Pruning flowering plants!? PICS


Well-Known Member
my girl is about two weeks into flower. im growing indoors with CFLs and soil. the large fan leaves are keeping some of the lower buds from getting light. The buds are still growing but would cutting off these large fan leaves help these buds grow larger?

please help, this is my first time growing and im so close to the dank!


Well-Known Member
I have read recomendations that say to cut off like 1/3 of the fan leaves when flowering... I have not tried this myself. From my experience the factor that seemed the most important was how thick the stem is on the budding off shoot (of course, the thicker the better).


Well-Known Member
It would be better to just put another light on the side rather than trim fan leaves (unless heat is an issue), the light from your top cfl's is going to have trouble penetrating the canopy all the way to the bottom of the plant regardless.


Well-Known Member
i would leave the leaves they will help your plant grow big, cut away the bottom shoots and let the top grow ,if a ''water leafe'' gets to big and really starts to block lifgt to imporant buds cut it just my 2 cents homie


Active Member
You need those big healthy leaves for photosynthesis to feed your plant, trimming big healthy leaves is *usually* not a good idea. It would be much better to just add more lights lower, or get better reflective material surrounding the plant.


New Member
I had to cut off about 4 giant fan leaves from around the bottom of my widow cause I couldnt get ANY light or air in there. I hadnt seen the stalk since it was like a week old... IMO thats really the only reason to trim leaves off. but ive heard other opinions. this one just works for me


Well-Known Member
Do not cut leaves or do any pruning unless essential. Everytime you remove a fan leaf, and pull her down for LST, etc you shock her, delaying hormones and lowering hormone levels needed for flowering, LST dosent slow her down nearly as much as cutting/topping/fimming, but with LST your directing hormones from newest top growth, moreso to tertiary and side horizontal growth.

If you need to move leaves for better light penetration, use the paperclip method or use twist ties to twist the plant, you can line up leaves along the length of the plant to allow better light penetration.
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Well-Known Member
Do not cut leaves or do any pruning unless essential. Everytime you remove a fan leaf, and pull her down for LST, etc you shock her, delaying hormones and lowering hormone levels needed for flowering, LST dosent slow her down nearly as much as cutting/topping/fimming, but with LST your directing hormones from newest top growth, moreso to tertiary and side horizontal growth.

If you need to move leaves for better light penetration, use the paperclip method or use twist ties to twist the plant, you can line up leaves along the length of the plant to allow better light penetration.
Good advice, thanks!:blsmoke:


Active Member
naw sometimes trimming leaves can put out a lot of strees on females. this also induces hermies... So if you do HAVE to trim make sure its only a few a day. i like to let the leaves fall off instead of cutting, but thats just me.