations are a common tool of propogandists, and this campaign has had no shortage of them. I'm sorry you can't find a provider who doesn't want to rip you off, but quite frankly with the attitude you have towards growers, I can understand why.What's dehumanizing is a mmj patient with no medical insurance, because they don't have access or can't afford it, paying $60 for a decent 8th when we all in here know that it did not cost that much to produce. All while growers are turning a nice profit. That's dehumanizing.
I am my own provider, so at least I know I won't be fucking myselfI see... you can't find a provider that won't rip you off. So that must mean that all growers/providers are out to rip people off and take advantage of patients. No wonder you like this Prop 19 drivel. Grossly inaccurate generalizations are a common tool of propogandists, and this campaign has had no shortage of them. I'm sorry you can't find a provider who doesn't want to rip you off, but quite frankly with the attitude you have towards growers, I can understand why.
Counter-arguments to what? Mark shook his fanny in the Feds' faces and said "Ima send lots of pot seeds to your country for people to cultivate." and they came down on him like a ton of bricks, much as they do anyone else who openly admits to thwarting Federal import regulations. At least the bean companies in Europe are smart enough to use the "souvenir" defense. And yes, he's doing time. Like the millions of others that are wrongly imprisoned for lesser crimes and are serving the same sentencing that Mark is currently trying to plea bargain his way out of. Your willingness to impose regulation and penalties speaks volumes for your stance on this issue.Yet again I heard no counter-arguments. But go ahead and continue to slander a man who is doing time and being victimized as a prisoner of a foreign government for crimes (a term I'm using very loosely) that his own country refused to charge him for.
Which only belies your ignorance regarding current California law. No one goes to jail for simple possession or personal cultivation in California. Possession of amounts in excess of one ounce and/or large cultivation endeavors are also resolvable via diversion if you can prove personal consumption. So that would make you the liar, at the moment. The fact is, if you are arrested, it'll have the ubiquitous "with intent to sell" attached to the charges and it's that part that you will have to disprove in court. If and when you do so, you take a simple court-appointed program (much akin to traffic school, really) and then the charges are dropped. And the awesome lie of tax-free income. We pay income and sales taxes. Those who open dispensaries get business licenses and pay all the applicable fees for doing business, employ people to work and pay all the appropriate taxes and fees associated. There are those that don't and quite frankly they will continue to exist and law enforcement and government will continue to try and eradicate those types. The lies are all in the proposition in selling you a tax and regulation package for rights you already have, the greed is with the bean sellers and mass producers that gain from commercialization, and the thievery is in taking a developed industry from the network of small and medium growers, cooperatives, local breeders and the communities they support and handing it to corporate and private interests to industrialize.I am my own provider, so at least I know I won't be fucking myselfI never said all growers/providers are out to rip people off. Once again, putting words in my mouth. What is it with you guys in the opposition putting words in people's mouths. If this prop doesn't pass, then anyone with a little garden who gets caught goes to jail (unless of course they are mmj patient). If this prop doesn't pass, then the growers will continue making tax free revenue on the sales of their crops and not contributing to the State like any other business is supposed to. I have no attitude towards growers, because I happen to be one and have been for a while now. I have an attitude towards GREED, THIEVERY and LIARS.