Pruning in Flower Cycle


So your saying if the buds are crunchy dry that the bacteria which eats the clorophyl arent dead? Im not sure I believe that. I am however going to test it in a few more weeks.

On the flushing, I believe i'll stick with using Florakleen. It is made and recommended by the manufacture and N.A.S.A Scientists for this purpose. It dissolves the salts and minerals more complete and faster than water alone. For a high ppm aggresive regime it is recommended to flush with Florakleen a minimum of 7 days. I am a firm believer in using products as they were intended to be used.
So your saying if the buds are crunchy dry that the bacteria which eats the clorophyl arent dead? Im not sure I believe that. I am however going to test it in a few more weeks.

On the flushing, I believe i'll stick with using Florakleen. It is made and recommended by the manufacture and N.A.S.A Scientists for this purpose. It dissolves the salts and minerals more complete and faster than water alone. For a high ppm aggresive regime it is recommended to flush with Florakleen a minimum of 7 days. I am a firm believer in using products as they were intended to be used.
You used the word anaerobic, which is wrong, it means without oxygen

And I'm the guy that wrote the Truth about flushing, so can't agree with ya on that one
Please explain why a low yielding, slow growing plant somehow taste better or something. When your plants started growing fast you get upset because you are opposed to heavy yields? I need a serious explanation from you masters why low yields are better? I will stick with healthy, fast growing plants.

Who growing slow low yeilding sickly soil plants? Generally soil plants attain better health and pest resistance.
So your saying if the buds are crunchy dry that the bacteria which eats the clorophyl arent dead? Im not sure I believe that. I am however going to test it in a few more weeks.

On the flushing, I believe i'll stick with using Florakleen. It is made and recommended by the manufacture and N.A.S.A Scientists for this purpose. It dissolves the salts and minerals more complete and faster than water alone. For a high ppm aggresive regime it is recommended to flush with Florakleen a minimum of 7 days. I am a firm believer in using products as they were intended to be used.

Dude I'm sorry but do you realize how stupid this sounds... N. A. S. A? Really,?? Nasa recommends Florakleen for flushing their tomatoes in space huh?? Come on man, just lol.

Didn't know nasa grows cannabis now..
Dude I'm sorry but do you realize how stupid this sounds... N. A. S. A? Really,?? Nasa recommends Florakleen for flushing their tomatoes in space huh?? Come on man, just lol.

Didn't know nasa grows cannabis now..

They grew a few lettuce under solid state led, fucking laughable, lettuce looked crap like three pissy leaves nasa is still a long way of being the experts here.
They grew a few lettuce under solid state led, fucking laughable, lettuce looked crap like three pissy leaves nasa is still a long way of being the experts here.

Did they flush their lettuce with fucking Florakleen?.... Lol

That sound so ridiculous...
So your saying if the buds are crunchy dry that the bacteria which eats the clorophyl arent dead? Im not sure I believe that. I am however going to test it in a few more weeks.

On the flushing, I believe i'll stick with using Florakleen. It is made and recommended by the manufacture and N.A.S.A Scientists for this purpose. It dissolves the salts and minerals more complete and faster than water alone. For a high ppm aggresive regime it is recommended to flush with Florakleen a minimum of 7 days. I am a firm believer in using products as they were intended to be used.
Dude please for the love of god will you shut the fuck up about nasa and pro growers you know. You reference nasa more than a fuckin astronaut.
Im sorry some of you dont understand. N.A.S.A. Is basically who developed GH formulations. Former N.A.S.A. Botanist Dale Chamberland does grow cannabis in Colorado. He also owns and runs High Altitude School of Hydroponics. When using GH products it is recommended to flush with Florakleen for a minimum of 7-10 days! Am I the only one that reads and follows directions. People use products incorrectly, leave out steps, leave out products and wonder why they dont get the same results others get. I never said N.A.S.A. says to use florakleen. I said they helped delevop GH products. This is why N.A.S.A. uses GH. That and they know great products. If anyone is the authority on plants its N.A.S.A. Botanists. I wonder how many here work or worked for N.A.S.A.
Dude I'm sorry but do you realize how stupid this sounds... N. A. S. A? Really,?? Nasa recommends Florakleen for flushing their tomatoes in space huh?? Come on man, just lol.

Didn't know nasa grows cannabis now..
Well they should, could you imagine the ISS with a big bong floating around and everyone getting high. Hell I'd go :).
Oh here we go... "you can't grow because you only grow autos nonsense".lol please spare me the useless, baseless attacks and do your best to stay on the subject here.
You auto loving bastard, you should be banned just for that......actually made me laugh out loud when I read that question ..... Fuck.
Im sorry some of you dont understand. N.A.S.A. Is basically who developed GH formulations. Former N.A.S.A. Botanist Dale Chamberland does grow cannabis in Colorado. He also owns and runs High Altitude School of Hydroponics. When using GH products it is recommended to flush with Florakleen for a minimum of 7-10 days! Am I the only one that reads and follows directions. People use products incorrectly, leave out steps, leave out products and wonder why they dont get the same results others get. I never said N.A.S.A. says to use florakleen. I said they helped delevop GH products. This is why N.A.S.A. uses GH. That and they know great products. If anyone is the authority on plants its N.A.S.A. Botanists. I wonder how many here work or worked for N.A.S.A.

Of course they recommend it... How else are they going to convince you to buy their bottle of sugar water with 2 drops of blue#2 food coloring for $10 if they don't recommend it.

High altitude school of hydroponics... Lol. A grand Institute of higher learning, I wonder how many botanists got their doctor of science degree from that prestigious institution.

Ya those nasa botanists, they know their plants... No other botanists in the whole world are a good as those guys.Ya the entire commercial agricultural world can't hold a candle to the prestigious nasa botanists. The saddest part is you are actually believing all this hype, but who cares. GH does make fine nutrients I'll hand you that, but it's not because of nasa or some crackpot in Colorado running a "school" of hydroponics, just lol.
For every person the posts "proof" that defoilating works, there is another that posts "proof" that it doesn't, and is actually detrimental.

Honestly the picture that was posted here by Afghan king as supposed proof is less than compelling and and really proves nothing, anecdotal evidence thats no better than mine or the next persons.

My plants grow dense buds all the way to the dirt nearly and I don't defoilate until the very end. So there's my anecdotal evidence, and it's as good as anyone's.
Nd the reason for this is exactly what mean and @chronicals77 have been saying you have to do it on time or it will be detrimental exactly why there are so many controversial opinions I've seen the side by side on rooms of 180 plants it's night and day there's reason at the warehouse they pull 2.3 a light every time with over 20 diff strains in the same room ranging from cbd, cookie strains, bubba kush, ogs everything and still 2.3 a light but hey don't wanna do it don't do it keep dealing with airflow and light penetration issues can't force anyone to do anything. You just have to pick your days you do it right or you'll fuck up but again no issues if u don't wanna it's all good no worries from this side lol
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Dale Chamberland(former N.A.S.A Botanist/owner and Dean of High Altitude School of Hydroponics(H.A.S.H.) says cannabis grown DWC is supperior in everyway to soil grown plants. He grows DWC only. Thats enough for me, I have enough sense to not argue plants with a N.A.S.A. Botanist/Scientist. A person must change and evolve with the times or be left behind. This is true no matter what you do.
While hydro can be better I've found a nice mix right in the middle. I essentially run tupur which is a coco mixed with organic matter from Oregon and perlite. I use pots like soil have dishes that I don't empty after I feed. So effectively I run a flood to drain setup but it's neither soil nor hydro truly and get amazing results quality out this world and root balls that are massive. Hydro can be too sensitive sometimes the buffer on the roots helps alot. Idk again it's what I do and love but no one way to grow for sure but there are tricks for each way that help
Ok good we're back on track with the pruning. So I'm confused, is the defoilation thing about light and air or is it about increasing yield? And if its about penetration would it not be just as good to leave enough room between plants for light and air to get yield? Do you pull your leaves off even if they are getting plenty of light down below the upper canopy to increase yield. Asking afghan BTW, pretty sure he's got a bit of experience with the indoor thing.
Ok good we're back on track with the pruning. So I'm confused, is the defoilation thing about light and air or is it about increasing yield? And if its about penetration would it not be just as good to leave enough room between plants for light and air to get yield? Do you pull your leaves off even if they are getting plenty of light down below the upper canopy to increase yield. Asking afghan BTW, pretty sure he's got a bit of experience with the indoor thing.
Yield is main purpose for doing it but light penetration and air flow are great perks that come with it and all the plants at the warehouse are pretty crammed they honestly don't give enough room for each light to fit 4 per but still pull weight regardless. That being said we did pull more weight per light when we had more room per plant like we only had 25 lights on in 45 light room when plant count was lower and we averaged 2.5 a light. You want them to have space but at the same time make sure all plants are touching to give even canopy. Spacing works but any space that doesn't have plant their is a wasted space in my opinion if it's getting good light