Provincial Colleges of Medicine Controlling Doctors Ability to Perscribe

Green Medical

Active Member
So far the new middle man is the individual ``College of medicine`` of each province who gives the guidelines and is blocking the doctors ability to perscribe. In Quebec for instance, each doctor must conduct a complete physical and see the patient every 3 months for a follow-up appointment and that patient is to be part of a Mandatory study. Who mandates that? Some guy who just excluded all but B1 form patients. That means that MMAR patients in Quebec are not allowed to renew under the new system with a Quebec doctor unless they are 1 a category 1 B1 form under the MMAR. Also patients are forced to be a lab rat. Also they must jump through these hoops for a doctor who is only allowed by his superiors to say that Marijuana is not medical and then perscribe it. Please people read these individual provincial documents post the findings here and fight to have them fixed. They are further supporting any sick person to go the Matt Mernagh route and get a section 56 exemption under the CDSA.
Sounds like the Quebec college is being as big of dicks as the Alberta one. Here they are basically putting any doctor that prescribes medical marijuana under intense scrutiny, bunch of extra hoops to jump through that no doctor is going to really want to deal with. I spent 10+ years talking to 20+ different doctors here under the old regs and none would help me, the extra forms and scrutiny sure isn't going to help anybody with access.
Thanks my fellow human being in Alberta... I remember reading that there was a problem in Alberta. I will read more of the college of medicine`s stance. I believe that I read the opening statement from Alberta saying that marijuana is not an accepted medical treatment. That gives the doctors the option to treat it like all other natural medicines. They just disregard them as folk medicine and move on to there approved treatments. The temporary solution for the patients living in not weed friendly provinces is to see a doctor out of province in person or via SKYPE. This will cost about $400 and sucks but I heard on the forum here some LPs are helping pay the doctor`s fees to get you as a patient. I would look into it for sure and POST IT HERE. Thanks brother.... united we can and will get everyone through the hoops and put pressure on the college of medicine of each province.
I'll this clamping down on doctors that wanna help sick people is very long before all the Ontario docs get on board with Quebec and Alberta.....the Paranoid stoner in me thinks I should go see my doc again ASAP before it's to late and he is unable to give me a script

One step forward..... Two steps the Harper Shake
From personal experience, I would recommend the MCRCI in Vancouver for a skype doctor. I used this clinic when I enrolled in the mmar and for each renewal. It's a $400 fee but I have a ppl so it's worth it. It hurts a bit more for those stuck with the MMPR and having to buy their meds. With most doctors discouraged from prescribing mmj but rewarded for handing out scripts for anti-depressants and pain killers, it's the only real option for a lot of people.
Harper and his lot are evil. The blame lies with the selfish, apathetic, wallet voting pricks who elected him. Now we are stuck with this mess. Canaduh
Sounds like the Quebec college is being as big of dicks as the Alberta one. Here they are basically putting any doctor that prescribes medical marijuana under intense scrutiny, bunch of extra hoops to jump through that no doctor is going to really want to deal with. I spent 10+ years talking to 20+ different doctors here under the old regs and none would help me, the extra forms and scrutiny sure isn't going to help anybody with access.

I agree.
Doctor are very much driven by their own regulations and boards. They stick together and will not be more eager to help now.
They will be scared of repercussion from their own body of Physicians.
Whatever happened to allowing the patient to choose the kind and type of medical,care they want? Asking docs to look for alternatives is stupid because by the time a patient gets to asking for med mari they've usually exhausted other medications. These guys just do not understand the concept of side effects. The meds might work great but the fuckin' side effects are going to kill you!
its not about patients whatfg, its all about control and $$.
the pills make them boat loads of $. they wont allow mj cause itll wipe out 90%of script drugs. they have a cure for cancer, but it dose not make the pharmacy $$ so the fda wont allow it.
This entire new program is geared toward money. It doesn't matter which way you slice it. Holy there are experts on here consulting out their services to get LP's off the ground. How is that person an expert regarding the mmpr that's only 1 year old? Package of skills and a title is all you really need. Not trying to take away from anyone just pointing out that the money grab with respect to this program is everywhere and not likely to change anytime soon.
Hey sure got that right....
I worked it out last night when a buddy was over who just paid 7.70 a gr from an mmpr lp
and my last crop topped out at 63 cents a gr....mind you I don't charge for labour and delivery.
what you pulling in every 60? how many lights you use? a/c? dehum?
cause most L.P will be 80k watts + and a/c and dehum in each of 4+ rooms (tweed= 60k watts, 1 room, 30 more rooms being built) and how many others things like employees, testing ect. that's why you wont get 1-2$ a g medicine. the costs of a small site and yrly overhead is large, and set up, all before sales start. if the regulations make you follow guidelines for ppl and testing, you will not be 63cents, unless JT gets his way then you will be allowed, and the L.P will get the rec side with is what the whole purpose of this is kinda about, long term goals for a lot of L.P
I use two 1000 watts...and thats it...
But I don,t pull in anything...since its strictly MMar for myself alone...
So I was just stating the amount to show how cost efficient it is to do for comparison to having someone else do it for you
and mark it up huge percentages....
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as an adult in this country and in light of a recent conversation regarding having to pay for the chance of getting your mmj prescription.
I think that leaving the doctors out of this decision completely for adults, should be an option and for those who can not get one to sign, they then should be able to fall back
on the constitution and choose their health as the governing factor and sign for themselves..PERIOD.
The majority of doctors don't want to sign ,then take that provision out of the rules.....doctors that want to participate free of charge, no problem....
Lets face make all the rest of the decisions in your life for yourself with yourself in mind in most why should this be any different?
as an adult in this country and in light of a recent conversation regarding having to pay for the chance of getting your mmj prescription.
I think that leaving the doctors out of this decision completely for adults, should be an option and for those who can not get one to sign, they then should be able to fall back
on the constitution and choose their health as the governing factor and sign for themselves..PERIOD.
The majority of doctors don't want to sign ,then take that provision out of the rules.....doctors that want to participate free of charge, no problem....
Lets face make all the rest of the decisions in your life for yourself with yourself in mind in most why should this be any different?
But that's kind of the point don't you think? HC doesn't like us or our meds. The less cooperation from any aspect throws a fuck into. Remember they always have that little disclaimer that their being forced by the courts to provide this .
I guess that's a given statement...of course its not medicine....that's why there is all this fuss. Pretty sure model airplane glue would still do the trick...if its a buzz I'm after......