Proud Of Myself


Well-Known Member
SO ya I just thought I would post a pic of my little houseplant, its stupid but Im so proud of this dumb little plant. I was always the ultimate plant killer, but growing MJ has taught me a lot! I got this plant a year ago, it flowered and started to die but I saved it cut it back and now it is flowering again! Anyone know what it is?



Well-Known Member
Whatever it is, sure does look happy. Nice job! Now you can work on your clone skills and mass produce. Not sure if you should wait for the flowering to stop though. I clone Impaitens while in flower.. just usually snip the buds and away they grow. I brought several plants in for the winter and did this.. shame of it is that they never grow outside as well as they have in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a type of Begonia or Wax Begonia.
Growing and nurturing plants is quite rewarding...Good job poly, you should take pride in your success!!

FWIW, you can clone this plant and have a bunch of them ready to put outside after danger of frost has passed. They do well in full sun to part shade outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for your kind remarks and that wealth of information! I had not even thought to try and clone it or plant it outside. The only other houseplant I have managed to keep alive is a jade. Oh man I knew I'd get flamed over that rediculous pot! My mother-in-law gave it to me, with plant, when my daughter was born and she always comments on it, no way to get rid of it he he. its plastic so it can't even accidently break. The plant needs transplanting soon though, so maybe then it can disappear... :)


Well-Known Member
aha! kudos nice grow, not all potheads only grow weed. congrats you should start growing all kinds of stuff its fun!
