Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
The point to this whole agrument is that the evidence of God is the bible.

What evidence do you need to consider fake for your point to get across?


Well-Known Member
You haven't demonstrated how anything any of us are saying is a lie. All you've done is claim it's a lie because the Bible has brainwashed you into believing anything other than the Bible is a lie.


Well-Known Member
You haven't demonstrated how anything any of us are saying is a lie. All you've done is claim it's a lie because the Bible has brainwashed you into believing anything other than the Bible is a lie.
How is the bible brain washing me if its not electronic?
How does the bible brain wash me if everyone who is an anti-christ hates me and it says that talking to you is a mistake?
Do you hate or love me?


Well-Known Member
How is the bible brain washing me if its not electronic?
How does the bible brain washing me if everyone who is an anti-christ hates me and it says that talking to you is a mistake?
Do you hate or love me?
Brainwashing doesn't require an electronic device - it's just a form of mind control. The bible tells you that you can't trust anyone who doesn't believe, which automatically makes you immune from any facts that could discredit your beliefs. No one hates you, and for you to think everyone hates you is some pretty heavy shit. You might want to talk to someone about that....


Well-Known Member
How is the bible brain washing me if its not electronic?
Brainwashing isn't exclusive to electronic devices.

How does the bible brain washing me if everyone who is an anti-christ hates me and it says that talking to you is a mistake?
I don't hate you, do you consider me an 'anti-christ'? Doesn't it occur to you that something that wants to keep you brainwashed would tell you that anything that opposes it is evil and that you should stay away from it?

Do you hate or love me?
I don't know you, hate and love are both personal emotions. I am incapable of having either of those emotions towards anyone I haven't met personally.

I don't dislike you. I appreciate talking to you. I just wish you would take some things people tell you into consideration. It seems like you read posts but don't digest them, you just kind of read them and skip over the substance, then come up with something new to post about, taking the subject off topic. It will benefit you to address the points people make, it'll make you question the beliefs you think are true, and the ones that aren't will be challenged and hopefully corrected, that's the idea right?

Why would you want to hold a belief that isn't correct, especially if it harms somebody?


Well-Known Member
Brainwashing doesn't require an electronic device - it's just a form of mind control. The bible tells you that you can't trust anyone who doesn't believe, which automatically makes you immune from any facts that could discredit your beliefs. No one hates you, and for you to think everyone hates you is some pretty heavy shit. You might want to talk to someone about that....
Quit lying to me bro...
I know your fake because its impossible for me to be loved by EVERYONE. One lie means that you lie.
If your a liar then I can't trust you. If I can't trust you then I will ask your religion.
If your an anti-christ then it all makes sense.
Can you confess to Christ coming in the flesh of man on earth to die for our sins?


Well-Known Member
I love everyone, I can prove that because I will risk myself to help others who need help.

To me your statement saying that you can not feel personal emotions for me because you don't know who I am is just like lying to me.
I feel for you, and it makes me realize that I want to try to save you all from self destruction.

You've already read what I have to say, you know what my points are, and you know that I will save you and your family if you ask me for help or if I happen to ran across a random family that needs me to fix their car or something...
I will help unless your telling me that you don't need or don't want my help.


Well-Known Member
Quit lying to me bro...
I know your fake because its impossible for me to be loved by EVERYONE. One lie means that you lie.
If your a liar then I can't trust you. If I can't trust you then I will ask your religion.
If your an anti-christ then it all makes sense.
Can you confess to Christ coming in the flesh of man on earth to die for our sins?

Fake? You took that way too literally. Let me rephrase - not all atheists hate you because you're Christian, and I happen to be an example of it. Someone, somewhere, might hate you - but what does that have to do with your religion? I know tons of Christians that hate people...

I don't think Jesus was the son of god, and I don't think he had powers, so no I won't be confessing anything.


Well-Known Member
Goodbye then.
So, now do you hate me? Or you just too damn ignorant to listen to the evidence against your religion? It's kind of funny, but mostly sad - Christianity brainwashed you to the point where you reject any facts that people bring up, because the bible tells you to. It's the perfect ignorance breeding machine...


Well-Known Member
So, now do you hate me? Or you just too damn ignorant to listen to the evidence against your religion? It's kind of funny, but mostly sad - Christianity brainwashed you to the point where you reject any facts that people bring up, because the bible tells you to. It's the perfect ignorance breeding machine...
No I do not hate you, let me remind you that I became christitan to stay away from liars, deceivers, and those who hate me, and those who spitefully use me.


Well-Known Member
I love everyone, I can prove that because I will risk myself to help others who need help.
I'm afraid you're terribly confused.. "Love" doesn't simply mean that you'll 'risk yourself' (whatever subjective interpretation that means) to help others. I help other people all the time, I'm trying to help you -right now-, that doesn't mean that you love them. Love is more than that, love is much harder.

And you couldn't possibly love everyone. Do you love Kim Jong Ill? What about all the 'anti-christs'?

You've already read what I have to say, you know what my points are, and you know that I will save you and your family if you ask me for help or if I happen to ran across a random family that needs me to fix their car or something...
I will help unless your telling me that you don't need or don't want my help.
I would expect you, as a human being, not just a Christian, to help another human being in need if they asked. I'd expect nothing less because that's what I'd expect of myself, a person with no god. What makes me feel this compassion towards another human being? Can you fathom a world other than complete chaos with no god?


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid you're terribly confused.. "Love" doesn't simply mean that you'll 'risk yourself' (whatever subjective interpretation that means) to help others. I help other people all the time, I'm trying to help you -right now-, that doesn't mean that you love them. Love is more than that, love is much harder.

And you couldn't possibly love everyone. Do you love Kim Jong Ill? What about all the 'anti-christs'?

To me your statement saying that you can not feel personal emotions for me because you don't know who I am is just like lying to me.
I feel for you, and it makes me realize that I want to try to save you all from self destruction.

I would expect you, as a human being, not just a Christian, to help another human being in need if they asked. I'd expect nothing less because that's what I'd expect of myself, a person with no god. What makes me feel this compassion towards another human being? Can you fathom a world other than complete chaos with no god?
Love to me is deeper then risking myself.
It is not only about risking myself, but it is also about helping you by telling the truth to the best of my capabilitys; so that you may learn from me without being deceived.
After meeting me you will learn more about those who hate you.
If I can get you to open your eyes and learn, then that is what I call love.

If you lie to me, then it pretty much means to me that you don't love me enough to tell me the truth.
And if your a Christian it just means that you've been consumed with something evil.
If your an anti-christ then it means that you will never be cleansed until you receive Christ into your life.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to help everyone out because I know a truth soo deep that it you won't understand it.

Find out your computers FPS and wonder why we need 100fps in a second.

Wonder why and what else is working if technology advanced and the fps still hasn't gone up(to our knowledge at least).


Well-Known Member
Anytime anyone says anything remotely against the bible you just call them a deceiver, or liar without actually thinking about what they're saying. You are so delusional that you can't even process criticism about your religion. Don't you see how the bible is deceiving you into closing your eyes, and plugging your ears? Ignorance is not bliss - it's why our world is as fucked up as it is.