Prozac, any use?


Well-Known Member
got offred a few boxes, dont know much about it, does it have any good uses :?::?::?:comedowns or recreational? dangers?
enlighten me


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take them if the Dr. prescribed them to me.
They have bad side effects. especially when you quit taking them.
lotta horror stories out there.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
was put on prozac a while back, did absolutely nothing, total waste o money.

so tried a box of 32 prozac with an evening o drink and drugs and they still did, wait for it, jack shit :)


Well-Known Member
Definitely not a recreational drug.
If your a pill popper, stick to benzos and opiates.

Also pprozac is a ssri, and could lead to serotonin syndrome if taken w/ some other recreational drugs.


Well-Known Member
Its not going to do anything to you over a one time use. It's only effect is over a prolonged use. Also like Tebor said it is a SSRI and like MAIOs you should definately make sure not to mix certain drugs with them.


Well-Known Member
Go to There you can find about Prozac and seratonin syndrome. This site is awesome because it includes all manner of experiences.


Well-Known Member
Go to There you can find about Prozac and seratonin syndrome. This site is awesome because it includes all manner of experiences.
I agree Erowid is the best source for most drug info, illegal and legal, as far as personal experience. But Prozac isn't completely useless if you have a disorder that requires it. My mom is a bitch unless she has it.:lol: . I would love to see more research on MJ and it's effects on serotonin. and if any strains could be used in place of an SSRI, SNRI, or MAOI. I'm sure most would agree that it DEFINITELY has anti-depressant properties.
i went to the doctors due to getting headaches,he ended up saying i was depressed and prescribed me prozac.well hes the doctor so i started on this course of tablets and didnt really notice girlfriend said i was calmer and more laid back after about 2 months on them but i still got these headaches so i thought sod those tablets whats the point? i just stopped taking them but within about a week i started feeling really depressed,just didnt have no interest in anything! i went back to the doctor and i have had to take another anti depressent which is weker than prozac and be gradually withdrawn of them,they things are definately bad tablets man,so dont bother with them