Well-Known Member
Today we will learn how to manipulate our plants for as little stress as possible!
Consider it Low Stress Topping
So seeing as how this is for the 'Advanced Marijuana Cultivator' I shouldn't have to make it simple.
But seeing as how we all smoke pot, I think I just might have to
At an internode, several forms of growth occur.
First there is a Compound Cannabis Leaf, made up of 1-13 Leaflets, attached to the stalk by a Petiole. Soon after a Stipule will appear, it is recognized as a very small thin green spike on each side of the internode.
I don't know what purpose a Stipule serves, if anybody could enlighten me, I am all ears!
After the stipule will emerge a Branch, which will start off it's own life as an independant plant. Whether it recieves it's energy from the stalk it's attached to, or if it's removed and induced to root and become a clone, it will act just as any other plant.
And after the Branch, you will find a Pre-Flower, or as I like to simply call it, a Flower.
It is a fucking flower, don't argue about it.
A female flower is recognizable by;
A sharp pod, the Calyx.
Two tiny hairs, the Pistils,
Fuzzy, Cystolith hairs,
In floral mode, trichomes will emerge from calyxes.
A male flower will look like several balls, on necks, that cluster up and eventually begin to open up, releasing pollen and revealing the male Cannabis Flower!
Wow I'm smoking some Wreck at 6:30am, sorry for rambling.
Topping plants induces stress, removing large leaves, developed branches, and healthy roots will all stress a plant. These are what make the plant what it is, and help it grow.
Topping a plant usually removes much growth that the plant has worked on recently.
Removing a large opened leaf will remove a % of foliage surface area, and handicap the plant's light intake.
Cutting off a developed branch is the same as topping, but will have less of a stressful effect.
So here's the method, thanks for reading
LOW STRESS TOPPINGBy folding back developing fan leaves, you can get inside the growth tip, and cut out the very smallest little leaf bud, topping the plant but removing so little growth that it won't even notice.
When a branch first appears on the plant, it will look like a little spike of baby green leaves. Once these leaves open up they will begin to feed the plant with captured light. By removing these branches as soon as they appear, the plant will have spent very little energy on growing them, and they won't have been feeding the plant.
This means little to no stress!
When a leaf first appears, it looks like a cupped spikey tip.
Inside that, you will find even smaller tips. If you remove an unopened leaf with a sharp blade, by cutting it at the petiole just like trim leaves, it will be removed from the plants list of growth. Most of the hormones and fluids will be designated for the branch that follows the removed leaf. Some energy will go throughout the plant, but for the most part the following branch will grow much fatter. You can combine this with branch removal to induce heftier branching elsewhere.
Those are your tools, gardener
Now you know how to remove the growth, how will you do it?
Well you need a plan.
Maybe your clone has several small leaves, but you only want 2 or 3 branches, without removing the leaves. This technique allows you to avoid stress in critical growth points, will still manipulating your plant extensively.
If you need a certain shape, and can't figure it out, just ask.Somebody will help you out, if not me.
Here is your average small clone
The dark green tissue has developed, and will stress the plant to remove.
The light green tissue is still developing, and will not delay the plant's growth to remove.
We want this clone to become a nice bush, with now stress and growth delay!
First of all we remove that very tiny growth tip, topping the plant with little stress.
Now in the picture, it looks like a big tip, but really you should be removing the very smallest tip of plant structure.
This has topped the plant with low stress if done correctly.
Next we decide we only want two main colas for now.
So we isolate our bottom two branches, and call them 'safe'.
Next we go up the plant, and at every node we remove the branch as it appears.
All the way to the tip.
When you 'topped' the plant, and removed all it's branches above the first two,
you left all of it's leaves behind to develop.
These will grow just like a regular plant, but will look funny as you notice the only growth tips are at the bottom. These extra leaves will induce such fat branching you will shit yourself.
Now let's say we want those two 'safe' branches to be even fatter!
This one goes back to the womb, so pay much much attention!
On the mother plant, isolate the branch that is to become your clone.
You will be removing some lower leaves/branches to fit in the cloning medium.
So figure out how much growth is to be removed, and mark the point in your memory. The next leaf is to be 'safe' while it's following branch is removed as it appears. The next two leaves after that point, are to be removed before they develop. But leave their branch tips. These will be the two colas on the clone.
Take the clone as usual, and grow it out. Train it as above, and all the energy from those removed leaves will be added to the new branches, inducing even fatter branching!
You could Low Stress Train the plant at this point, but the only purpose would be to get extra light to the new colas.
Much much rambling, but I hope I made myself clear.
If you have any questions, just post them here.
And if anybody has an idea on how this technique can be improved, post it here too.
By the way, this technique has been used extensively on the large Lemon Skunk in my journal down there, it only has 5 growth tips.
Have a great day RIU
Consider it Low Stress Topping
So seeing as how this is for the 'Advanced Marijuana Cultivator' I shouldn't have to make it simple.
But seeing as how we all smoke pot, I think I just might have to
At an internode, several forms of growth occur.
First there is a Compound Cannabis Leaf, made up of 1-13 Leaflets, attached to the stalk by a Petiole. Soon after a Stipule will appear, it is recognized as a very small thin green spike on each side of the internode.
I don't know what purpose a Stipule serves, if anybody could enlighten me, I am all ears!
After the stipule will emerge a Branch, which will start off it's own life as an independant plant. Whether it recieves it's energy from the stalk it's attached to, or if it's removed and induced to root and become a clone, it will act just as any other plant.
And after the Branch, you will find a Pre-Flower, or as I like to simply call it, a Flower.
It is a fucking flower, don't argue about it.
A female flower is recognizable by;
A sharp pod, the Calyx.
Two tiny hairs, the Pistils,
Fuzzy, Cystolith hairs,
In floral mode, trichomes will emerge from calyxes.
A male flower will look like several balls, on necks, that cluster up and eventually begin to open up, releasing pollen and revealing the male Cannabis Flower!
Wow I'm smoking some Wreck at 6:30am, sorry for rambling.
Topping plants induces stress, removing large leaves, developed branches, and healthy roots will all stress a plant. These are what make the plant what it is, and help it grow.
Topping a plant usually removes much growth that the plant has worked on recently.
Removing a large opened leaf will remove a % of foliage surface area, and handicap the plant's light intake.
Cutting off a developed branch is the same as topping, but will have less of a stressful effect.
So here's the method, thanks for reading
LOW STRESS TOPPINGBy folding back developing fan leaves, you can get inside the growth tip, and cut out the very smallest little leaf bud, topping the plant but removing so little growth that it won't even notice.
When a branch first appears on the plant, it will look like a little spike of baby green leaves. Once these leaves open up they will begin to feed the plant with captured light. By removing these branches as soon as they appear, the plant will have spent very little energy on growing them, and they won't have been feeding the plant.
This means little to no stress!
When a leaf first appears, it looks like a cupped spikey tip.
Inside that, you will find even smaller tips. If you remove an unopened leaf with a sharp blade, by cutting it at the petiole just like trim leaves, it will be removed from the plants list of growth. Most of the hormones and fluids will be designated for the branch that follows the removed leaf. Some energy will go throughout the plant, but for the most part the following branch will grow much fatter. You can combine this with branch removal to induce heftier branching elsewhere.
Those are your tools, gardener
Now you know how to remove the growth, how will you do it?
Well you need a plan.
Maybe your clone has several small leaves, but you only want 2 or 3 branches, without removing the leaves. This technique allows you to avoid stress in critical growth points, will still manipulating your plant extensively.
If you need a certain shape, and can't figure it out, just ask.Somebody will help you out, if not me.
Here is your average small clone
The dark green tissue has developed, and will stress the plant to remove.
The light green tissue is still developing, and will not delay the plant's growth to remove.
We want this clone to become a nice bush, with now stress and growth delay!
First of all we remove that very tiny growth tip, topping the plant with little stress.
Now in the picture, it looks like a big tip, but really you should be removing the very smallest tip of plant structure.
This has topped the plant with low stress if done correctly.
Next we decide we only want two main colas for now.
So we isolate our bottom two branches, and call them 'safe'.
Next we go up the plant, and at every node we remove the branch as it appears.
All the way to the tip.
When you 'topped' the plant, and removed all it's branches above the first two,
you left all of it's leaves behind to develop.
These will grow just like a regular plant, but will look funny as you notice the only growth tips are at the bottom. These extra leaves will induce such fat branching you will shit yourself.
Now let's say we want those two 'safe' branches to be even fatter!
This one goes back to the womb, so pay much much attention!
On the mother plant, isolate the branch that is to become your clone.
You will be removing some lower leaves/branches to fit in the cloning medium.
So figure out how much growth is to be removed, and mark the point in your memory. The next leaf is to be 'safe' while it's following branch is removed as it appears. The next two leaves after that point, are to be removed before they develop. But leave their branch tips. These will be the two colas on the clone.
Take the clone as usual, and grow it out. Train it as above, and all the energy from those removed leaves will be added to the new branches, inducing even fatter branching!
You could Low Stress Train the plant at this point, but the only purpose would be to get extra light to the new colas.
Much much rambling, but I hope I made myself clear.
If you have any questions, just post them here.
And if anybody has an idea on how this technique can be improved, post it here too.
By the way, this technique has been used extensively on the large Lemon Skunk in my journal down there, it only has 5 growth tips.
Have a great day RIU