prove me there is a god


New Member
well if there was a real god wouldnt he of stopped the holocaust or droughts where millions of children are starving to death every day
wouldnt god not stop the clergy men by being pedophiles

hey jesus why is it when they tested the robe so called jesus wore when he died even carbon dating proved it wasnt from that time is the pope hiding the real truth or could christianity be breaking apart if the truth was to be told


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Prove to me there's not a God. If you could prove there was a God there'd be no reason for faith. You want the closest thing to proof there is? Kill yourself. Then you'll have your proof either way.
Christianity, the REAL Christianity starts from within yourself, it cant be attatched to something of object, a Shroud or a Rock, it has more to do with yourself as a person and how you treat the things around you. dont fall into all the hocus pocus of the Shroud or an Ark, just have a good heart and life your life right.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
well if there was a real god wouldnt he of stopped the holocaust or droughts where millions of children are starving to death every day
wouldnt god not stop the clergy men by being pedophiles
That's called free will. And btw, wouldn't God not stop the clergy men by being pedophiles....that whole sentence has so many problems, I'm forced to ask.....

Prove to me your view is worth anyone caring?


Well-Known Member
whether he does exist or not, some folks use it for a crutch, strength in numbers. if it works for them fine, leave them alone. until they knock on your door.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
whether he does exist or not, some folks use it for a crutch, strength in numbers. if it works for them fine, leave them alone. until they knock on your door.
When they knock on my door I usually talk to them. I have my faith, and it differs from theirs, but these are people that so believe in their faith they are willing to go out and do whatever it takes to make your life better if they can. Name one other group that does that? The government? The cops?
whether he does exist or not, some folks use it for a crutch, strength in numbers. if it works for them fine, leave them alone. until they knock on your door.
them the Jovahs and they really suck. I have a large chain around my tree on the weekends with a beware of attack dog, on the tree so they stay away


Well-Known Member
Im not wasting another 200 posts on this just to have it taken away. I know diesel is upset, that would put him back at Post#1


Well-Known Member
going to church doesn't make you any more of a christian than standing in the garage makes you a car.

it's all about just being a good person and doing the right things for the right reasons. even if no one is watching.
When they knock on my door I usually talk to them. I have my faith, and it differs from theirs, but these are people that so believe in their faith they are willing to go out and do whatever it takes to make your life better if they can. Name one other group that does that? The government? The cops?
my faith stops and forcing myself and my beliefs onto others, live and let live.


New Member
not trying to start anything were all human to believe what we want but i know a few things like the light when you die lol its amazing really you think you see lights what your actually seeing Remember your dead now atleast for a few mins already bout the same time your bowel muscles relax and you shit your self
see i have bin blessed with having a doctor in the family :)) and also meeting brain surgions Etc and specialists what they all have said makes sense as we all sat and talked one night they said from moment your pronounced dead its your body thats dead not your brain
( it takes approx 1 hr for brain to die after your dead ) so this guys says to me
what happens is your brain starts relasing electrical discharges to the organs for oxygen remember brain neeeds O2 to survive
and the light your seeing is just that its in your memeory like a tape recorder shoooting off thousands of songs in moments like most ppl see when they have a out of body experience its what there last memory saw and that was goin into a operating tble
theres memorys shooting so fast right from child hood so he said things you never remembered in real life

and doesnt it say ashes `to ashes dust to dust why wouldnt it say like we drop you here to the better life follow the light turn to the right


Well-Known Member
you know what, your all right.. .I would have never seen the light if it were not due to this thread. How could I have been so blind, I mean.. .their couldn't possibly be a god if he never stopped the titanic from sinking. I cant believe I have been so narrow minded throughout these years. Thank you for inspiring me. How do i sign up to be an atheist?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
not trying to start anything were all human to believe what we want but i know a few things like the light when you die lol its amazing really you think you see lights what your actually seeing Remember your dead now atleast for a few mins already bout the same time your bowel muscles relax and you shit your self
see i have bin blessed with having a doctor in the family :)) and also meeting brain surgions Etc and specialists what they all have said makes sense as we all sat and talked one night they said from moment your pronounced dead its your body thats dead not your brain
( it takes approx 1 hr for brain to die after your dead ) so this guys says to me
what happens is your brain starts relasing electrical discharges to the organs for oxygen remember brain neeeds O2 to survive
and the light your seeing is just that its in your memeory like a tape recorder shoooting off thousands of songs in moments like most ppl see when they have a out of body experience its what there last memory saw and that was goin into a operating tble
theres memorys shooting so fast right from child hood so he said things you never remembered in real life
You need spell check. I watched a doctor declare my grandmother dead. 2 hours later they were preparing the body and she squeezed my uncle's hand. They had turned off all the machines keeping her alive. No one ever found out how in the hell she did it. All we knew is that we prayed for her. You can spout all the misspelled bullshit you want, all you're trying to do is stir up a hornets nest that frankly has been done to death. And I'll be smoking a FAT ASS BLUNT when I die, maybe I'll toss you down a gram of mexican brick shit.


New Member
You need spell check. I watched a doctor declare my grandmother dead. 2 hours later they were preparing the body and she squeezed my uncle's hand. They had turned off all the machines keeping her alive. No one ever found out how in the hell she did it. All we knew is that we prayed for her. You can spout all the misspelled bullshit you want, all you're trying to do is stir up a hornets nest that frankly has been done to death. And I'll be smoking a FAT ASS BLUNT when I die, maybe I'll toss you down a gram of mexican brick shit.
lol i got good dank ty sir and for my spell check my key board is fckt up lol


New Member
cmon people really if there was a god wouldnt he of stopped lets say usa dropping the bomb on nagisaki and hiroshima or stop hitler from killing so many jews or stalin for killing every second ukrainion ??? why hasnt he shown up yet if jesus was his messenger thats 2011 yrs ago and still a no show
what baffles me is what did god create the chicken or the egg what was first anyone


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I grew up with the belief that "I AM" is an all loving God and that we are all his children. Then as I got older and really saw how the world was and in dealing with my personal issues, I came to the conclusion that there is no all loving God. What God who claims to love us all would put innocent people in harms way? Why would He make us suffer? I know that some believe that our time here on earth is a test...

So after my 3rd heart surgery, I wrote of God. I was 15 at the time.

I NEVER talk religion. As you can see, it's a very touchy subject...

Then about 3 years ago, my grandfather, the greatest man I ever knew, was very ill. He was in a place that I truely hope NOBODY has to ever see any loved one be in. He was 88. Had many medical issues. Mostly brought on by his drinking and smoking cigs. My parents put him in a home with 24hr care...

The last time that I went to see him, my family told me to expect him to not know who you are. He could no longer talk, just make horrible sounds like he was trying to talk but the brain was no longer working...
So when I went to see him, they were right. He was suffering and I could see it in his eyes. I sat there for almost 2 hours holding his hand and balling like I am now... When I got up to leave, I could see in his eyes that he knew I was there. I could also see that he was in pain. Not physical pain...

That night I went home and cried like you wouldn't believe. Then got pissed....

Then I went out to my back yard and for the first time in 20 years, I spoke to God. I asked him to take my grandfather. Take the pain away. Make him whole. Just "Please end his misery"...

At alittle after 2a.m. that same night, He passed.

That single moment made me believe...

Good night people