Pruned Feedback plz

so I pruned my oversized water leaves today since they were blocking all the new shoots and making them reach for light more. I didn't fully take off the water leaves I simply took all but one leave off still leaving the water leaf but letting light to the hidden shoots and LST some of the branches now... I have heared taking leaves off the water leaves can damage the plant as in .... it takes nutes away and those water leaves hold vital nitrogen... now did I do fine bye just pruneing off all but one of the petals (middle one) adding more light to the other shoots or did I just mess up badly? any feed back will be greatly appreciated. not to mention " my first grow "


Well-Known Member
It's never a good idea to remove to many leaves, they are the factories of the plant, btw the large leaves are callled fan leaves, not to be an a..hole.
ok ya I just trimmed the fan PETALS not the entire fan leave. and no your not all feed back is good feed back thanks.. but is what I did still bad? even to increase the light for other shoots? I did it to only about 5 of the fan leaves on each plant and lst'ed them.


Its been a heated debate prune or not to prune. I will tell you what works for me...PRUNE. I have pruned my last 3 grows and have never looked back. I have never had any kind of negative effect from pruning...its quite the contrary...the places where you trim will explode once they get that light. Those future bud sites will thank you later on. Thats what works for me...pruning and LST. Good luck...
Thanks bro I already did it any read up on it and seems pruneing and lst does wonders but that's from what ive seen but hope they do good my few that I did prune and lst'ed are already starting to reach upward its amazing what a plant can do in just 6 hours of light after lst.