Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Well, if God exists, they wouldn't; IF the description of the "entity" stands as - omnipresent, omnipotent, etc etc... but I, nor anyone else has ever seen anything break the afore mentioned logic law (That can actually be verified).

But we weren't talking about god, we were talking about a thought of a car, and a car - which one would you like to talk about?
As to the image of the car, let me try to be more clear.

Is that a car? yes
Is that a car? no

both answers are correct for that question. But lets not get off topic. I say God does and doesn't exist at the same time.


Well-Known Member
As to the image of the car, let me try to be more clear.

Is that a car? yes
Is that a car? no

both answers are correct for that question. But lets not get off topic. I say God does and doesn't exist at the same time.
I say that's unprovable, and violates known laws, making it not only unprovable but also unlikely.

Back onto logic;

A car is a material object, not a thought. So, one is a thought of a car, and one is a car.

Cars are material.
Thoughts are not material.
Therefore, cars cannot be thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I say, that is unprovable.

Back onto logic;

A car is a material object, not a thought. So one is a thought of a car, and one is a car.

Cars are material.
Thoughts are not material.
Therefore, cars cannot be thoughts.
Which is God, Material or thought (spiritual)?


Ursus marijanus
I say, that is unprovable, and violates known laws, making it not only unprovable but also unlikely.

Back onto logic;

A car is a material object, not a thought. So, one is a thought of a car, and one is a car.

Cars are material.
Thoughts are not material.
Therefore, cars cannot be thoughts.
"The map is not the territory." Forget where I heard that, but it seems appropriate here.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...just a thought - well, quote and a thought.

Thought Forms is a book by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater that studies the nature and power of thoughts. It states that thoughts have two effects: "a radiating vibration and a floating form". Thought forms are divided into three classes:

That which takes the image of the thinker.
That which takes the image of some material object.
That which takes a form entirely its own, expressing its inherent qualities in the matter which it draws round it.
The effect of music, emotions, and colors on thought forms is also described in the book. The effect of the music of Mendelssohn (No. 9 of his "Songs without words"), Gounod (Soldiers Chorus from "Faust") and Richard Wagner (Overture to "The Meistersingers") is analyzed. The music of Wagner produced a "marvellous mountain-range" on the thought forms. the car, then, a thoughtform?


Well-Known Member
...just a thought - well, quote and a thought.

Thought Forms is a book by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater that studies the nature and power of thoughts. It states that thoughts have two effects: "a radiating vibration and a floating form". Thought forms are divided into three classes:

That which takes the image of the thinker.
That which takes the image of some material object.
That which takes a form entirely its own, expressing its inherent qualities in the matter which it draws round it.
The effect of music, emotions, and colors on thought forms is also described in the book. The effect of the music of Mendelssohn (No. 9 of his "Songs without words"), Gounod (Soldiers Chorus from "Faust") and Richard Wagner (Overture to "The Meistersingers") is analyzed. The music of Wagner produced a "marvellous mountain-range" on the thought forms. the car, then, a thoughtform?
If you pertain to that specific philosophy, I guess so?

The idea of "forms" goes back to Plato and Socrates... I don't put much stock in the idea of forms. So much of metaphysics seems like a linguistic battle...

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Jesus... this thread is still going on?

ok lets throw everything that we learned from science and evidence available and just rely on our own tedious inquiry of this thing called life and what we know about "Gods"

even if god existed, it ain't hard to tell religion is too dirty as it is and sooooo easily corrupted since its already done... no more to be written, or even corrected(unlike science or reality) stop being left in the past reading what stone aged men decided what was right an moral. not only is it easily manipulated by anyone with the imagination to do so, its also open to interpretation in so many ways since supposedly there is no objective way to interpret it and anyone under scrutiny will suffer the usual cognitive dissonance and decide to take a new meaning in order to keep that belief held intact, and i went though this and most people who are religious go through this and manage it so well that it just becomes a part of how they view religious faith. its brainwashing and it is a self inflicted mental disorder. whether god exists or not, the religious use the wrong arguments to try and prove it's existence (like human existence for example), and if god's do exist, so few care enough to think on the same level as one.... to understand the mind of god.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Jesus... this thread is still going on?

ok lets throw everything that we learned from science and evidence available and just rely on our own tedious inquiry of this thing called life and what we know about "Gods"

even if god existed, it ain't hard to tell religion is too dirty as it is and sooooo easily corrupted since its already done... no more to be written, or even corrected(unlike science or reality) stop being left in the past reading what stone aged men decided what was right an moral. not only is it easily manipulated by anyone with the imagination to do so, its also open to interpretation in so many ways since supposedly there is no objective way to interpret it and anyone under scrutiny will suffer the usual cognitive dissonance and decide to take a new meaning in order to keep that belief held intact, and i went though this and most people who are religious go through this and manage it so well that it just becomes a part of how they view religious faith. its brainwashing and it is a self inflicted mental disorder. whether god exists or not, the religious use the wrong arguments to try and prove it's existence (like human existence for example), and if god's do exist, so few care enough to think on the same level as one.... to understand the mind of god.

Self inflicted mental disorder? Wow. Grasping at keeping a belief intact?

Card holding adhd + bpII... so much fun I'd love to have it all over again. :roll: "religiosity" appears in the prefrontal cortex, where religion feels a christic view comes from. I hope some day you'll see that religion and science are different sides of the same coin and ease up on 'accidentally' poking fun at life's more serious problems.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member

There are many of those I love. Thing is, the people are's people that let other people starve. It's the basic premise of 'free will' which is a spiritual law. When a person goes back to being a 'child' and regains 'wonder' new ideas are created. Some of the most intelligent, creative people have had 'imaginary friends' in their childhood. Some go on to change the world through science. Some believe, some don't so who really fkn cares anyway as long as the people are not starving? There's not a single place in any spiritual book that says "let it go to sht, and when you're done, I'll make some rainbow band aids for you." There's nothing tangible about it so why try to take it apart?


Well-Known Member
ehh monotheist he wa doing you an favor trying to open your eyes belief dose nothing but perpetuate ignorance and incite needless violence

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
ehh monotheist he wa doing you an favor trying to open your eyes belief dose nothing but perpetuate ignorance and incite needless violence

You know, I think you're right! Damn it man, my eyes have been closed for soooo long! Fck yeah...

Pantheist, maybe... who's fkn blind here?


Well-Known Member
Previous statement rephrased then.Anyone that believes in an higher existence is perpetuating ignorance weather monotheist polytheistic or any other variation.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Previous statement rephrased then.Anyone that believes in an higher existence is perpetuating ignorance weather monotheist polytheistic or any other variation.

...yes. I can see how an all inclusive world view is a horrible thing to try and attain. Listen, I'm not a kid here trying to disprove my own existence. I've worked with members of who, the un and unwra with more degrees than thermometers who make your 'scientific' thinking look foolish. There was one thing I noticed in the presence of 'real, actual' scientists. Respect. At present, I am working on a near 1gig illustrator file that takes a while to save. I'm here to learn something in between, and also out of boredom. You?