Prune right before flower.


Well-Known Member
Good evening fellow agriculturists!

Have grown hundreds of plants in the past. Best yield outdoor was 18 pounds off 4 plants here in Appalachia. However. Haven't grown a thing since 2014.

Got a Chemdog Cookie gal in plain view of the road in a raised vegetable garden. It's started getting too tall. Am afraid by the time stretch and flower is over it'll be visible from the road. I did plant 3 rows of corn below it to hopefully create a privacy fence.

I'm considering taking 3 to 6 nodes off each top, likely cloning them and bringing under 18/6 for next year. Probably 3 weeks away from flowering but the looks of it. But again. I'm super rusty. This gonna fuck her up or make more bushy?

Is this a crazy idea? Had a friend years back that grew. He swore he cut them down hard-core right before flower and ended up with serious nuggage. Claimed he did it every time. Indoor of course. and was always super stuff. Made it sound like he cut of all but 2 or 3 of the lowest nodes per branch. Sound foolish? I've always wondered about it the last 15 years

Wondered about trying that on this gal.

Also thought about fimming the tops and see what it does. I know this wouldn't help my height issue

Thanks in advance. Gonna do something with her the next couple days.

Also, sad to say, where I'm at in southern kentucky, they should be full fledge flower by mid August. Yeah? Been way too long.


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i had friends back in the day, that used tent pegs and staked each branch back down to the ground, i used to come round and see it in flower was like looking at a six foot ground cover, with :weed: buds
Got her laid back down about a week ago. (First pic)

As of yesterday. (Second and third pic)

Thanks, y'all.


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Ought to start flowering anytime now... I'm curious about the aller leaves on the LST'd plant. That a genetic thing or possibly a root zone thing? I've only watered it, haven't fed it anything yet. Thinking I should.

Bad storms ravaged my others. Broke the piss out of them. My fault for not having them supported. Second pic is after I repaired one of them. Have not fed nor watered these.


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Ought to start flowering anytime now... I'm curious about the aller leaves on the LST'd plant. That a genetic thing or possibly a root zone thing? I've only watered it, haven't fed it anything yet. Thinking I should.

Bad storms ravaged my others. Broke the piss out of them. My fault for not having them supported. Second pic is after I repaired one of them. Have not fed nor watered these.
I feel your pain.
I live in the N GA mountains, and I've always struggled with weather. One of the major negatives growing outdoors.
always touch to see a nice plant get damaged.. happened more times than I can count.
good fencing/support routine goes a long way.
good luck the rest of the way!
Seems it has finally transitioned to flowering. Got a feeling she will go into November. They're calling for an early winter here too.

She's in a "Ruth Stout" bed going on its 6th year. I've gotten a bit lazy the last year. Have only given water thus far but would like to feed her a bit beyond the breaking down of mulch. What kind of teas do yall brew for flower? I have a good variety of clean amendments on hand and plenty of cow shit.

Would it be detrimental to cut 6 inches or so off of each top at this point in her cycle? She is stretching more than I'd planned for. Gonna pull the sides down one last time but the middle branches have nowhere to go.


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I've made cages made from 2" square wire fencing. I just roll it into a cylinder and place it around the plant. I then weave the branches through the mesh so that there aren't long sections of stem that are unsupported. Much better yield and reduces risk of wind damage.
I laid the sides down and spread things out a bit. Also trimmed the lower/inside a bit. Will likely trim more. I know indoors I'd strip it real good. Under the sun though, it's been such a long time for me, I'm going to let her tell me what to discard. Thinking she might be good to go for the most part. Thoughts?

Last picture is one of my neglected girls that the wind broke the top out of. I'll be cloning both of these very soon.

I didn't expect either of them to get this size to be honest with you all.


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I laid the sides down and spread things out a bit. Also trimmed the lower/inside a bit. Will likely trim more. I know indoors I'd strip it real good. Under the sun though, it's been such a long time for me, I'm going to let her tell me what to discard. Thinking she might be good to go for the most part. Thoughts?

Last picture is one of my neglected girls that the wind broke the top out of. I'll be cloning both of these very soon.

I didn't expect either of them to get this size to be honest with you all.
It's fine , outdoors the sun moves so the whole plant gets light. I read the Ruth Stout book and her methods are really cool. Perpetual, cheers HP
She's taking her sweet time but just keeps on stretching out I feel like. Glad I tied her down again when I did. She'd be visible from the road if not. I've sprouted beans and peas to hopefully keep my corn wall green thru harvest.

Hoping she's the kind that put in work the later half of flower. I could be impatient too. . She started throwing pistols mid August.


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